SunMoon Totem Essences

The SunMoon Totem Essences are now available.sunmoon logo They are designed simply to connect you more strongly with power, or totem, animals or creatures you might be learning lessons from or drawn to spiritually. It is said that "even a stone is a teacher". If Hawk, or Eagle, Horse or Turtle, or others come to you in your dreamtime, your meditations, or your visioning, then perhaps they are asking you to connect with their natural wisdom and allow them to strengthen you on your path. If you have one, or more, that draws you, just email us HERE and we'll be glad to take your order. There is no information on their function, as it will be different with each person that uses them. The one(s) you are instinctively drawn to will be the one(s) you need.

Horse (#201)
Wolf (#202)
Hawk (#203)
Eagle (#204)
Turtle (#205)
Python (#206)


Individual essences are $9.00 US; full set of six totem essences is $48.00 US. Postage is $4.00 US. International - email for correct postage.

Order Animal Speak by Ted Andrews

If the idea of working with natural wisdom through connection with the non-human being who share our world is new to you, an excellent book to read is "Animal Speak" by Ted Andrews. God graced the animal kingdom with a direct instinctual sensing that also can grace our own lives in a spiritual way, if we learn to connect with that truth. One way to enhance that connection is through the use of these totem essences. Some ways to use them include application to the third eye before meditation, cleansing the auric field before going to sleep, applying a drop to your altar, mixing with water and spritzing a room before a class or workshop, applying to palms before healing work, etc. Perhaps your Spirit will reveal even more ways to utilize these gifts. We know that some will journey, in a Shamanic way, with these essences, and others will receive different gifts from them. We'd love to hear from you, as you work with them.