In your discussion groups, discuss the following questions and be sure to take notes.


1. How did Theseus come to be a hero?


2. What was Theseus’ theory about justice? Did he appear to always follow this? Give examples.


3. How did Theseus become recognizable to his father?


4. What was Theseus’ first major act of bravery after arriving in Athens? How did he accomplish it?


5. Who was Theseus’ first girlfriend and what happened to her (and which story do you believe)?


6. How did Theseus become the King of Athens and what kind of king was he? What events exemplify this?


7. What crazy adventures did Theseus have with his friend Pirithoüs? How did Piritoüs meet his demise and why couldn’t Theseus save him?


8. Theseus’s family life was a regular soap opera. Explain.


9. How did Theseus die? What is unusual about the tale of his death and what do you think about this?


10. How was Theseus similar to and different from Hercules? What personal qualities did Theseus have that Hercules did not? Who do you think is the greater hero?