Ian Anderson is 50 years young on this day, August 10th, 1997.

We, your fans, have placed our names in this book to wish you well. In doing so, we endeavor to express our gratitude for all of the wonderful music and experiences that you have shared with us.

This is our "Birthday Card" to you, Ian Anderson, the driving force behind Jethro Tull.

Rock on for another 50 years, you Old Sod!!!

A.J. & Paula Fronce - 07/08/97 05:23:43 GMT
My URL: http://www.oocities.org/SunsetStrip/6262/index.html
My Email:lecher@oocities.com
Favorite Tull Song: Thick as a Brick
Favorite Tull Album: Thick as a Brick
Favorite Tull Web Site: Ray's and Dave Steiner's sites
Best Tull Concert: Rock Island Tour (Pittsburgh)
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Mad Dog (Fagin) 20/20
Best Tull Line: But it's only the giving that makes you what you are... (and a close second: "Woof, woof, woof!)

Your fans and admirers look upon this, your 50th birthday, with much affection. You may never know the full extent to which your words and music have moved and influenced people. But, as you have given us your best for these many decades past, we now give you ours. May the next 50 years of your life bring you joy, peace, and fulfillment. --Paula & A. J. (Pittsburgh, PA)

Iain Beag Fronce - 07/09/97 08:49:06 GMT
My URL: http://www.pitt.edu/~pjfst13/oneband.htm
My Email:fronce@bigfoot.com
Favorite Tull Song: One Brown Mouse and Pibroch
Favorite Tull Album: Heavy Horses
Favorite Tull Web Site: Ray's and Dave Steiner's sites
Best Tull Concert: I'm only 3 years old! I'll see one soon, I promise!
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: I'm only 3 years old! I'll drink some soon, I promise!
Best Tull Line: "Hey Santa, pass us that bottle, will ya?"

I am the son of A.J. & Paula Fronce. I am 3 years old and I am already singing with my daddy on stage. Please make him sing more Jethro Tull music. Thank you and Happy Birthday.

Love, Iain Beag

Ray Roehner - 07/08/97 14:48:00 GMT
My URL: http://www.universerecords.com
My Email: ray@universerecords.com
Favorite Tull Song: Tie among The Brick, Aqualung, and Jack-A-Lynn (and all the rest).
Favorite Tull Album: Aqualung (and all the rest).
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's of course...a great service to all Tull fans!
Best Tull Concert: The Brick, Passion Play, and Stormwatch
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Labourie Roi - (French Chardonnay)
Best Tull Line: All of them!

Dear Ian, Happy 50th Birthday....you're not getting older, you're getting better! Many thanks for the unbelievable journey and for enriching our lives beyond words. May you continue to make music forever..... Ray (Somewhere In The Universe)

Dave Steiner - 07/18/97 04:59:40 GMT
My URL:http://www-ns.rutgers.edu/~steiner/
My Email: steiner@bakerst.rutgers.edu
Favorite Tull Song: Dun Ringill
Favorite Tull Album: Thick As A Brick
Favorite Tull Web Site: http://jtull.rutgers.edu/JethroTull/ :)
Best Tull Concert: 1984 Passiac, NJ
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Pino Gric
Best Tull Line: and the stormwatch brews, a concert of kings, as the white sea snaps, at the heels of a soft prayer, whispered

Happy Birthday Ian!!! Hope you have a great day. Thanks for giving everyone such wonderful music for so many years! As long as you continue to share, we will continue to enjoy!

John Berg - 07/08/97 23:42:11 GMT
My URL:http://www.universerecords.com
My Email: john@universerecords.com
Favorite Tull Song: Nothing is Easy
Favorite Tull Album: Crest of a Knave
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's
Best Tull Concert: Crest in Cleveland (Public Hall)
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull:" Champagne - "I'd like to raise a glass to Ian....Cheerio!"
Best Tull Line: "I saw some grass growing through the pavements today."

