Steven Moore


Okay, this is me. I could leave it there but then I wouldn't be taking advantage of my free webspace! Well - I am 19 years old and I live in Sunderland, UK. I am currently studying Music Production and trying to expand my ability on guitar, keyboards, drums and harmonica. I have blue eyes if you can't tell from the picture and everyone describes my hair colour as mousey-blonde, whatever that is supposed to mean. I am about 5foot 8inches tall and weigh about 9 and a half stone. I like going clubbing with my mates and going to see live music and I also like the occasional game of footy (that's soccer for my American visitees). I've got two younger brothers and a younger sister. I am living with my parents for the next month or so until the deeds are finalised on my new flat.

What happened on 16th July?

My Yahoo ID.

My ICQ #.