Strang Line        Neighborhood
The Strang Line area is located in North Overland Park of Johnson County Kansas, between 75th and 79th streets from Metcalf to Lowell.

We are a unique area of Overland Park as we were one of the first established areas to Johnson County.

The neighborhood steering committee adopted the name "Strang Line" in 1996, to distinguish our neighborhoods from other areas.

The name comes from the Strang Line railroad that ran through our area. The Strang Line Barn still stands on the corner of 79th and Santa Fe.

Welcome to the Strangline Neighborhood Web page

This is just another way to keep in touch with what's going on in our neighborhood.
Your input is always welcome.
Please send suggestions for comment and input to
Terri Jones - click on name to email.

Please note that the advertisements on the web page are not endorsed by either
The Strangline Neighborhood or the City of Overland Park.
To close the advertisement box click on the small >>> in the right hand corner.

Below you will find links to different areas of our web page. Click on the link to view.


* Current Neighborhood News -  GARAGE SALE 2006!! - Click here

Adopt A "Roundabout"

* Strang Line Steering Committee

* Calendar of Neighborhood Events

* Meeting Minutes

* Street Improvement Information

* Neighborhood Photos

*Strangline Web Page on City Sight


City of Overland Park

Overland Park chamber of Commerce

* Johnson County Library

* Shawnee Mission School District

* Johnson County Parks & Rec Dept.

* Overland Park Convention & Visitors Bureau

* Overland Park Fire Department


Theatre In The Park - Bring your blanket for
    great shows all summer long!
* Starlight Theater - Reserved seating and
    great shows all summer long!
* Historic Down Town Overland Park - Visit the     
    Farmer's market and other shops.
* Kansas City area farmer's markets -    This is a         list the area farmer's markets.
* The Nelson Art Gallery

To receive a newsletter and news online through your email please click on the name below and send an email to :

Terri Jones

and we will be happy to send you information as we receive it.

New Discussion Area!
And Neighborhood Link

If you have a question or issue regarding your neighborhood or anything else click this link -
Discussion Board

You will be able to post questions here and hopefully get answers back to your questions.

Also check out the other information on the Neighborhood Link Home page. You can add your own Home page about your family there and more. The link for just the home page is :

Strang Line Neighborhood Link