My Family
My family has always been a  pillar of support for me. Right through my life I have got abundant freedom in choosing what I shall do and what I shall not !! (Ofcourse not without the astute warning the I shall have to take responsibility for my actions!) So in a way it gave me a free hand on what i do. Right from the li'l kiddy things like when I go out and play, which sport do I play, when I shall study, who shall be my friends, what and how I shall study.......the list goes on....

Dad was a banker by profession. He has taken VRS and settled into the retiree life gleefully. Well  among the few things that we have in common are love of sports (esp. cricket) and music. Ofcourse as for the latter, the genres vastly differ and there was an unwritten rule of not playing death metal "in-house" when he is around!!!!:) He never raised his rating for Heavy and Death from anything more than "noise"!!! He He!!! But we share a great rapport inspite of "ideological" differences!!!!:)

My mom, as of today, is still working in a bank and rather enjoying it too. Always an industrious person (I would wake up everyday and wonder where the hell she gets all the energy from ...phew) I am not soo sure that shes gonna enjoy her retiree life as much as my dad!!! Most of her energy was utilised in shouting at me and my sister (and occasionally at our dad!!) But it is always fun when shes around and pestering her was one of my favorite past time.The topic of fights were mostly the standard of the serials/soaps she watched in the TV. While she revered the storylines and acting, I virtually abhorred clumsy actors (?)  and the flimsy storylines(I jus found out that clumsy and flimsy rhymes pretty well he he!!!) This loathing reaches its summit when there is live cricket being aired synchronously in another channel. !!!

The fourth person in my family is my sweet li'l sister who is studying for her engineering ( She will graduate in another year and then shall call herself a civil engineer...but I doubt wether I shall ask her to test her wares when I shall build a house!!!!:)) She's always been a source of inspiration for me ......(In boxing and wrestling that is!!!!!) She is much more intelligent than what she comes across as and has a sharp brain. But unlike me she doesnt like to show off her intelligence.Well she's doing well in her under grad so far in pursuit of the coveted engineering tag. She's an integral part of me and complements my existence!!!!(Too wordy huh ??......)

Well I have a huge rapport with my grand mothers. They adore my charms...he he:)
Pix From the Family Album
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