Name: dorei

Owner: Lady Victoria

Date of collaring: 08-14-07

Slavewine given: 11-14-06

Brand: dina

Height: 5 foot 5

Weight: 120 pounds

Eye color: dark brown

Hair color: black

Complexion: olive

Skills: makes bina beads, artist, dancer

: sapphire earrings, slave bells (both ankles), silver belly chain with bells, 7 silver belled bracelets (3 right wrist, 4 left wrist), nipple rings with sapphire stones dangling from each - Gifted from Chaenah Shadowheart
Awards: 03/19/06 3rd place winner impromptu dance - Isle of Cos - SR
Characteristics:  When left unattended, can be mischievous and a troublemaker... but knows where the line of BIG trouble is and tries to avoid that.

Tries to win over O/others through her charm and smile and yet very self-concious about her own looks, feeling that she will never look as beautiful as the other girls. Blushes easily over sexual comments made to her. When properly 'motivated', her heart is of a true slave, and will often do anything and everything to be pleasing.
takara was born as suki in the city of Ar to a guard named Makoto and a FW named Indigo Orchid. The couple were FC and very happy.
Makoto came from a far away land and was one of the more respected guards in the city. His dark eyes, hair and exotic heritage can be seen in suki's appearance. He was an impressive swordsman.

suki's Mother, Indigo Orchid, was a Merchant selling Robes and veils to Other FW. She seemed to have a colorful history, although never explained to anyone, except to Makoto. She remained silent and often in the shadows speaking only occasionally to Free or slaves when necessary. Her wisdom and intelligence were obvious when She did speak. She seemed a highly educated Woman.

suki was mostly pampered as she was growing up. her parents loving, yet strict when necessary. suki was going to one day learn and help her Mother with Her business... when she got older and settled down enough.

suki was always a bit of a wild one, always looking for the oppurtunity to play or goof off instead of doing the chores her Parents would occasionally assign her. They didn't ask much of her since she was only a child, and were somewhat tolerant of her behavior. They would have to punish her at times for getting too out of hand though. suki didn't like being punished and always wanted to be pleasing to her Parents... but also liked having fun too.

Times were not so kind to suki's parents. When suki reached her teenage years, debt began to be a problem for the house. In a surprise raid, her Mothers shop was burned down and her Father suffered an injury making it difficult for Him to continue His guard duties while He healed.

There was no money coming into the house and yet they needed to pay for Their modest cabin... but could not.

They held out for as long as they could, until eventually they were kicked out of their home. her Father having no way to prevent it, took her Mother and suki and left very sadly and decided to travel to begin a new life in another city.

suki didn't understand why this had to happen and eventually ran away. she loved her parents but was frustrated and afraid. she hid in the shadows and slept in alleys as her parents nervously searched the city for her. They barely had enough money for themselves and were becoming more and more frustrated.

Eventually suki made a big mistake. she wandered into the property of a FW named Mei and stole some food. The Mistress of the home caught her and held her there. she was caged while the Mistress began asking around the city to find out where she belonged.

Her parents heard the news and quickly came to get their daughter back. The FW Mei was not about to let a thief go easily without payment. Payment her parents did not have. It hurt them to do it, but they had to let her go. suki was collared to the FW Mei and her parents left town to find a new life, vowing to one day come back and free her.

suki did not understand how or why this was happening to her but the FW was very patient and kind to the young girl, teaching her a little, and having her do small chores around Her home.

Mei was an older Lady and did not get around well, so appreciated having someone young and spirited in her home. suki was often kept chained because Mei would not want to chase after her. The two became good friends and suki was never 'officially' trained to serve as a kajira, more just a simple maid and assistant and friend to Her.

As Mei got much older, She laid on Her deathbed and made a painful decision. She removed suki's collar and told her that if she was still in the home when Her body was discovered, she would be given to Mei's very harsh and cruel children. Mei did not want this to happen and suki was told to run away.

suki ran and again hid in the shadows occasionally stealing scraps of food and befriending other slaves, fearing the Free.

Eventually suki became friends with a slave named micala. suki followed her to her home out of curiousity, where she was quickly captured and collared.
suki was renamed
safira, by Mistress Dominique. 
Mistress Arielle renamed her
suki shortly after collaring her. 
Mistress Fia again changed her name to
kajira after collaring her. 
Mistress Yuno changed her name to
When released by Mistress Yuno, she chose the name
Suki for herself. 
After being captured, Mistress Chaenah changed her name to
Mistress Victoria changed her name again to
takara, meaning treasure.
Mistress Victoria sent her away for a time for proper training re-naming her
dorei upon return.
Collar History
Piedmont Trading Post:  11-03-05 to 11-22-05 (Sale price 1 silver)
Mistress Dominique:  11-22-05 to 04-14-06 (transferred for training)
Kassar, CC: 04-14-06 to 06-25-06 (transferred back to Dominique)
Mistress Dominique:  06-25-06 to 08-15-06 (no sale)
Mistress Arielle Fireheart08-15-06 to 09-08-06 (no sale)
FireHeart Slave House: 09-08-06 to 9-28-06 (Sale price 6 silver)
Mistress Madeira: 09-28-06 to 10-08-06 (Sale price 6 copper)
Mistress Fia:  10-08-06 to 11-28-06 (Sale price 2 silver)
Mistress Yuno Amrath Kastor: 11-28-06 to 12-09-06 (Freed)
Mistress Chaenah ShadowHeart: 12-20-06 to 08-14-07 (abandoned)
Mistress Victoria:  08-15-07 to Present