Stubble Interview By Ron Baybemon

I caught up with guitarist Tom Price of Seattle's Gas Huffer before their show at Lupo's in Providence. Besides music these guys also make comics, that's what you might call cool or weird. Kinda like this interview...

Ron: What is a Gas Huffer ?

Tom: A teenage or pre-teenage kid who has run out of cheap marijuana, so he has resort to inhaling whatever he can find in the garage.

Ron: Where do you think JFK's brain is ?

Tom: Its in the lab... I think Ted's got it in a jar, and he'd better start using it.

Ron: How about Hitler's brain.

Tom: I think Hitler is still alive in Paraguay and I think ... I think maybe Hitler has JFK's brain and he's just waiting to find something interesting to do with that. I don't think JFK's brain would be of much use cause its got a big hole in it.

Ron: What's The best band from Seattle we haven't heard of ?

Tom: That's really hard to say cause there are a lot of really good bands out there. Steel Wool should be the big college radio hit, way bigger than us but as they pass by us all we ask is that they shift to one side.

Ron: What's the most important thing "One Inch Masters" (Their new album) has accomplished for the band ?

Tom: It's sold more than our previous records and therefore it should earn us a lot more money so we can put down payments on a houses, cars, caviar, or something. But beyond that its startling artistic breakthrough.

Ron: Have you made any videos ?

Tom: We have made 3. The first one was "Tot Cakes" the single we did for SubPop and it was a low budget thing that was only seen in Seattle. Then we made another video for a song called "Bedtime For Freaky" which was directed by Matt Scarret. Then we did one for "Crooked Bird" off "One Inch Masters" which should be airing in 1995 on MTV.

Ron: I thought you would hate MTV.

Tom: We still hate MTV but you have got to know the difference between wine and fine champagne. We don't suck up to anybody but The Cramps.

Ron: Is there a correlation between the comic and the album ? Is it just that they both have the same name ?

Tom: The correlation is simultaneous time release. Each album has its own comic, a companion piece. It's a reward for vinyl cause it comes with the album.

Ron: I got the cassette from Epitaph then paid 3 bucks for the comic only to find another comic mailed to us last week. Final Comments ?

Tom: We had a lot of fun last time we played in Providence and I'm sure we will have a wonderful show for you.

Matt: I would like to say duck! (Matt is the vocalist)

Don: I would like to say get a shave.(Don is the bassist)

Joe: Sober up. Look behind you. Don't drink and walk. (Joe is the drummer)

Ron: That's Gas Huffer !!!!