The Break-In

"It was about mid-night.
Lying in my bed, I heard a smash and a shatter of glass from downstairs.
Footsteps along the corridor, now coming up the stairs.
My forehead sweating and my body shaking all over, I pulled my cover over my head and prayed not to be harmed.
Footsteps on the landing.
I peered in to the darkness of my room, too frightened to breathe.
My bedroom door slowly opened..."

This snippit was written by Katie, uk:

"...The shadow of a figure swept across the floor. slowly they stepped inside my room.
A chill rushed down my spine as I peered up at the masked stranger.
Gloved hands shot out and grabbed me, slinging me over the man's shoulder. He dashed out of the door, but I took hold of the door frame. He pulled and pulled at my arms and just when I thought I could hold on no longer..."

This snippit was written by Billly Vincent , Mounds Oklahoma:

"...To my surprise, the door facing came off in my hands. The intruder continued to carry me off and, in a last dich effort, I smacked him with the piece of thin wood in my hands..."

To write a snippit for this story write about four sentences carrying on from the end of it.
Please Email your snippit to along with your name and the country you live in. Please type "The Break In" in the subject box, so I know which story your snippit is for.
