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Party Posse Foe Life!


Yeah, you know what time it's time to get our PlayStation on! You are in one of the few, yet dope outposts of the Infamous Party Posse. Enjoy yourself, but don't party too hard.

Getting our PlayStation on involves more than simply hooking up the system and pressing "power." There is a strenuous process uptaken by Steve Dogg. It goes like this:

1. A brand-spankin' new PSX game is purchased at one of our friendly retailers such as Toys 'R
Us, Target, Wal-Mart, etc.

2. The game is tested against the strict quality and dopeness standards as written by the founding
fathers (there are no founding mothers, cuz "we don't luv dem hoez.") of the Party Posse.
The software is tested for graphics, gameplay, control, and of course dopeness !

3a. If the software has met or exceeded the strict standards of the Posse, then it is added to the
Steve's software library, because he is the chairman of the PP's video game entertainment
committee. However...

3b. if the software fails to meet the standards, it is put through a strenuous repackaging process
perfected by, you guessed it, Steve. Steve puts his packaging skills as well as his Superglue
to work and repackages this mark-ass game. He then takes it back to the retailer foolish
enough to take a used game back (Toys 'R Us, opens the package to see if the game is
present, thus preventing any foul play from the Infamous Posse.) and exchanges it for
another title. After this, steps 1-3 are repeated.

Party Posse groupies.

Like I said before, no one can party like the Posse! All PP outposts are equipped with a superb security system in order to keep those not down or not dope enough for the Posse, as well as groupies such as the ones pictured. True, all females hope and dream to be down with Posse members, and are quite naturally attracted to the Posse and it's status, yet all are not successful in their quest. Those that want us for our money, fame, ride, dopeness, or what have you, are thrown to the wayside. As Snoop and the DPG say:

"She was just a groupie, she was just a groupie...."

Visit yet another PP outpost, or as Quan calls it, the "headquarters", at least online.

Corndog's PP outpost

counterpeople have experienced the dopeness. No one should be deprived the opportunity. REMEMBER: "If you gotta crew, you better tell 'em!"


©Steve J. Quik Productions nine-seven beeyatches!