Dear Ian, Your best is yet to come - may we have 50+ more! Thanks for your timeless legacy to humanity. John Berg - A True Disciple (Somewhere In The Universe)

Carol D'Ingillo - 07/13/97 01:33:01 GMT
My URL: http://www.universerecords.com
My Email: carol@universerecords.com
Favorite Tull Song: Teacher
Favorite Tull Album: Aqualung
Favorite Tull Web Site: Ray's
Best Tull Concert: Roots to Branches
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Labourre Roi
Best Tull Line: And it's only the giving that makes you what you are.

Dear Ian, Happy Birthday. Many thanks for all the great music and for touching us in such a special way. As a guitar player, I always enjoyed playing your music in bands I was in. Best of luck to you in all your future endeavors....Carol

Tom French - 07/24/97 14:12:45 GMT
My Email: twf8429twf84291@cae303.msd.ray.com
Favorite Tull Song: No Lullaby. This is a tuff question.
Favorite Tull Album: Heavy Horses. Why are these questions so hard. Favorite Tull song and album? Honestly, I like them all. Yes, even Under Wraps.
Favorite Tull Web Site: The S.C.C. Dave Steiner da man.
Best Tull Concert: A Little Light Music.
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: I'm not much of a wine drinker. Tull is my stimulant.
Best Tull Line: Bad mouth on a prayer day. Hope no one's listening.

For almost 25 years the music of Jethro Tull has been part of my life. Increasingly, as I get older, the music becomes more a part of everyday life. I can only hope that the inspiration of the band member's continues for many years to come. Thank you Ian for so much enjoyment. See you at Harbor Lights.

Louise Bane - 07/09/97 03:38:06 GMT
My Email: Jckalynn@aol.com
Favorite Tull Song: hmmm..? Jack-a-lynn !!
Favorite Tull Album: A Passion Play
Favorite Tull Web Site: Rays, and Dave Steiners
Best Tull Concert: A Passion Play
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull:well, Chardonnay..Kendall Jackson 'Private Reserve'
Best Tull Line: '...in the wee hours I'll meet you..."~did you say favorite ,or best?

Happy Birthday, Ian! The best to you. Keep it going as long as you can, babe! You are loved! Have a special day! Louise Bane

The muse of route 66 - 07/29/97 13:45:53 GMT
My Email:musing@webtv.net
Favorite Tull Song: NOT DV .... I lied thinking you ought to have a bit of fun on the stage ... and the fans seem to like it ... but its murder to sit through.
Favorite Tull Album: UNDERWRAPS
Favorite Tull Web Site: the archive of the St.Cleve Chronicles are pretty interesting .... not counting the "snake debate"
Best Tull Concert: Irvine Meadows, opening act:mosiguard
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: actually the stuff gives me a headache
Best Tull Line: A perfect hole was in her stocking ...

Ian Chili Bean ... my Spicy Filling .... looks like I made it on the net just in time to add my special Happy Birthday to your day. And If you find me here .... which you probably will in trying to read the whole thing you now have my e-mail address .... it's why I signed on in the first place. Vermont in October sounds fine .... always did want to do the fall follage thing. As Always ...

Debbie Herman - 07/09/97 02:56:13 GMT
My Email: tullitis@aol.com
Favorite Tull Song: Most recent...Rare & Precious Chain
Favorite Tull Album: Passion Play, Songs from the Wood
Best Tull Concert: Thick as a Brick & Passion Play and.....and....
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Bartles & James :=)
Best Tull Line: You're Never Too Old to Rock & Roll If You're Too Young To Die

A sincere wish for good health, personal and professional success & happiness and that your dreams and goals are being fulfilled. You deserve that - you've been the BEST to your fans, even when you're running away from them!

Emmett Hoops - 07/09/97 02:28:32 GMT
My URL: http://www.capital.net/users/ehoops
My Email:ehoops@capital.net
Favorite Tull Song:Beside Myself
Favorite Tull Album: Thick as a Brick
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's.
Best Tull Concert: Syracuse, NY 1996
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: 1947 Port
Best Tull Line: The youngest of the family is moving with authority: building castles by the sea, he dares the tardy tide to wash them all aside.

