"Am I a gEnIuS oR wHaT?"

ART? Are you kidding? If I'm not good at anything in this world,I'm definately good at art. I've always loved art. Some parts of my world evolves around art.In this entire world, there is nothing else I consider myself being this good at. Of course I'm good at other things like dancing, cooking, and sporting, but I think I'm better at art. I have art talent in designing, coloring, and drawing. Sometimes, I get lazy and don't want to do the work, but, when I really put my mind to it, I can produce a work of art.

Many people don't know that I can draw. They know I dance but they don't know I have art talent. I draw for comfort and relaxation. I draw for my own cause, and not to impress someone or for another's pleasures. I enjoy art because it defines me in some way. It my outside-of-school ego. I actually first admitted to myself that I can draw when I was in the 6th grade. When I entered Junior High, that was a big step. All my teachers quickly noticed my talent and suggested that I follow art as a major. At one point, I was actually willing to listen to their high recommendations, but then I remembered how badly I was in for the Law feilds. I was heading for Law, Justices, and Global Connections, but that went underway.

Well, anyways, back to art. The area of art in which I find to be most interesting and that I have most knowledge in,is designing. I find myself constantly doodling on paper and creating new designs everytime. I favor in designing clothes, vases, cars, houses/buildings, poster/signs, and things like such. When I work on designs, sometimes, I look at certain objects, change a few things to create a new style and image. I do line designs. That's when you do abstract lines and kind of create a blur but accurate emotion. The lines in which you draw supposedly defines the mood you are in. I rarely do line designs though.

Another area of art I expertise in is coloring. I love coloring. I most enjoy mixing and matching the colors. If I can sit and color all day, it would be of no bother to me. Coloring, to me, is a way to relax and ease the tension in your mind and body. When I feel exhausted and tense, besides dancing, I draw and color. I like coloring large pictures. I don't like to color fine details and little pictures. As for drawing, I like to draw flowers, houses, and basically objects that stand still and alone. I like to "capture the moment". I fine drawing little in detailed pictures rather boring, tiring, and stressful. When I try to draw a detailed picture and it doesn't come out right until the a millionth try, I find that stressful. I stick to big things.

Well, in conclusion, as you can see, I fully decribed my artistic abilites. I mentions my likes and dislikes of art and gave my opinion. So, now my art talent is no longer hidden behind the walls of my bedroom. In this essay I've proven my interest in art. I now only hope that this little secret of mine is completely revealed.