Hockey Forecheck System
by Gord Franklin

    I thought I might send this "tip" out. I've been using it all year & really enjoy what it adds to the game. Besides the fact ,that ratings are based on actual stats ;I don't have to depend on the subjectivety of defense ratings alone ,that too strongly affect the defense columns. This system of "Forechecking" should provide that extra column we've been wishing was on the cards!
      I'm using a 'Hit" rating with an actual "takeaway " rating which creates or fails on producing turnovers in the offensive/defensive zones. Hit ratings are the Int. rating & the "takeaway is the bracketed rating. This also includes pinching & introduces a "new" 2 on 1 situation ,along with the preferred triggerman '2 on'1 that I introduced a few years ago.[I think it was in Strat Fan. ]
       I don't think this method is perfect yet because the ratings have caused me to argue with myself! What I mean is that ;I'm not sure whether I should 1/2 the actual rating I come up with from my formula ;because of the 2 zone opportunities now. Normal defensive Int. which we all use , now an offensive opportunity to Int. makes me wonder if I should "juggle" the numbers a bit. People like Rob Gallamore & John McTernan hopefully can make some discussion on this.
      1st off : I marked all split deck rebound results that require no rating ;with FC or Pinch! Remember that if you are playing with 1 forechecker you cannot forecheck ;so the option is not available! If you are playing 2/2 -you may forecheck ,but cannot pinch! if you play 3/2 you may forecheck & pinch!If you are playing 3/3 you may also forecheck or pinch after any "Goalie Rating" that does not result in a stoppage of play,as well as the marked splits.
      Then there must be realistic opponents. So if the rebound or x- result is to the DRD -the forechecker will be a choice of OLW or OC. DLD 0pp- will be ORW or OC. DC rebounder ;the opp is the OC or OWinger of choice. The pinch is naturally risky ; but lets see how you coach! If the result of a rebound goes to the DRW- then the pinch is an option for the OLD. DLW opp. is ORD.
    The risks you ask??  Well -if a forecheck attempt fails;the forechecker is deemed out of any further action for the remainder of that action card Shanahan attempts to forecheck Mc Innis ,fails & the ensuing action card pick is inside shot for RW-Int. opp. Shanahan is "out of the play" so there will be NO INt. opportunity in the defensive zone. Also a penetration opportunity for Shanahans opp.will go undefended & the normal Strat rule allows an automatic inside shot for this player.
    A 'failed" pinch result will be as above ,or instead of picking an action card;the winger may attempt to create a 2 on 1. If he rolls his Boxed Assist Rating  on 1 six sided die; he sends his 2 linemates on a 2 on 1 vs the "lone" D'man.The Center will have control of this "breakout "pass. A "failed " breakout pass results in ;a lose puck - outside shot C. The 2 on 1 resolve : Player in control may take inside shot ,or pass for a bwky shot or inside shot with his linemate. A roll on a 20 sided within his Boxed assist rating produces a bwky shot for his linemate. Subtract the def'n's  defense rating from 17 =in this range the def'n breaks up the play.In between both ranges produces an inside shot for the linemate of the puck controller.
    This is what I've done:
    1] given all players a 2 fold Int. rating.One is based on hits per 82 games /25.The 25 was generated because ;15 is the highest number in the deck as is ;plus the 5 TAP ,or fails TAP -possible penalty results.The extra 5 won't meet anybody's logic but my own I'm sure!![I've basically penalized the split deck for offering 5 "gifts" for a takeaway ,by subtracting from the "rating'.]
    Pretty weird eh? The bracketed rating is a takeaway rating based on NHL stats.The Int. split number must fall within this range to produce an actual Takes Away puck result. If the split number only falls within the hit range then the Intimidating player has created a "loose puck" ,but no takeaway.
   2]created a 'loose puck' method of resolve. If the puck was "taken" away then the result is :takes away puck -has outside shot. If not taken away: but in the "hit" range:then its a result of" creates loose puck-resolve.  The opponents on loose pucks are OLW-DRD,OLD-DRW, DC-OC,DLD-ORW,DLW-ORD.  Take the split number on the top of the split card to determine opponents. 1-4 OLW,5-8 OLD, 9-12 OC,13-16 ORD,17-20 ORW. THe player in the offensive zone totals his Int.[Strat's] and offense rating vs the defensive players Int. plus defense rating.Outside shot if the off. wins;Control if the def.wins. A tie results in a faceoff in the zone!
    Now if you want to use Strat's present Int. system; go ahead .I know this looks rather long & complicated ;but its not really & plays out in seconds !!!
    My biggest change to Strat's cards I would like to see would be 2 defense ratings.1 that affects the defense column & 1 that affects penetration & rebounding. Why is that so tough?? I see Carbonneau  as a Defense 2 for the column & 4 for penetration & rebounding!! Where  Leclair would be 3 for forechecking on the card & 1 for pen & rebounding.
     Also - lets see "real" faceoff ratings for SH & PP!! I'll donate mine . Geez -I know this looks long , but it is really simple to use..

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