The Price Family

Joe & Chris

Joe & Chris are still running
Classic Printing & Advertising. They have a shop in Garland now.
Chris work full tiem now and no longer works
at Brookshires. They have lots of big clients like Cafe Nostra
(You may have saw the 2 brother on the Amazing Race
wearing shirts that my dad made) TLC Abulance, and LOTS more


Kim is doing great as a new mom. Her son Aries was born on Jan
25 at 9:50 am. He is now a loving 2 month old.


Josh started High school this year. He also started a
new school as he was transfered to Greenville. He plays
basketball takes advanced classes.


Aries was born on Jan 25. He is a happy content little boy.
He has learned how to laugh and does it often.