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Bach Flower Remedies


Common Name:Southernwood


  • Maramus of children with marked emaciation of legs. The skin is flabby and hangs loose in folds. The child cannot hold its head up because of weakness. Child looses flesh even with ravenous hunger. Great weakness and prostration. So weak and tired that the child is unable to stand. Old looking face and wrinkled.
  • Child is irritable, cruel, violent, would like to do something cruel.
  • Rheumatism from suddenly checked diarrhoea. Rheumatism alternates with haemorrhoids and dysentry. Joints stiff, swollen, with pricking sensation.
  • Alternate constipation and diarrhoea.
Aggravation: In cold air or from getting wet ; from suppressed secretions ; in fogs ; during night.

Amelioration: From loose stool ; from motion.

Relationship: Useful in furuncle after Hepar ; in pleurisy after Aconite, and Bryonia when the pressing sensation remains on the affected side.
