Calendar of Events

For more information call: 217-854-4046

Sunday School
Sunday School starts at 9:00 AM, September through May. All children meet in Fellowship Hall for an opening prayer and song with Pastor Strope before being dismissed to their classrooms.

Bible Study
The Adult Bible Study class meets in Fellowship Hall at 6:30 PM Wednesdays, September through May. All are invited to attend this class.

Vacation Bible School
VBS is usually held in late June. There is always lots of fun, learning about God and activities for the children. We usually have around 50-60 children attend each year. VBS 2009 date has not been set yet so please watch your newsletters and bulletins for more information and to sign up.

Holly Jolly Playhouse
Holly Jolly Playhouse is held each year during Carlinville Christmas Market. This is a fun carnival of games for the younger children.Ww have face painting, decorate a cookie, make a funny hat, Christmas tree toss, Penguin bowling and more! All proceeds benefit children in the community through the Christmas Cradle program.

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