Ian, your latest work ranks among the best stuff to have come out of the past thirty years of music. You've brightened the last 25 of my 38 birthdays. Thanks so much, old friend.

Blair Vorgang - 07/09/97 18:56:32 GMT
My Email:blair_vorgang@usiva.com
Favorite Tull Song: 3-way tie: Life Is A Long Song, Elegy, and Flying Colours
Favorite Tull Album: Broadsword and the Beast
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's
Best Tull Concert: Is there a best? They're all great!
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Forget the wine - Alaskan Amber beer ... great with a lit barbeque and Tull on the stereo!
Best Tull Line: Life is a long song -- but the tune ends too soon for us all.

Best wishes for the happiest of birthdays. My mom says that her 50s were her best -- may they be likewise for you. May there be 50 more years of Ian Anderson and his music!

John Herman - 07/09/97 18:31:33 GMT
My Email:hermanj@letterpro.com
Favorite Tull Song: Budapest
Favorite Tull Album: Aqualung
Favorite Tull Web Site: David Steiner's
Best Tull Concert: Passion Play & Warchild
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Chenin Blanc
Best Tull Line: Life's a long song, but the tune ends too soon for us all

Hello Ian. You've been calling yourself "old" for at least 15 years now, yet your music proves that you are far from it! Through the years you've affected our lives more than you can possibly know, and for that I want express a warm "Thank you." May you have a very happy 50th, and only the very best in the decades to come. You're one of a kind and we love you.

Richie Durand - 07/09/97 16:48:04 GMT
My URL: http://www.vaxxine.com/rdurand/oracle/oracle.html
My Email:rdurand@vaxxine.com
Favorite Tull Song: Very tough to answer
Favorite Tull Album: Again, too hard to say
Best Tull Concert: Kingswood Theatre August 19th/96
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Ripple
Best Tull Line: Your sperm's in the gutter -- your love's in the sink.

I couldn't pass this opportunity to wish Mr. Anderson a very happy 50th birthday. You are as great as ever and continue to treat the world with musical inspiration. We adore you Ian!!

Biffy the Elephant Shrew - 07/09/97 14:04:20 GMT
My URL: http://members.aol.com/biffyshrew/biffy.html
My Email: biffyshrew@aol.com
Favorite Tull Song: "A Passion Play," "Baker Street Muse"...too many to list, really
Favorite Tull Album: A Passion Play, Minstrel In The Gallery
Favorite Tull Web Site: http://members.aol.com/biffyshrew/tull.html
Best Tull Concert: San Diego, July 1973
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Another cup of tea, dear
Best Tull Line: Why do the faithful have such a will to believe in something, and call it the name they choose, having chosen nothing?

Congratulations on your half-century! As always, looking forward to your next musical explorations.

Mike Lalli - 07/10/97 19:40:01 GMT
My Email:mike_lalli@arkwright.com
Favorite Tull Song: TaaB
Favorite Tull Album: Taab/APP
Favorite Tull Web Site: St. Cleve
Best Tull Concert: APP Boston, 1973
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Chateau Margaux
Best Tull Line: "Really don't mind if you sit this one out"

Dear Ian, Thank You ever so much for providing me and many others with thousands of hours of your musical/composition genuius! The best seats I've ever had were Crest of a Knave Worcestor MA. USA 1987, as usual YOU were Sensational. HAPPY BIRTHDAY IAN, and may you enjoy many more! God Bless you. Your friend,Mike Lalli.

Jimi Medlin - 07/10/97 13:48:58 GMT
My Email:medlinj@nc5.infi.net
Favorite Tull Song: Sossity; You're A Woman
Favorite Tull Album: Catfish Rising
Favorite Tull Web Site: Jethro Tull archive
Best Tull Concert: Stormwatch, Nashville TN.
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Tull goes well with any wine
Best Tull Line: Life's a long song but the tune ends too soon for us all

Every new album is like a visit from an old dear friend. Best wishes on your 50th birthday, Ian! 50 more for you and 30 more for Tull. I say! Hoorah!

