From My Diary...

He was a child of admiration, delicately aware of the attitudes and feelings of others, free from harm, liability or loss..Sweetness and light were food for his soul and mother nature enticed his sense of wonder with means to display the mystery of creation....

He was innocent in every way...philosophical idealism and good manners shaped his living ways since an early age....a child discovered how to dwell in the forest woods and listen to the whispers of leaves vibrating sibilant sounds only his heart can hear.......

A child sloping up the highest mountains and bathing in leafy shadows of giant trees he slept to meet the mythical beings of the night visiting him in visions...

...The child became a man, and yet his love for the woods is still eminent in every way....with pens of fire he draws mother nature with words engulfing the whole atmosphere with garments of beauty....expansing flowery aromas on white canvas to satisfy the visitor's mind with scents of curiosity........

...Yet the hardship of life and adversity couldn't kill the spirit of adventure in him...the more valleys his footsteps marked, the more mountains he enthusiastically artist enchanting the mystery of life in the solitude of starry nights....with hands of steel, sculptures of beauty are the artist of wonderment ...i salute the sprit of sensitivity in you and in my book of life, you are what essence is all about........


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