Pak Wan

This is Pak_Wan's home.

Yep, this guy on the left is yours truely.

That nick Pak Wan came about in 1992, given to me by some students whom I used to teach.. I have been using it ever since.

More about me.

Pak Wan is the above person.
Born On: 27th November 1970
SEX: Male

I'm currently studying in the Department of Computing & Mathematics at the University of Tasmania in Tasmania(of course!), an island state in Australia. I'm actively involved with the Singapore Students Society(SSS), The Students Association(SA) and The Council for International Students Support in Tasmania(CISSTAS).

Past times, well, don't have that much here, except of course during the hols. That's when I surf or go bush walking around Tasmania. I do enjoy fishing a lot and I'm still waiting to catch that Black Marlin. Back in Singapore I try to be active in the Dikir Barat scene and yes I do have a group. Apart from that, I'm an indoor person.

Indoors, I hang out at #melayu2 in irc via GalaxyNet. Anyway, I don't feel lonely as I always have Burgie to accompany me. Here's Burgie, he's an Australian, Medium Haired Domestic Cat.

Burgie in car Burgie on car

Thats it for now...... I'll work on it more when i could steal the time. : )


Drop me a line some time