For all of you people who just would love to learn more about the wonder of me, or not...*hehe* here you go!

1. My name is sugar..

2. I am female.

3. I am 16 years old. *sweet 16 to you * :P~~

4. I live in Hawaii.

5. I passed my driving test--unlike my good buddy Deis-- and can drive now.

6. I'm going to be going to school in Mass. soon.

7. I love ring pops.

8. I am drop dead gorgeous(according to some good buddies out there).<------- NOT!

9. I have many sisters and brothers. (cola is one you may know)

10. I take vocals and guitar.

11. I go to school at home.

12. I think writing html is very hard.

13. I think Deis is a good buddy for helping my make my page.

14. I love to surf, I tihnk it is great, eventhough I need more practice =)

15. I don't think I can come up with more as of right now, maybe later tho...

I hope you found this very informative. Aloha now~~