·         Ada ya mja hunena, muungwana ni kitendo
     It is customary for man to talk, and gentlemen to act (actions speak louder than words)

·         Adui aangukapo, mnyanyue (muinue)
     When the enemy falls, lift him up

·         Adui wa mtu, ni mtu
     The enemy of man is man

·         Adui mpende
     love your enemy

·         Afya ni bora kuliko mali
     Health is better than wealth

·         Afua ni mbili, kufa na kupona
     Help comes in two ways, death or healing (we should not worry about things out of our control)

·         Ahadi ni deni
     A promise is a debt

·         Ajidhanie kasimama, aangalie asianguke
     One who thinks he is standing should beware of falling

·         Ajuaye mengi, hasemi mengi
     One who knows more doesn't speak more

·         Akili ni mali
     Knowledge is wealth

·         Akili nyingi huondoa maarifa
     Too many ideas drive wisdom away

·         Akufaaye kwa dhiki ndiye rafiki
     A friend in need is a friend indeed

·         Asiye kubali kushindwa si mshindani
     He who does not admit defeat is not a sportsman

·         Asiyefunzwa na mamaye, hufunzwa na ulimwengu
     He who is not taught by his mother is taught by the world


         Baada ya dhiki faraja
     After hardship comes relief

         Bahari haishi zingo
     An ocean never ceases to storm (life will always have ups and downs)

         Bilisi wa mtu ni mtu
     The evil spirit of a man is a man


         Changu ni chetu, na chako ni chako
     What's mine is ours, and what's yours is yours (don't be selfish)

         Chema chajiuza, kibaya chajitembeza
     A good thing sells, a bad thing advertises

         Chombo cha kuzama hakina usukani / rubani
     A sinking vessel needs no navigation / captain

         Daima bidii, kamba hukata jiwe
     Forever persist, a rope cuts stone

         Dalili ya mvua mawingu
     Clouds are the sign of rain

         Damu nzito kuliko maji
     Blood is thicker than water

         Daraja livuke, ulifikiapo
     Cross the bridge when you get there

         Debe tupu haliachi kuvuma
     An empty pot makes the loudest noise

         Elimu ni maisha, si vitabu
     Education is (in) life, not books

         Elimu haina mwisho
     Education never ends

         Elfu huanzia moja
     A thousand begins with one

         Enga kabla ya kujenga
     Survey before you build (look before you leap)

         Epuka wakusifuo siku zote
     Avoid those who always compliment you

         Fadhila ya punda ni mateke
     Gratitude of a donkey is a kick

         Ganda la mua la jana chungu kaona kivuno
     The skin of yesteday's sugarcane is a havest to an ant

         Haba na haba hujaza kibaba
     Little by little fills up the measure

         Hakuna masika yasiyokuwa na mbu
     There is no season of heavy rains without mosquitoes (the troubles of one person are usually the pleasure of another)

         Hakuna matata
     No troubles

         Hapana marefu yasio na mwisho
     There is no distance that has no end

         Haraka haraka haina baraka
     Hurry hurry has no blessings (haste makes waste)

         Hasira, hasara
     Anger brings loss/damage

         Heri kufa macho kuliko kufa moyo
     It is better to lose your eyes than to lose your heart

         Heri kujikwa kidole kuliko ulimi
     Better to stumble with toe than toungue

         Hiari ya shinda utumwa
     Voluntary is better than force

         Hucheka kovu asiye kuwa na jeraha
     He laughs at scar who has received no wound

         Hisani haiozi
     Kindness does not go rotten

         Ikiwa hujui kufa,tazama kaburi
     If you don't know death look at the grave

         Jina jema hungara gizani
     A good name shines in the dark

         Jitihadi haiondoi kudura
     Effort will not counter faith

         Kamba hukatika pabovu
     A rope parts where it is thinnest

         Kawia ufike
     Better delay and get there

         Kiburi si maungwana
     Arrogance is not gentlemanly

         Kidole kimoja hakivunji chawa
     One finger cannot crush a louse (you need to work as a team)

