KriStiNa'S WeBpAgE
Hi! i should know u and u should know me! LOL.  Well i hope u like my website, it's the BEST! I love Johnny Depp! He's mine! sorry ladies.  sign my guestbook and please have a fun time! When will school end....?I am HhhhhOoooTTTTTTTT

ABout Me
Name: Kristina
Fav. clr: Pink and black
fav show in the world: FRIENDS
Fav. type of Lingerie: Victoria secrets, lol
who i luv: I <3 NS or *****(p likes him too)

A few shout OutS:
Nika- fireball power!!! sailor scout
Patricia- u sexay thang! i <3 u
Caitlyn-valentine card.ur obssessed with S.m.

ChaNel- dump the fruit as they say
Amber- we have to hang
Homira- we best be going to in-n-out lol
Lindsey- come over !!! mall shop.cow boy be bop
Michelle-my hottie(yeah rite lol jk) friend from 5th grade

Miranda- luv ya my lil' slut *cough* hooker..
Victoria- GOTs uR giFT email me. * I<3 You
Justin- ur not nice to me ne more ..Gggrrr and ppls thinks ur hottt *cough Nika cough*
Karissa- i like to smile with my eyes OPEN :)
Kris- i am a "TRUE" friends FaN. u tadala taler
Crysty- i miSs ya! *LUv ya ALwaYs*
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