Away From Reality

"I ran and ran and ran. Away from them, away from home, away from reality.
All I wanted to do was get out of there.
I hated it when they argued. They could have at least done it when I was not around. Why couldn't they be like normal parents?
I just could not stand it any longer.
I screamed at them, "Shut up!"
Tears gushed down my face.
Mum and Dad stood speechless, staring at me.
I flew out of the door and along the cobbled path.
They were rowing again by the time I had reached the little, wooden gate of my front garden.
I didn't stop running until I found a little bridge.
I peered into the clear water below it and saw..."

This snippit was written by Stacey Anne Powers, Oceanside California:

"....a pair of eyes looking at me from beneath the murky depths of the water. They were not my eyes, for the eyes in the water looked old and worn out. As I watched these eyes, I saw a hand shoot out of the water. Then I heard a yell from underneath the water. It said........"

To write a snippit for this story write about four sentences carrying on from the end of it.
Please Email your snippit to along with your name and the country you live in. Please type "Away From Reality" in the subject box, so I know which story your snippit is for.
