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Bach Flower Remedies

Common Name: Hahnemann's Soluble Mercury (Black Oxide)

Indications.-- Psoric persons with nervous affections after suppressed discharges. Glandular and tuberculous affections of children. Syphilis and diseases of the genito-urinary tract. Hardly indicated if the tongue is dry.

Ear.-- Otorrhoea: discharges bloody and offensive. Pains stabbing tearing type. Worse right side, on lying on affected side and at night. Furuncles, boils, polyps and fungous growth in external meatus.

Nose.-- Nostrils red, raw and ulcerated. Acrid secretion, having odor of old cheese. Epistaxis when coughing and at night during sleep. Blood hangs in a dark clotted string from the nose.

Mouth.-- Marked salivation. Teeth sore and loose, feel too long. Bleeding of gums. Fetid breath. Moist tongue wiht great thirst. Flabby tongue with imprints of teeth.

Stools.-- Bloody yellowish or greenish stools with tenesmus. Violent tenesmus and continued urging after stool.

Male.-- Gonorrhoea: greenish discharge, worse at night; urging to urinate; intolerable burning in forepart of urethra when passing last few drops; prepuce hot , swollen, oedematous and sensitive to touch; threatening or suppurating bubo. Gonorrhoea with phymosis or chancroids.
Chancre: primary; regular indurated Hunterian, with lardaceous base; with cheesy bottom and inverted red edges; with phymosis or paraphymosis; deep, round, penetrating, eating through fraenum and prepuce; bleeding, painful; yellowish foetid discharge.

Skin.-- Intolerable itching and biting all over body, as from insect bites, worse in evening and from warmth of bed. Itching relieved on scratching.

Extremities.-- Extremities sore and bruised. Weakness and weariness of limbs.

Aggravation.-- At night; in damp, cold weather; from warmth of bed; from lying on the affected side; while perspiring; from cold; during stool; from artificial light; while urinating; and when blowing the nose.

Amelioration.-- In the morning; lying down; and from scratching.

Relationship.-- Antidotes: Aur., Carb-V., Chin., Dulc., Hep., Kali-B., Kali-I., Lach., Lyc., Nit-Ac., Podo., Sil., Sulph. and Thuj.
