Playing Dr. With Mr. Next Door
By Storysman

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Kathy closed the blinds with trembling hands. She was nervous, yes, but more so excited. She nearly tripped as she went to the next window, her heart pounding in her chest as she moved.

"Ok, honey. It's time to go outside." she cooed to her young daughter.

"I don't want to go outside." she replied.

"Mommy wants you to go outside, just for a little while." she pushed her daughter slightly towards the door, but she just grabbed onto her black micro jogging shorts. "Go on, it's good to play outdoors." She reassured.

The little girl gave in, and headed out the door. Kathy drew the curtains, and noticed her palms were sweaty. She moved to each window, closing the blinds enjoying her tingling body. Her heart seemed to stop as she saw the picture of her husband on the dresser. She loved him so much.

She went into the bathroom to wipe her hands. As she dried them in the towel, she avoided her image in the mirror. She knew Jack was coming. What she didn't know is if they would make love.

Jack lived next door. And for the three years Kathy and her husband Alan had lived next to him, they had barely exchanged words. He was attractive, but Kathy was loyal to her beloved husband, despite her past adventures of having sex with many men. She sensed Alan was jealous of him, and probably justly so. Alan just wasn't as attractive, and Jack's constant parade of sex partners only spurred Alan's self-doubts and insecurities.

Kathy walked back to the doorwall, and pulled the curtain slightly aside. Her daughter was caught up in a game with the little boy who lived behind them. Kathy closed the drape, and sat on the couch. Her bare legs felt a bit of a chill from the fabric. She had turned the air conditioning up, not because the day was hot, however. She looked at her chest, her hard nipples offering the proof of the cold. She fell back into a cushion. She had run 10 miles that morning, but wasn't tired. She knew part of the reason was because she was in shape, and few people could guess her thin frame and toned muscles went through two childbirths. The other reason she wasn't tired was because she met Jack on her run.

She didn't think anything of it when he fell in beside her, matching her stride and pace. But his pulsing muscles and deep, masculine grunts suddenly struck her with the notion of what he must be like in bed. She began to image his rhythm transferred from a steady jog to a steady thrusting of his penis into her cunt. She imagined his strained look above her naked body instead of beside her. She imagined his stamina lasting through three orgasms...

It seemed a friendly gesture to invite him over for lemonade. So why was she closing the windows and kicking out her child? Why was she thinking of committing adultery and seducing the man? She squirmed at the thought. A few years ago, she loved the game of seduction. Driving a man into a sexual frenzy was almost better than the sex itself. But for three years now she had been limited to sex with one man. Her powers as a seductress had gone unused.

The door knocked. Kathy's heart thumped with the pounding. She straightened her half-shirt and went to the door. Jack entered with a casual hello. Kathy guided him to the kitchen, and poured his lemonade. She hid her shaking hands from him. She glanced at the clock. 2PM. Three hours until her husband came home. Three hours... three years...

She moved towards Jack, his glass in one hand, the pitcher in the other.

"None for you?" he asked.

"I have to do my stretches first." She was lying. She didn't stretch after a run.

She moved into the family room, and lifted her leg to the counter. She rubbed her hands along the long, smooth, tanned length. Jack watched her intently, and sipped his lemonade. She grasped her toes, and stretched her head toward them. She held a few moments, and seeing that Jack was watching as intended, released. She lifted her right leg as she turned to his direction. She brought it over her head a moment, realizing full well the high- cut micro shorts didn't have a prayer at covering her pantyless crotch. She let the leg fall to the counter, and let out an "ooh" as she stretched.

Jack was chewing on his ice, still watching. Ok, Kathy, you've got his attention. Do you want to fuck him? She answered her own question by bending over. Her tight half-shirt revealed ample cleavage. Combined with her severe nipple-protrusion, and she knew her breasts were at their best. She stretched to her toes with several successive bounces, then stood back up. She turned around, and bent over again, hoisting her ass slowly upward as she carefully bent down.

