Why Disney Needs Anger Managment These pics are proof that Disney needs an anger management class. Or, go back

1. Here's someone we all know, if you think he doesn't need anger management, I think you need help.
2. She need anger help, but instead of asking for it, she turned into a big smelly dragon and started eating people. Tisk tisk.
3. They're from Oliver and Company, they're those big stupid dobies with anger problems. See for yourself.
4. Here's an example of two good people, well in this case lions having a disagreement and using thier teeth instead of thier words. OH WHEN WILL IT END!!!
5. Even the smallest people need anger management sometimes.
6.The cubs even need it!
7. So many angry dogs!
8. Once again, proof that even the little people need help.
9. Okay, we all know that Scar had anger problems, but I think that it runs in the family.
10. Hyenas and lions being unreasonable!
11. She terrorized the ocean for many years. Even fish need anger help.
12. Somebody got angry at Robin Hood didn't they?
13.Mr. Ugly Cyote Man is angry because Robin Hood is so much handsomer than he is!
14. Okay Fox and the Hound, there were many exsamples in this movie, but I only found a picture of one.
15. His hair is made out of fire! Cool, yes, a real sign that he has anger problems, yes.
16. He went off and wished himself into the form of a giant genie. Angry? I think so.
17. He really liked to shoot people. That is definatly not nice!
18. Big angry kitty!
19. These guys may or may not need anger help, but I think they are creepy!
20. In the movie Fantasia, there is a scene where dinosaurs exhibit irrational bahavior.
21. She gave stepmothers a bad name!
22. Rats, the victim and bringers of anger!
23. Even more proof about rats.
24. There is definatly something wrong with this kid...
25. This lady was once a beautiful queen, but then she turned into a witch!