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Welcome to the "Strut'n Tom" web page.
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This site is dedicated to those poor souls who have taken it upon themselves to hunt the elusive Wild Turkey. On this page you will find hints, links and stories related to turkey hunting.

If you are not a hunter, the information on these pages will seem strange to you. You will not understand the attraction of getting up in the middle of the night to drive for hours, so you can hike for another hour to get to a spot in the woods before dawn, and then have a wild turkey ignore your calls. I am sorry! The answer is not on these web pages. Most hunters do not fully understand it either. It's a hunting thing! No one understands, especially my wife.

I hope you enjoy these pages and find some helpful information. I don't claim to be a professional turkey hunter, but some of what I have picked up over the past few years may help. And beleive me if you are going turkey hunting, you will need all the help you can get.

Move your mouse over the menu bar on the left side of the screen. Check out all that "Strutn Tom" has to offer.

Good hunting! Enjoy the woods and learn from them!

Hunt with your kids and you will never have to hunt for your kids!