
This album, released in 1991, met with little commercial success. It has a very 80s feel to it with some excellent bass and lead guitar work to it. Although all of the guitarwork was done by Eddie Ojeda, he is only mentioned as an "additional musician". When I asked him about this, he said that if it had gone anywhere and been even slightly successful, he might have pursued the matter. But it didn't, so he didn't. The band went as far as to advertise their second album as "featuring Eddie Ojeda" when he wasn't even on the album.

Band Members

John Blaze - Lead and backing vocals
Bobby Marks - Drums
T.J. Jordan - Lead Guitar (in print only)
Eddie Ojeda - Lead guitar
Rex Lengyel - Bass Guitar

Track Listing

1. Till the Day I Die
2. Runaway Renee
3. Waiting
4. Brother Louie
5. The Heart Is a Lonley Hunter
6. Last Time for Love
7. Sweet Sissy
8. Mine All Mine
9. Bang Bang
10. Love Love Me Do