During my graduation I was at Calicut (REC, renamed and "upgraded" into  National Institute of Technology).....famous for a few good beaches and Mananchira Maidan, which is the hallmark of the city.....it is also infamous for not-so-straight guys!!!!!!(I ain't hit into one, Dude..But i like the way you think!!!:)
The memories of MC , Mashe Chikki,( esoteric for non-recians), the Kattangal shake and kallushappu (Our very own local brew!!yummmmmmm), the Ragams, the Fashion shows (what an incongruity,me wonderzzzzz,me on a ramp!!!:)),the Ayyamees and the monsoon cup victories (lemme put it in plural to satisfy a bruised ego!!!:),touring with the college cricket team (My pride says,We won the runners-up trophy in All India Inter REC championships!!!!!!),and many other experiences in Valley and DBs:)....shhhhhhhhhh.....

Fast forwarding a looong way into my present...Aamchi Mumbai..Working for Larsen and Toubro, the largest engineering and construction company of India, I have found how exciting this city is, ever bubbling with excitement, night life,discos and an unbelievably fast paced life!!!!!!!Getting into and commuting in Bombay's local trains is in itself an experience!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a city beyond words.....U have to be here to experience its thrills and frills...........the celebration of Saturday ( and the murdered Sundays, killed by the nightless Saturday), the girls of the dance bars, the crowded Virar trains with tenuos holds on life,the Juhu's autorikshaws, the males who clutches on to feminine traits ( as if The Creator was suddenly overcome by the ennui of playing the ";either-male-or-female"  puzzle for long!!)
.....the place is a celebration of Darwinian theory of survival of the fittest. And frankly (for all of you who have been living on a steady diet of Mafia dons and supari killings of Mumbai) I am yet to see an inconnu dead body by the road side!! The other places of importance in my life including Baroda,Bangalore etc etc shall be updated sooon....(Shh Im acting Busy!!)

The latest in life has been my
African trip. About which I have written pages of Mumbo Jumbo both here and in my Rediff Blogpage, which was selected as a Sizzler by rediff for half a year!!LOL...Most of the comments from my friends were asking me to spurn engineering for journalism. (Whether it really is cause of how well I write or 'cause of what a loser Im in engineering is summin Ive ceased worrying about long back;)..Doesnt help taking too much load nah ???!!)
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Metallica - My Fav Band...
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Great site on Animals of Rainforests............
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