Short Biography

Once upon a time...

... there were two boys named Sweat and Pet. Sweat and Pet grew up in a little shitty town named...uhm...keep forgetting what it's sod it, nevermind.

Anyway they grew up together and started a band called "Swartz and Elephant", Sweat liked the artistic appearance of the "and" in the middle of the name.

Soon they started playing in bars. Wait, they had a guitarist called...uhm...keep forgetting her name... aw sod it, nevermind.

They played in bars and were loved, no wait, hated by everyone. Because. Uhm. Meal didn't join until several years later...but wait, Limeon and Preacher joined before him. Aw sod it.

Anyway they became famous and sold records and lived happily ever after...kinda...yes.

The End


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