For children who cross-dress and their families

Recruiting: I am not leaving a guestbook or e-mail address because I do not want you to think I'm recruiting children. I am trying to put together a page that will have some information for children who cross-dress, but I'm not trying to encourage children who have no interest in this sort of thing to dress like members of the opposite sex.

Homosexuality: I do not know how much of a connection there is between cross-dressing and sexual orientation. I like to wear some types of women's clothing, but I have no interest in engaging in homosexual activity. (I believe I once read in a letter to Ann Landers that three-quarters of all cross-dressers are "straight.") I don't know how accurate data concerning sexual orientation and cross-dressing are, since homosexuals and cross-dressers are likely to be reluctant to talk about what are very personal and potentially embarrassing matters.

Deuteronomy 22:5: This passage from the Bible is sometimes used to condemn cross-dressing. However, it also is used by some to condemn women who wear pants. Others claim it only condemns cross-dressing for homosexual purposes. I think that, if it is to be interpreted as condemning male-to-female cross-dressing, even for non-homosexual purposes, then it should also be interpreted as condemning women who wear pants. I would ask those who hold to a strict interpretation of Deuteronomy 22:5 what the punishment should be for a man or boy who puts on a dress or skirt, or for a woman or girl who wears pants.

Links: As I find sites that are useful and appropriate, I will link to them here. Useful and appropriate sites are those that have no pornographic pictures or literature, yet deal with the issue of cross-dressing in children.

Psychology: I am not a psychologist. If there are any sites out there put out by psychologists that deal exclusively with this issue in a tasteful and interesting manner, I will consider linking to them.


A family support group for children and teenagers with gender identity issues.

A teenage boy in the Netherlands is becoming a girl.

Ali the 6ft schoolgirl who hides an extraordinary secret
An article from 1999 about a teenage boy in England who is planning to become a woman.

Dogpile. All results, no mess.
Dogpile. All results, no mess.