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Honey bee

Common Name: Honey Bee

Introduction: Apis acts mainly on cellular tissues. It produces oedema of skin and mucous membranes. Serous inflammations with effusions.

Causation: The ailments of Apis arise as a result of jealousy, fright, anger, vexation and hearing bad news

Generalities: Burning and stinging type of pains migrating from one part of body to another. Oedema of various parts. Cannot tolerate heat. Affects mainly the right side of body eg.right ovary, right testicle.

Mind: Irritability, nervousness and restlessness. Children and ladies let things fall down while handling, even when done with care. Loss of courage and hope. Always weeping; weeping mood.Children give a sudden piercing screams while sleeping.

Eyes: Puffy swelling under the eyes

Stomach: Thirstlessness is very marked especially in acites and oedematous conditions.

Urine: Incontinence of urine. Cannot retain urine for a moment. Urine scalds while passing. Frequent scanty and bloody urination.

Stool:Constipation; Sensation as something would break on much straining. Diarrhoea; stool pass as if anus was wide open.

Fever:Intermittent fever; Chill comes at about 3pm. with thirst. Feels worse from external heat during fever.

Skin: Measles; Scarlatina and Urticaria. Great sensitiveness of skin to touch.

Aggravation: From sleep; heat; from getting wet.

Amelioration: From open air; Cold application; uncovering.

Relationship: Apis should not be given before or after Rhus tox.
Apis is followed by Arsenicum and Pulsatilla. Apis is complementary to Natrum Mur.