Brian Kevin Casey - 07/12/97 07:16:17 GMT
My Email:briankc@acm.org
Favorite Tull Song: This is very hard to do - Chateau D'Isaster: Scenario & Audition (for all it's possiblities had it all been completed)
Favorite Tull Album: Thick as a Brick & Passion Play
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's
Best Tull Concert: Passion Play
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: You meant Scotch: a few fingers of Talisker
Best Tull Line: There's just a thin horizon between me and her… the edge of a half-dream glowing.

Ian - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! 1st Thank you for the great lyrics (especially your poetic insights on the human condition), 2ndly Thank you for the great music (for its ever changing uniqueness complexity and power). As for your your next 50 years: All I can offer you are my best wishes that may you stay sharp, strong and well especially while you and the band are on tour.

Versana Wilson - 07/12/97 06:55:46 GMT
My Email:ver659@exo.com
Favorite Tull Song: Locomotive Breath
Favorite Tull Album: The Best of JT --The Anniversary Collection
Favorite Tull Web Site: http://jtull.rutgers.edu/JethroTull
Best Tull Concert: 1996 Irvine, CA
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: home brewed
Best Tull Line: Nothing is Easy!

Ian, From one Leo to another, best birthday wishes from the bottom of the heart. You're very talented and I love you. Keep it up. Versana Wilson, 25.

Michael Arrowood - 07/12/97 04:26:18 GMT
My Email: 73743.25@compuserve.com
Favorite Tull Song: "Slow Marching Band"
Favorite Tull Album: "Broadsword"
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's at Rutgers
Best Tull Concert: Baltimore in 1997! Cause I'll be there...
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Scuppernong
Best Tull Line: "Maybe she's a dancer, and maybe I'm the king of old Siam."

Happy 50th, Ian, and many thanks for so many years of great music! You just don't know how important your songs have been in my life. Many more happy years to you!

dagger - 07/12/97 03:17:42 GMT
My URL: http://www.bayside.net/users/dagger/
My Email: dagger@bayside.net
Favorite Tull Song: All of Them...
Favorite Tull Album: All Of Them...
Favorite Tull Web Site: All Of Them...
Best Tull Concert: My First (RtB In Canberra, Australia)
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: I don't drink :)
Best Tull Line: Too many to list...

Happy birthday Ian! Hope that you can keep playing for many more years to come! Keep up the good work!

Kevin B. O'Brien - 07/12/97 03:03:58 GMT
My URL: http://www.ccaa.edu/~obrienk/
My Email:kob1@ix.netcom.com
Favorite Tull Song: Roots to Branches

From a deadbeat to an old greaser, Happy Birthday!

Geraint Maddison - 07/12/97 02:46:49 GMT
My URL: http://www.treko.net.au/~gmadd/fire/smoky.htm
My Email:gmadd@treko.net.au
Favorite Tull Song: Wond'ring Aloud
Favorite Tull Album: Broadsword
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's
Best Tull Concert: 20th Anniversary, Perth Western Australia - the only one I've seen :(
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Wine is about the only thing I dont drink (much)
Best Tull Line: "But it's only the giving that makes you what you are"

A very happy birthday Ian. I've been a fan since my childhood, and will continue to be well into my old age. Your music weaves a magic unmatched by any other.

Krista Pounders - 07/12/97 02:42:43 GMT
My URL: http://users.ids.net/~moocow/jtull.html
My Email: moocow@conan.ids.net
Favorite Tull Song: can'tpick...but we used to know
Favorite Tull Album: Passion Play..or Roots To Branches
Favorite Tull Web Site: Jethro Tull ( http://www.io.com/~megalon/jtull.html
Best Tull Concert: The stand...Aug 9, 1997...going to it...first one!!
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Underage to drink..
Best Tull Line: Well I'm all for leaving and that being done I put in a request to take up my turn in this forsaken paradise that calls it's self hell...where no-one has nothing and nothing is well

Happy B-Day Ian.. Keep up the GREAT music.. I really like the newer stuff....!!!! :o)

Jack Eaton - 07/12/97 02:14:17 GMT
My Email:jeaton@erols.com
Favorite Tull Song: Dun Ringill
Favorite Tull Album: All of them
Best Tull Concert: Warchild 1974\75
Best Tull Line: As the white sea snaps at the heels of a soft prayer, whispered.