Jack wasn't moving. Kathy finished, walked to the table, and took an ice cube from his glass. His reaction said "Yes." He might move slowly, not wishing to advance on this wife too quickly, but he was under her spell. Kathy sucked the ice cube, then rubbed it across her forehead, then down her neck and onto her chest. She collapsed in the chair next to Jack.

"Ooh, I'm exhausted. And soo hot."

Jack patted her thigh. "You did great out there." Kathy opened her legs, and Jack, testing the waters, let his hand rest on her bare flesh. He continued to watch the ice cube glide against her lightly freckled chest. The drops ran down, converging into a stream between her breasts.

"I just need to relax..." she said.

Jack, realizing no offense was created by the placement of his hand, began stroking her thigh. Kathy gripped the ice cube, and let her hand rest.

"I'm too tired to move..."

"Would you like me to do that for you?" Jack asked. He expected her to laugh, figuring she was just flirting.

"Would you?"

His cock shifted, spurred by the notion it might actually be called into action. Jack took the ice cube from her hand, and began moving it across her chest.

"Mmmmm." relaxed and closed her eyes.

Kathy's shirt was getting considerably damp, clearly showing the outlines of her tits. The pink of her nipples was starting to peek through the white fabric.

The ice cube slipped, wedging itself between Kathy's breasts. Jack paused, knowing this was a tricky moment. He pulled the shirt down slightly and placed his fingers on the cube, resting the unused ones on her left breast. He allowed to cube to slip again. Kathy squirmed at the cold. The cube fell between her legs, an inch away from her crotch. Jack reached for the cube. He didn't make contact with Kathy until he closed his fist over the ice. His thumb wedged against her right leg, his pinky against her left. Jack could she the folds of her cunt through her shorts. Kathy's legs closed slightly.

"My, that tickles!"

"Really?" Jack wiggled his hand. Kathy's legs clamped harder, "Ooooh....," then released. Jack maneuvered the ice cube against her bare leg. Kathy shrieked and thrashed her head, but didn't move from the chair. Jack moved it to the other leg, and began sliding it up and down her thigh.

"Uhh ... stop.. stop... uh..." Jack knew her voice rendered her words untrue. His penis quickly reached full erection as he realized this married woman was ready to fuck him. His simple morning flirt was going to pay off! She arched in her seat and drew a deep breath, expanding her chest. Drips of water ran under her leg, a glistening stream stretched from above her knee to her crotch. Kathy gripped her seat, and felt a tingling shoot its way up from her cunt and through her nipples. She drew loud, short breaths with his strokes.

Jack worked the other leg, leaving a cold moist trail between her twitching legs. He moved the cube to her crotch, and pressed it against her shorts.

"OHHHHH!" Kathy nearly jumped out of her seat. Jack pressed it into her folds, then palmed the cube and cupped her pussy. The cube wedged between her opening and the shorts. Jack's fingertips slipped under the fabric, tickling her cunt.

"Uhh! Uhh! Ohhh!" Kathy trashed her head wildly, still grasping the chair. Jack moved his hand up her stomach, the trail of water dripping as he moved.

"I'm sorry. I've gotten you all wet."

Kathy interrupted her gasps to utter, "Mm-hmmm."

"You look really hot..." he whispered. "this should help you cool off..."

Jack, still palming the cube, slid his hand under her half-shirt. He moved the cube onto her left nipple and groped her breast with his fingers. In a continuous, flowing, massaging motion her moved his hand over her breasts. The action lifted her shirt over her large, bobbing, glistening tits. The cube had almost completely melted, but Jack managed to dampen every inch. Once the cube was gone, he continued to move and caress her dripping breasts. He pulled on the half-shirt, and Kathy lifted her arms as he pulled it off her. Her fully free breasts jiggled as she lowered her arms. Jack moved out of his seat and straddled her. He took her right nipple in his mouth, sucking up the water. He flicked his tongue over the droplets, tasting her flesh.

The doorwall opened.

Jack stood up in a flash. Kathy turned her head to see her daughter walk in.

The little girl hadn't seen them, her eyes were focused straight ahead. But in a moment she took her head and saw her topless mother sitting before a man.

"Mommy?" she asked.

