
Right this is the bit where I upset all of the P.C. owners reading this out there by slagging off their computers!

You see the P.C. is a seriously dodgy kit. First of all there isn't a decent operating system available for it (everything has more bugs than an insect farm!) and the computer itself relies on raw processing power to cover for incompetent programming, for example, these days a P.C. running at less than 66MHz is a joke whereas an Amiga 1200 runs at a lowly 7.14 MHz and doesn't exactly appear to be ten times slower. The reason behind this is that the Amiga has custom chips to handle all of the graphics and sound etc. freeing the processor to do the more demanding stuff. The third major flaw in P.C.'s is in the use of memory, come on 8Mb of RAM as the basic level, get real if the programs could be more memory efficient like on the Amiga (Worms! on the A1200 can have the full game and speech sample's stored in a computer with only 2Mb whereas the P.C. requires 8Mb.) then you wouldn't all need to go out spending a fortune on RAM.

P.C. OWNERS BEWARE:- Within a year or so the Amiga power P.C. will be released giving the processing power of a P.C. combined with the custon chips and bug-free O.S. of the Amiga!!

There, now that wasn't to painful was it? And I didn't even mention that P.C.'s still can't multitask properly when Amigas have been doing it for over 11 years!

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