Welcome to the Web page devoted to promoting all that is good in the world!
This is my web page, me, Jenny Reed, the short one.
Email Me!
This website is devoted to all that i find good and fine about the world, be it Christopher Kennedy Masterson, Chocolate or my favourite film and book it will eventually be here. Please feel free to email me if i have left something off that you think should be included.
Try theses websites for a start...


Ok...hmmm where to start, ohhhhh i know! Christopher Kennedy Masterson and his equally fine brother Danny. Have you seen Cut throat Island? No!!!!! then watch it! and yes...he is Francis in Malcolm in the Middle
Neopets is just great! it seemed really childish at first, but now i am seriously hooked! Owning a neopets is a bit like owning a tamogotchi, only with so much more to do. You have a shop of your own and you trade in the Neopets currency, Neopoints. You can buy and sell stocks and shares (imaginary) and become a neomillionaire!
These are my neopets, sweet arent they!
In Neopets you can join Guilds, these are places where you can chat to people with similar interests, my Guild is the Strawberry Guild!
Fanfiction.net is another cool website. I especially like the buffy fanfictions as I am the biggest Spike fan in the entire world! Fans of various T.V programmes, films, Bands etc, write their own take on what is going on in the programme/film/band at the time, hence the title Fanfiction. My favourite is the Buffy the Vampire Slayer fiction, and judging from the amount of fictions there are for Buffy I think it is everybodys favourite as well.
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Please email me and give me your opinions!