Happy Birthday, thanks for all the wonderful music.

Sue & Steve Hatchette - 07/12/97 01:54:44 GMT
My Email: hatchette@ns.sympatico.ns
Favorite Tull Song: Aqualung
Favorite Tull Album: Heavy Horses
Best Tull Concert: Toronto

Have a great birthday Ian, you deserve it.

Jim Wagner - 07/12/97 01:42:27 GMT
My Email: jimphoto@ptdprolog.net
Favorite Tull Song: Budapest, Moths, H Horses...........
Favorite Tull Album: Crest of a Knave
Favorite Tull Web Site: St Cleve/Dave Steiner
Best Tull Concert: Montage Mtn '96
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Wagner's J. Reisling
Best Tull Line: A small cigar can change the world

Happy Birthday Ian........... I've been with you since '68 and admire your complete body of music. The progression of sophistication through these years along with your very unique musical and lyrical style has never failed to amaze me...I am in awe of you gift and talent. Have not yet sampled your smoked salmon...... Looking foreward to the same level of excellence there too! Here's wishing you many more healthy and happy years. Jim Wagner

Stoatlord - 07/12/97 00:53:55 GMT
My Email:erikdy@microsoft.com
Favorite Tull Song: Sossity: You're a woman
Favorite Tull Album: Minstrel
Best Tull Concert: Seattle, Paramount 1992
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: J. Lohr Estates Cabernet 1993
Best Tull Line: The wise man breaks wind and is gone

Ian, thank you for keeping the music alive for so many years. You've given us a wonderful bouquet of delights for whatever mood we're in. Songs for joy, songs for sorrow, something for everyone.

Michael Kronk - 07/12/97 00:29:40 GMT
My Email:RDNZL3@aol.com
Favorite Tull Song: To Cry You A Song
Favorite Tull Album: Benefit/Thick As A Brick
Best Tull Concert: "A Passion Play" tour
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Eye of the Swan
Best Tull Line: I'm going back to the one's that I know with whom I can be what I want to be. Just one week for the feeling to go, and with you there to help me then it probably will.

Many thanks for writing the words of inspiration that helped guide a confused young lad through those troubling teen years. And a thousand good wishes on your 50th birthday. Raise a glass and drink a toast to 50 more....

James C. Wilson - 07/12/97 00:06:53 GMT
My Email:jc_wilson@hotmail.com
Favorite Tull Song: Inside
Favorite Tull Album: Benefit
Favorite Tull Web Site: St. Cleve Chronicle
Best Tull Concert: Pullman, Wa. 1976
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Mateus Rose
Best Tull Line: All the places I've been make it hard to begin/to enjoy life again on the Inside, but I mean to.

Ah, 50 is not so bad, Ian , my good fellow. As long as you're not going down to the bog to warm your feet and your downy little sidies are in good repair, what could be amiss with the universe? Your music has been an integral part of my life...Cheers! Peace and Long Life! James C. Wilson (a.k.a. Derek Pith) (a.k.a. Lee Bestow as in in the dew the dawn sweet Lee Bestows)

Larry Gard - 07/11/97 23:57:45 GMT
My Email:lraygard@earthlink.net
Favorite Tull Song: Songs From The Wood
Favorite Tull Album: Thick As A Brick
Favorite Tull Web Site: St. Cleve Chronicle
Best Tull Concert: All Of Them
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Tull Music is Wine Enough
Best Tull Line: Cheerio

Thanks for all the wonderful music!

Robert Lis - 07/11/97 23:42:35 GMT
My Email:rlis1@ix.netcom.com
Favorite Tull Song: Reasons For Waiting
Favorite Tull Album: Aqualung
Favorite Tull Web Site: News Groups
Best Tull Concert: LosAngeles 1972
Best Tull Line: "How Do You Do"

Many Many Many more years to your health Ian. May Good Times and Good Vibes follow you for ever. Love ya man. Happy 50th.