"Jill! I thought I told you to play outside!" Kathy's mind raced with fear.

"I was thirsty."

Kathy froze with panic.

"Whose that?" little Jill asked, pointing to Jack.

"Um.. um... " Jack stammered.

"He's the doctor!" Kathy offered. "He's making sure mommy is ok."

"Are you sick?"

"I'm ok He's just checking me out..."

"Why can I see your boobies?"

Kathy had undressed in front of her young daughter numerous times. 'Boobies' was the name she used to refer to the rather large bumps on her chest.

"The doctor is checking my boobies, to see if they're ok."

"Are they hurt?" Jill asked.

Kathy stood up, her boobies jiggling. "They're fine, dear." She poured her daughter some lemonade. "Now go outside, ok?"

Jill took the glass and went back out the door.

"That was close..." Kathy sighed as she watched her daughter.

"You know, I haven't finished checking your boobies..."

Kathy turned toward Jack and smiled. "Why don't you do a taste test?"

Jack pulled her to him, and sucked on her right nipple ferociously.


Jack circled his tongue, nibbling and mouthing her tit. Kathy ran her hands through Jack's hair as his hands massaged and squeezed her breasts. Kathy knew there was no turning back, but felt no remorse at the realization. She was going to fuck this man -- on the table if need be. She was going to let this man push his swollen cock into her aching cunt. And she knew she would let him do it again. And again. A thud from outside made Kathy pull back. Just the kids...

"Why don't we continue this exam somewhere more private?"

"Mmm. I want my patients to be comfortable..." Jack said as he rubbed her buttocks. Her nipples continued to tingle after he broke the touch. Her cunt pulsed with excitement as he smiled. They got up and walked down the hall. Jack pushed her through the first doorway.

"No, not here! This is the baby's room!"

Jack noticed a sleeping infant in a crib. He felt a wave of excitement at the thought of fucking it's mother right in front of it.

"It's perfect." He closed the door, then pulled her to him and kissed her. Kathy melted into his arms. She began to realize that she wasn't the one seducing him. He had seduced her. All those nights he led beautiful women from his car to his front door. All the moments she had watched as he kissed a woman longingly on his porch. It should have been her. She was the one that should have been with this magnificent beast.

His hands kneaded her buttocks as they locked together. Her bared breasts formed a soft cushion between them. Kathy began to anticipate his hot sperm shooting into her. Protection was absolutely out. She wondered about having his baby. Could she pass it off as her husband's? The thought squirmed all the way down between her legs.

"Um, doctor?" Kathy queried between kisses.


"I was wondering if you can take a look at my..."

"At your what?"

"Sorry, it's embarrassing for me." she playfully continued. "Can you look at my..." she pointed to her crotch.

"Your vagina?"

"My cunt."

Jack smiled at her blatant sexuality. "Any particular concerns?"

"Hmm, well, a have a dull throbbing ache."

"I see..." Jack began rubbing her cunt. "Does this help?'

"Uhhh. Yes... That feels good."

"I think I know the problem." Jack knelt to his knees and ripped down her shorts.

"Ok, I'm going to probe the inside of your vagina, um, cunt. Please indicate the sensations you feel." He slide a finger into her wet pussy.

"Ohh. Ohhh."

"Is that good?"


Jack moved his finger in and out, drenching it in her juice.

"Ohh Ohh Ohhh..."

Jack spread her opening wide, and began licking her clit.

"UUUHHH! Oh that's good! Oh that's good!"

Jack kissed, licked, and sucked around her pussy for several minutes, his hand reaching up and rubbing her breasts. Kathy screamed in ecstacy as he brought her to orgasm.

"Oh yes! Oh yes! Oh God!"

It was a few moments before she realized the crying baby. Jack didn't seem to notice over of the slurping, sucking sounds his mouth created.

"Stop... stop, Jack." Jack pulled his head away. He watched Kathy move to the crib. He was struck by the sight of this beautiful, nude mother leaning down to her child. Her breasts swung forward and dangled over the baby's head. Her dripping cunt arched itself into the air.

