American Literature


Mrs. Suellentrop


Welcome to American Literature! In order to be successful in this class, you must first abide by the following expectations:


* Please be prepared for every class period. You must have:

            * the text we are currently studying

            * a writing utensil

            * a notebook

            * a folder or binder for handouts

            * your journal


* Please be ON TIME to class and be ready to get down to business. Tardiness will affect your participation grade and warrants a pink slip.


* Please participate in class discussion. Participation points will be based on your contribution to discussion. I care about what you have to say about the topics at hand, so SPEAK UP!


* Please respect the opinions and comments of others.


* Please turn in all assignments ON TIME! One letter grade will be deducted for each DAY (not class) it is late. Compositions are due by 8:15 am and revisions are due by the end of break. You must turn in a hard copy of your paper as well as email me a copy at


* Please do your own work! This includes tests, quizzes, compositions, and homework. Neither cheating nor plagiarism (intentional or unintentional) will be tolerated. You will receive a zero on any work that is not your own.


* All revisions must be turned in with the original composition stapled behind it.


* Please attend and be on time to your composition conferences with me. Only one make-up conference will be allowed, and a student will receive a pink slip for the missed conference.


* Please make up missed work. If you are legitimately absent from class, please see me immediately upon your return to school to discuss make-up work (do not simply rely on the syllabus). You will be responsible for all assignments on the syllabus during your absence, and any written work that is on the syllabus needs to be turned in no later than two days after your return to school.  Students who skip class will receive a zero for any work missed or due that day, including tests, compositions, and quizzes.


* Special testing circumstances and extensions must be requested in advance. Assignment extensions will only be given in the case of serious circumstances. Computer failure is not an acceptable excuse.


* Pink slips will be given for the following reasons:

            * failure to be prepared for class

            * missing assignments

            * tardiness

            * disrespectful behavior

            * out of uniform

   Repeat offenses will warrant detentions


* This is how the grading works:

            Compositions   = 35% of your grade

            Tests                = 35% of your grade

            Quizzes            = 15% of your grade

            Homework       = 10% of your grade

            Participation     =  5% of your grade


            The grading scale can be found in your Villa Duchesne Handbook.


If you find that you can not follow these expectations, I’m a sucker for brownies!!!!


Above all, my hope is that you learn and have fun in this class. If you ever have any concerns, questions, problems, or just want to chat, PLEASE come see me. I can not help you if I do not know you’re having trouble, and I can’t read minds. My office is located in Room 204, and my email is



Texts for this class:


Vocabulary Workshop, Level G

Adventure in American Literature

The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams

Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller

The Turn of the Screw by Henry James