Julian Gifford - 07/11/97 23:43:30 GMT
My URL: http://connexus.apana.org.au/~julian
My Email: julian@connexus.apana.org.au
Favorite Tull Song: Thick As A Brick
Favorite Tull Album: Aqualung
Best Tull Concert: Melbourne, 1972.
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Top Quality Cab. Sav.
Best Tull Line: Ian, in concert, "Here's a new arrangement of an old number with ............, in other words, it's just a but louder !

Happy birthday Ian. Thank you for all you music, lyric and wit. You are truly a musical genius. Get back to Australia SOON and don't pull that gammy leg bit again :-) Regards, Julian.

Lliam Jackman - 07/11/97 23:33:50 GMT
My URL: http://www.neuro.uoregon.edu/~jackman/lliam.htm
My Email: jackman@darkwing.uoregon.edu
Favorite Tull Song: Mayhem Maybe
Favorite Tull Album: Passion Play
Favorite Tull Web Site: Steiner's
Best Tull Concert: Seattle, Paramount Theater, 1993?
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Real Ale
Best Tull Line: 'Show me a good man and I'll show you the door.'

May you never lose the passion for music that makes so many of us so happy.

Tom Anderson - 07/11/97 23:23:41 GMT
My Email:andy23@ix.netcom.com
Favorite Tull Song: Jack-a-lynn
Favorite Tull Album: Stand Up
Favorite Tull Web Site: Jethro Tull Music Archive
Best Tull Concert: 71' Thick as a Brick (nothing can top this one)
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Sangria (mellow with a kick)
Best Tull Line: "Big bottled fraulein, put your weight on me"

Thank you for the music of MY life. A day without Tull is like a day without sunshine. Take a hand and take a bow. You played for me; that's all for now, oh, and never mind the words just hum along and keep on going. Happy 50th Ian. a fan, Tom Anderson

Tim Forest - 07/11/97 23:07:17 GMT
My Email: tpforest@sprintmail.com
Favorite Tull Song: You're kidding right?...
Favorite Tull Album: What day is this?...
Favorite Tull Web Site: The St. Cleve Chronicle
Best Tull Concert: Boston Garden 1973
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Nah. I'll have a Guinness stout
Best Tull Line: In these dark towns folk lie sleeping as the Heavy Horses thunder by to wake the dying city with the living horseman's cry

Ian, you may never know the extent to which you have effected us all. You hooked me back in 73 at the Boston Garden Passion Play concert. It seems as though every album brings forth a happy memory of where I was when I first heard it...like driving in the snow to go to college in my old 64 Dodge Valiant listening to Benefit on 8 track! Ah, those were the days. I also must say a sincere thank you to Shona for sharing you with us for all these years! Happy Birthday Ian. Please continue to share your genius with us and we promise to keep coming back for more.

YAMANAKA Shin - 07/11/97 23:02:05 GMT
My URL: http://leo.misc.hit-u.ac.jp/yamanaka/index-e.html
My Email: yamanaka@leo.misc.hit-u.ac.jp
Favorite Tull Song: A Passion Play
Favorite Tull Album: A PASSION PLAY
Favorite Tull Web Site: Jethro Tull Music Archive
Best Tull Concert: First Japan Tour ('71?)
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: mmm-?
Best Tull Line: Here am I Roll the stone away from the dark into the ever-day.

Hi Ian. I'm Japanese Tull fan, 22yers old. I'm afraid you won't come to Japan...for ever. You hate us? By the way, I think you will be 60 years old...!? I heard you were born in 1937. Which is the truth? But we love you&your music. Thanks!

Erik C. Johnson - 07/11/97 22:55:24 GMT
My Email:ke3mb@enter.net
Favorite Tull Song: Fire at Midnight, Baker St. Muse, Thick as a Brick
Favorite Tull Album: Songs from the Wood, Minstrel in the Gallery, Heavy Horses
Favorite Tull Web Site: the Rugers' Tull site
Best Tull Concert: Tower Theater 1990??
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Home Brewed Stoudt
Best Tull Line: So slip the chain and I'm off again. You'll find me everywhere.