"There, there.. It's ok." Kathy tucked in her child. The sleepy infant subsided it's crying after Kathy had subsided her moans. She looked at her precious little boy, born 4 months ago. She really shouldn't be having sex in front of her son, especially when it wasn't with her husband!

A warm, hard object pressed between her buttocks. It was Jack's penis. "How's that throbbing?" he asked.

Kathy's sexual energy returned in a flash. "Hmm. It's still there. Maybe you need a bigger probe..."

"Lets' try this!" Jack thrust into her from behind, almost sending her into the crib. She caught herself on the rails as Jack pushed his cock into her.

"Ohhh ohhh yeah. Much better..."

Jack held her at the waist, pounding her cunt with rapid, fluid thrusts.

"Uhh.. Uhh..." he grunted. Those same grunts from the run! Kathy leaned her head back, feeling his cock swell inside her. Her breasts bounced wildly back and forth, slapping against her body. She gripped the rails tightly, and looked down at her son. Her focus hazed as Jack increased his pace.

"Oh fuck me! FUCK ME!" she yelled. The crib started rocking with Jacks thrusts, and started banging against the wall. His penis pounded into her, penetrating and filling her smooth sheath. He was trying desperately to hold his cum. He wanted to savor this moment of fucking a mother over her child. He had always wanted to fuck Kathy, but figured she was married and the chance was slim. He had masturbated to her scantily-clad body on warm afternoons, but never figured her warm, wet cunt would one day tighten around his hard cock.

"Ooohh! Ohhh!" the moaned together. Kathy focused on her child stirring beneath her... beneath her bouncing breasts. Jack's humping increased in force, lifting the crib up on one end slightly. Kathy closed her eyes, reeling in the sensation of his hard cock slamming into her and the sounds of the banging crib. The child began wailing. Jack continued his rhythm, trying to climax before the child spoiled the mood, but Kathy tried to pull away. He held her at the waist, she tried to pull them off, but gave in again to the pounding cock. Jack slid his hands to her breasts, twisting and pinching her nipples.

"Oh yeah, oh yeah!" Jack seized up as the cum exploded into her. The spurts filled her cunt, and Kathy moaned softly as the warmed fluid lined her pussy. Jack stepped back, relishing his conquest. The child continued crying.

Jack stroked his cock as Kathy tried to comfort her child. But now he wouldn't stop crying. Eventually, she picked the child up, and cradled it to her naked bosom. Jack was struck again by this woman. A beautiful woman, naked in front of him with a suckling babe. Her gorgeous body, her bobbing breasts.... his sperm dripping down her legs.

Kathy walked around the room, bouncing her baby and cooing to it. It was starting to work. She kissed her quieting son, and gave Jack a lustful look.

"I think we'd better go somewhere else, doctor." The baby's mouth found a nipple and began sucking.

Jack got an idea. "Oh no. I think we are fine right here." He moved towards her...

Jill was thirsty again. The hot sun was quickly draining her body of fluid. Now in the front yard, she was about to go inside when a car pulled up.


Alan got out of the car, and hugged his daughter.

"Heya, precious. How are you today?"

"Good, daddy. I've been playing."

"I can see that! That's great! What's your mother doing?"

"She's with the doctor."

"Doctor? What doctor? Is she ok?"

"She's showing her boobies to the doctor."

Alan let go of his daughter. He knew the term 'boobies' meant his wife's breasts. His first thought was she might have cancer. He rushed to the door. He had taken two steps inside when he realized she wasn't having her breasts examined for lumps.

"Oh, Jack.. oh, Jack..." it was his wife's voice, her lyrical voice of sexual intercourse. Mixed in was a man's grunting. Shock and anger swept over him as he ran to the door and opened it.

He froze at what he saw. Jack's arms were around Kathy, his penis slowly pushing in and out of her cunt from behind as the two stood in the room. Their eyes were closed, their slow ecstacy blinding them to his presence. Alan walked in the room, his eyes focused on Jacks muscular buttocks thrusting into his wife, then up his wife's beautiful body and to her breast where instead of seeing Jack's groping hand, he saw his infant son's mouth clamped around her nipple...

------The End-----

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