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Bach Flower Remedies

Marigold Flowers

Common Name: Marigold

Family: Compositae

Introduction.-- A wonderful healing agent employed for external wounds and ulcers. It helps in quick healing of wounds by first intension, preventing suppuration. Useful for clean surgical cuts and lacerated wounds. Exhaustion from loss of blood and intense pain.

Injuries.-- Wounds with loss of soft parts. Lacerated wounds. Post surgical operations. Old neglected offensive wounds threatening gangrene.

Female.-- Laceration during labor.

Extremeties.-- Rupture of muscles and tendons. Penetrating wounds of joints with loss of synovial fluids.

Nervous system.-- Idiopathic and traumatic neuromas. Neuritis from lacerated wounds.

Skin.-- Constitutional tendency to erysipelas. Irritable sloughing varicose ulcers. Ulcers painful as if beaten. Excessive secretion of pus.

Aggravation.-- Damp, cloudy weather.

Relationship.-- Complementary: Hep., Sulp.ac.
Similar to: Hyper. in injuries to parts rich in sentient nerves, Arn. in traumatism, Sal. ac. in suppurations, Sulph. ac. in gangrenous wounds.
Can be given both in the form of tincture as well as potency. Tincture applied locally to the wounds with internal medicine administered at same time.
