Yes, there are terms and phrases that seem to be used only in Northeastern Pennsylvania.

Updated March 26, 2002.

biciggle – bicycle ("k" pronounced "g")

corpse house – a funeral home.

Halloweening – trick-or-treating. A trick-or-treater is referred to as a Halloweener. In addition to this unique terminology, there is the concept of the Halloweener going into the house and singing a song before getting candy or money. Most parts of the country people hand trick-or-treaters candy at the door without calling them inside. In the St. Louis, MO area, trick-or-treaters go into the people’s houses and usually recite a poem, but they don’t call it Halloweening.
I went Halloweening last night and got a buck-two-fifty.

hayna – ain’t it; variations: ayna, hain’t it, enna
That rollie coaster ride was cool, ayna!
Are you going out drinking tonight, enna or no?

I'll kiss your a** in the Globe Store window – a way to tell someone that you have absolutely no confidence in their success at a certain task
At the bowling alley, Todd told Francis, "If you make that split, I’ll kiss your a** in the Globe Store window."
or; an expression of graditude for a big favor.
If you give me a ride home from the Philly airport, I'll kiss your a** in the Globe Store window.
NOTE: Because the Globe Store used to be in downtown Scranton, and other cities had comparable stores, you can’t expect people in other parts of the country to refer to "the Globe Store". However, it doesn’t seem as though the concept of performing that deed in a large downtown department store window is common in any other part of the country.

Iron Polanders - a derogatory name for Polish National Catholics (I do not condone or endorse the use of racial, ethnic or religious slurs.)

left-legger - The story goes that if an alter boy kneels on one knee with his left knee on the floor, priests scold them. They say that Catholics kneel on their right knee, and Protestants kneel on their left knee (probably not true). Those familiar with this explanation sometimes call Protestants left-leggers.(I do not condone or endorse the use of racial, ethnic or religious slurs.)

mango – a green pepper. In the rest of the English speaking world, a mango is a tropical fruit. In Northeastern Pennsylvania, a green pepper is also called a mango.
We had stuffed mangos for supper.

Mrs. Dugan - a lady that comes to get bad kids. A woman named Mrs. Dugan once ran the House of Detention for juveniles in Scranton. Based on the origin, you can’t expect people in other parts of the country to refer to "Mrs. Dugan". However, it doesn’t seem as though the concept of telling children that a woman of a particular surname is coming to get them is common in any other part of the country.
If you don’t shut off the TV and get in here and eat supper, I’m calling Mrs. Dugan.

p*ss the beds – dandelions, based on the myth that if you pick dandelions, you will wet the bed.
The father told his child, "Don't pick those flowers, they're p*ss the beds."

pitnik – picnic
It ain't no pitnik bein' married to her.

popsiggle – popsicle ("k" pronounced "g")

Standing there like Callijah – Callijah was the name of a tobacco store Indian. If someone was standing dumbfounded, silent and motionless, they were standing like a tobacco store Indian.
When the cops came, after Stanley crashed his car, he just stood there like Callijah and didn't say a word to them.

Standing there with your teeth in your mouth – standing idle when someone needs your assistance
Don’t just stand there with your teeth in your mouth, help me move this chifforobe.

Wake up! There's ham in your pail! – Coal miners used to call their lunch boxes "dinner pails." My grandfathers used to take cottage cheese sandwiches for lunch in the mines. Ham was something really special. "Wake up, there's ham in your pale!" was basically a facetious statement, "Get out of bed and you'll have ham for lunch."

You look like you just got off of a boat! – You have the appearance of a newly arrived immigrant that just got off of a boat from Europe.

Posted March 24, 2000.

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