It's a HOBBY!

This is a note primarily for my family, colleagues, and those of my friends who don't understand this.

If you are about to email me and ask why I've bought another old banger instead of a nice little Fiesta or Micra or something, please don't.

I enjoy owning and driving older cars. Moderns I've driven have perhaps been more reliable than my old cars, but also considerably more expensive to own and run, and deeply, deeply boring.

I enjoy being in a car and knowing that I'm not going to see another one like it on the road. I don't like modern "sporty" (that is, hard) suspension. I like the individuality of older cars. I don't like modern gadgets like electric windows, which weigh a lot, blunt performance and fuel consumption, and don't add anything to the driving experience. I even like it when things don't quite work properly, and the risk of a breakdown. Perfection is not attractive.

Oh and yes, I am a sick, twisted, masochistic pervert.

Thanks for listening.

All content copyright (c) 1998-2005 Stuart Hedges
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