         Kikulacho ki nguoni mwako
     That which eats you up is in your clothing

         Kila chombo kwa wimblile
     Every vessel has its own waves

         Kila wakati ni wakati wa chai
     It is chai (tea) time all the time

         Kinywa ni jumba la maneno
     Mouth is the home of words

         Kucha Mungu si kilemba cheupe
     The fear of God is not wearing a white turban

         Kuishi kwingi ni kuona mengi
     To live long is to see much

         Kujikwa si kuanguka, bali ni kwenda mbele
     To stumble is not falling down but it is to go forward

         Kukopa harusi kulipa matanga
     Borrowing is like a wedding, repaying is like mourning

         Kupanda mchongoma, kushuka ngoma
     You may climb a thorn tree, and be unable to come down

         Kupoteya njia ndiyo kujua njia
     To get lost is to learn the way

         Kutoa ni moyo usambe ni utajiri
     Charity is the matter of the heart not of the pocket

         Liandikwalo ndiyo liwalo
     That which is written by God is what is

         Lila na fila hazitangamani
     Good and evil will never mix

         Lipitalo, hupishwa
     Things don't just happen by accidents

         Maji ya kifuu ni bahari ya chungu
     The water in a coconut shell is like an ocean to an ant

         Majumba makubwa husitiri mambo
     Big houses conceal a lot

         Mavi ya kale hayanuki
     Old droppings do not stink

         Mbio za sakafuni huishia ukingoni
     Running on the roof finishes at the edge

         Mchezea zuri, baya humfika
     He who ridicules the good will be overtaken by evil

         Mchimba kisima hungia mwenyewe
     He who digs a pit will fall into it himself

         Mchovya asali hachovi mara moja
     He who dips his finger into honey does not dip it once

         Mfuata nyuki hakosi asali
     One who follows bees will never fail to get honey

         Mjinga akierevuka mwerevu yupo mashakani
     When a fool becomes enlightened, the wise man is in trouble

         Mpanda farasi wawili hupasuka msamba
     One who rides two horses at once will split asunder

         Msema pweke hakosi
     One who talks to himself cannot be wrong

         Mstahimilivu hula mbivu
     A patient man will eat ripe fruits (Patience will be rewarded)

         Mtaka yote hukosa yote
     He who desires all misses all

         Mtoto umleyavyo ndivyo akuavyo
     As you bring up a child, so he will be

         Mtu ni watu
     A person is people (affect one, you affect all--all are united)

         Mwamini Mungu si mtovu
     He who trusts in God lacks nothing

         Mwanzo kokochi mwisho nazi
     The begining is bud the end is coconut

         Mwekaji kisasi haambiwi mwerevu
     He who nurses vegeance is not called wise

         Mwenda mbio hujikwa kidole
     A person who is in too much of a hurry stubs his toe

         Mwenye kelele hana neno
     A noisy person is harmless

         Mwenye macho haambiwi tazama
     One who has eyes is not told to look (he does it himself)

         Mwenye pupa hadiriki kula tamu
     A hasty person misses the sweet things

        Njia ya mwongo fupi
     The way of a liar is short

        Paka akiondoka, panya hutawala
     when the cat goes away, mice reign

       Penye nia pana njia
     Where there's a will, there's a way

         Poa kichizi kama ndizi
     Chill out (a lot) like a banana

         Si kila mwenye makucha huwa simba
     Not all that have claws are lions

        Taratibu ndiyo mwendo
     Slowly is indeed the way to walk

      Ukupigao ndio ukufunzao
     What beats you is what teaches you

         Ulimi unauma kuliko meno
     The tongue hurts more than the teeth

         Umoja ni nguvu
     Unity is strength

       Usicheze na simba, ukamtia mkono kinywani
     When you play with a lion, do not put your hand in its mouth

        Wapingapo fahali wawili, ziumiazo ni nyasi
     When two bulls fight, it is the grass that suffers


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