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Book Four due for release on 16th February 2004.
Check out 'My latest Book' section for more information.

Last Updated: 1st March 2004. Article Added.

Hello! I'm Steve Stayner and I welcome you to the Strictly Barbel website. Although I have been an angler for more than 37 years now, the last twenty have been dedicated solely to the pursuit of what I and many others regard as the noblest of all British freshwater species - The Magnificent Barbel.

Unless you have accessed this site unintentionally, I am probably correct to assume that you also hold an interest in the species. And whether your own particular interest is yet to extend beyond its initial stages, or expanding all the way through to a full blown obsession, it is my intention to make this site informative and interesting to you. At present, however, as most of the material I am preparing caters for those anglers more familiar with the species, initially there will be less on offer to the beginner. Nevertheless, you can rest assured that, given the time; I shall endeavour to make this site as appealingly comprehensive to the Barbel angling novice and specialist alike.

In the meantime I would ask you all to be patient, to re-visit this site regularly, and to please pass comment - whether good, bad or indifferent - on any or all of its contents. Any comments, ideas, offers of article contributions, tackle reviews and / or pictures (scenic, atmospheric, or fishy) from other Barbel enthusiasts I will welcome gratefully. If you have any suggestions then please feel free to contact me via email at the address or telephone number given below. Would all visitors please also remember to sign the Guest Book before they leave; this should enable me to moniter the popularity of the site with a little more accuracy. Thankyou for visiting and

Welcome to www.strictlybarbel.co.uk
Email To: strictlybarbel@aol.com.
Tel 07092 363728 ( 9.00 AM to 6.00 PM UK Time only please)
Calls to this number are charged at 32ppm Peak, 22ppm off-Peak and 10ppm weekends. Please call only if you are resident in the UK
© Copyright 2001-2004 Steve Stayner.