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Caietul de electronica

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This page is under construction. If you have any question or suggestion please send me an e-mail. Also you can sign my Guestbook... Aceasta pagina este in constructie. Pentru intrebari sau sugestii va rog trimiteti-mi un e-mail. Deasemeni, semnati in Cartea de oaspeti...

Hello and welcome to my personal homepage. Here you can find easy to build circuits with full description and diagramms. Because my English is quite poor, few of the pages are in Romanian language... "Caietul de electronica" is a collection of interesting articles selected by me from WWW and Romanian electronics magazines. I hope you enjoy the tour to this site and don't forget to sign my guestbook.

Bine ati venit in pagina mea personala! Aici veti putea gasi: o multime de scheme si montaje electronice selectate de mine de pe Web si din publicatiile romanesti dedicate electronicii; proiecte realizate de mine; o pagina de download cu cateva programe CAD utile; link-uri favorite; formule de calcul, tabele etc.;

Daca va place pagina, nu ezitati sa-mi trimiteti un e-mail si sa o recomandati unor prieteni...

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