Very best regards on your 50th birthday Mr. Anderson. I can't begin to express how much enjoyment your music has provided me over the years. I can only say thank you and hope you have another 50 years filled with laughter, love, song and spirit. 73.

Chris Ireland - 07/11/97 22:31:48 GMT
My Email:Cireland1@aol.com
Favorite Tull Song: Wind Up
Favorite Tull Album: A Passion Play
Favorite Tull Web Site: Steiner's
Best Tull Concert: BSATB Tour Philadephia...way back when ;-)
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Hmmm...a nice Bordeaux
Best Tull Line: "I tried my best to love you all...all you hypocrits and fools..

Dear Ian, Thank you for all the pleasure your music has given me over the years...My 7 year old loves, "Fire at Midnight"! And I didn't name him Jethro:) Many more Cheers!

Tim Robertson - 07/11/97 22:27:28 GMT
My Email:troberts@oracle.com
Favorite Tull Song: Living in the Past
Favorite Tull Album: Live at Hammersmith
Favorite Tull Web Site: http://tull.rutgers.edu/JethroTull
Best Tull Concert: Santa Monica Civic
Best Tull Line: From an '80s interview '... Tull lives on since it was never really "in style", it can't go "out of style".'

Ian, Since my first play of your musical creations in 1974 on an 8-track player, no less, I have been inspired and entertained! As a result, I have taken life a wee-bit less seriously! I find that my kids are discovering the same passion in your music and I can't help but smile - it means the music will live on for another generation, at least!

Mike Freese - 07/11/97 21:53:33 GMT
My Email: freese@comet.lvdc.wr.irs.gov
Favorite Tull Song: Moths, Budapest, Heavy Horses
Favorite Tull Album: Songs from the Wood. Benefit
Best Tull Concert: Oakland, 1972, San Diego 1996
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Chilled Washington Gewurztraminer
Best Tull Line: ... whisp of cotton panty, like looking up at infinity

I hope you enloy life as much as I enjoy listening to your works!

Ms. Deejay Driscoll - 07/11/97 21:48:58 GMT
My URL: http://members.aol.com/RainyDazer/index.html
My Email:hsiri1@aol.com
Favorite Tull Song: Cold Wind to Valhalla
Favorite Tull Album: Songs From the Wood
Favorite Tull Web Site: the Archives
Best Tull Concert: August 17th, in Baltimore! Will be my first JT concert!
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Chianti
Best Tull Line: The ice cream lady wet her drawers to see you in the Passion Play..

At 50 you're only halfway there, sir! A most happy birthday to my alltime favorite lyricsmith. And remember: Although some say that Rock is Dead, we can always root for Paper and Scissors! =} Deejay of Seattle

Tony James - 07/11/97 21:29:16 GMT
My Email:tjames@ezl.com
Favorite Tull Song: A Passion Play (is that cheating?)
Favorite Tull Album: Heavy Horses
Favorite Tull Web Site:The St. Cleve Chronicle
Best Tull Concert: Sep 13 1996 (my only one)
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: White
Best Tull Line: "Do you still see me, even here..."

Ian, I hope you have a wonderful birthday. Here's wishing you the very best of everything, and all the joy in the world. You certainly have provided me with my fair share of joy, through your music. Love, Tony James

Jim (JT) Thomas - 07/11/97 21:20:28 GMT
My Email:jethrotull@bigfoot.com
Favorite Tull Song: Skating Away... (except around Christmas, then it's "Ring Out Solstice Bells"
Favorite Tull Album: Songs from the Wood
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's, of course.
Best Tull Concert: RtB in Omaha last August
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Doesn't matter as long as there's lots of it.
Best Tull Line: Well, do you ever get the feeling that the story's too damned real and in the present tense? Or that everybody's on the stage and it seems like you're the only person sitting in the audience.

