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Check this out -Home income!!! India’s first exclusive cartoon channel on the web is launched





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India has just been presented with her first web-based cartoon channel – Edward De Bono, the father of Lateral Thinking and one of the most influential thinkers of all time, graced the event. It was a momentous occasion – a day when the cartoon world came into its own in India.

To understand why the launch of a cartoon channel is such a big deal, lets look at what makes the cartoon so popular? I guess there are three main features:

- “A picture is worth a thousand words”. A cartoon is intuitive to understand and takes only a moment to assimilate unlike other editorial pieces (including this one?).

- Due to its entertainment value, the impact of a cartoon is far reaching and as a medium for conveying a message, it is invaluable. Why do you think, Dilbert is so famous?

- A cartoon is a piece of art. It allows people of varying interests to enjoy it at various levels. No matter how much you have seen a cartoon, you’ll always find that there’s a deeper layer waiting to uncover more of the cartoonist’s mind. This ability of the cartoon to endear itself to both the casual observer and the interested person creates an universal appeal for it. You’ll usually find people paying attention to the cartoons before anything else on a paper or magazine.

Try remembering the role of Popeye, Mickey Mouse, Tom and Jerry and Archie in our growing up and the importance of cartoons becomes clear. And the Cartoon Network continues to bring more smiles from us consistently than any other TV channel in business today. Business and political cartoons are other popular cartoon forms apart from humor-based cartoons.

Which brings us back to square one - albeit as applauders for 123India’s move of furnishing us with a cartoon channel. If the site were developed well, it would educate, entertain millions of Web surfers and brighten the days of many. Try or mad magazine to get convinced.

The site has a huge plus in having Priya Raj, one of India’s most recognized and talented cartoonists at the helm. And the press reports that he has ideas of building a large community of cartoonists and cartoon lovers on the net.

Now, who’s going to draw out a rosy future for Indian cartooning?