*Name: Shippou
*Relatives/Family: None
*Fighting moves: Kitusnebi, Kitsune Youjyutsu Tsubushi Goma (Fox Sorcercery Smashing Top)
  "Kagome no okoruto kowai nou." ("When Kagome get's mad, she's scary.")
  Shippou is a little fox youkai.  His father was killed by Manten (don't know about his mom).  He first came across Inuyasha and Kagome when they were resting in a graveyard type of area.  Shippou tried to steal their pieces of the shikon that they have collected so far, but was stopped by Manten.  Inuyasha and Kagome saved the day... and then Shippou started to hang around with them.
  Shippou always seem to speak his mind and is still young at heart.  He seems to have a great attachment to Kagome, which is mainly the reason why he started to go along with Inuyasha. 
  He doesn't fight in battles, but there are times when he helped by  using his tricks (transforming, using little mushrooms.. heh heh).  Overall, he's very cute!