Back to Back. Many never thought these words would be uttered when refering to SBI champions, but that's what Sean did at SBI 6 and 7, basically dominating the field. Something about this tournament just gets him going. Sean, who used to be your average tournament competitor has now won 12 straight games since his winning percentage sat at .500 a few years back. Many more people will be gunning for him this year, but that's what we said last year. He has to be the favorite until he's knocked off the top. As far as strategies for beating him, when you've figured him out clue the rest of us in please. Good luck to Sean as he attempts a 3-Peat at The Ocho.

Career Record: 22-10
Tournament Average: 173.83
High Game: 277

Tournament Highlights:
*2004, 2005 Tournament Champion
*Final Four 2004, 2005
*2004 Tournament High Average 206
*2005 Tournament High Average 203

*2000 Tournament High Game-244, 2004-277

How long will Sean's run last?