Ian, I've been listening to Tull since 1971. The first song I heard was "Teacher" whilst sitting in an old bank vault that had been decorated with various posters illuminated with a blacklight. The atmosphere was filled with the sights and smells of that bygone era. What an apropos song and setting for my first experience with both you and... well,... I soon adopted the nickname "JT" after my initials, but when people ask what it stands for I smile and say "Jethro Tull." I'm not a particularly religious person, preferring instead to think of myself as a "Progressive Transcendental Existentialist" whatever that means. However, much of your poetry has helped to shape my personal philosophy towards life for which I can only say "Thanks." Here's to raising a cup of wonder to you and yours on your birthday. May you have many, many more and be blessed by all the gods that you can count. JT

Sudhir Pai - 07/11/97 21:04:52 GMT
My Email:spai@rocketmail.com
Favorite Tull Song: difficult to classify
Favorite Tull Album: difficult to classify
Favorite Tull Web Site: http://jtull.rutgers.edu/JethroTull/
Best Tull Concert: Feb '94 - Bombay
Best Tull Line: He who made kittens, put snakes in the grass.

Jayne Rowe - 07/11/97 20:46:59 GMT
My URL: http://www.angelfire.com/ca/jayne/
My Email:jlrowe@ucsd.edu
Favorite Tull Song: Velvet Green
Favorite Tull Album: Heavy Horses
Favorite Tull Web Site: Belgian Jethro Tull Fansite
Best Tull Line: Let me make you a present of song as the wise man breaks wind as is gone.

Dear Ian, Your words and music have been an inspiration to me through the years. I can't imagine the world without an Ian Anderson. How lucky I feel to have lived in your time period!! Happy birthday. Please never stop making your magikal music.

Tom Walton - 07/11/97 19:41:12 GMT
My Email: tomwalton@hotmail.com
Favorite Tull Song: Heavy Horses
Favorite Tull Album: Broadsword

Happy 50th. Here's to the next 50 - pass 's that bottle!!

Gustavo - 07/11/97 19:34:58 GMT
My Email:gas@ncgr.org
Favorite Tull Song: Rocks on the Road
Favorite Tull Album: Benefit
Best Tull Line: show me a good man and I'll show you the door

Feliz cumplea~nos Mr. Anderson; keep the "singer of these ageless times" brewing whithin!

Dhiraj Raniga - 07/11/97 19:30:21 GMT
My URL: http://www.radiant.net/~nraniga/Nikhil.html
My Email:nraniga@radiant.net
Favorite Tull Song: With you there to help me
Favorite Tull Album: Benefit
Favorite Tull Web Site: Rays
Best Tull Concert: 1970 in Vancouver B.C. Canada
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Hell maybe I'll stick to sipping my Royal salute
Best Tull Line: Sossity: you're a woman

God gifted individual who has made a stamp in life that will be remembered as long as music is around. If music is the food of love, play on. I salute to your archeivement but then again in return you may highly praise my talent to recognize yours.

Craig Phillips - 07/11/97 19:02:23 GMT
My URL:http://lair.coil.com
My Email:craigp@coil.com
Favorite Tull Song: Flyingdale Flyer
Favorite Tull Album: Broadsword & The Beast
Favorite Tull Web Site: http://jtull.rutgers.edu/JethroTull/
Best Tull Concert: Rock Island Tour

Many thanks for the hours of pleasure you have given me with your music. You have my deepest respect as both an artist and a gentleman.

Scott Harloff - 07/11/97 18:59:07 GMT
My Email:slagline@sat.net
Favorite Tull Song: 2 many 2 name

My 1st Tull concert was in Dallas. Tull was with "Clouds" and "Spare Opera" I think my favorite was the TAAB with the little known group YES. I will say though that the Roots to Branches tour was GREAT!!! I would like to thank Ian for his dedication to Tull fans as he was in a wheel chair in San Antonio for this concert.THANKS Ian Happy Birthday and God Bless!!

Ken Stitzel - 07/11/97 18:48:16 GMT
My URL:http://docs.fc.hp.com/~ks/
My Email:ks@fc.hp.com
Favorite Tull Song: many
Favorite Tull Album: A Passion Play
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's
Best Tull Concert: Red Rocks, '87 (let's forget '71)
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: A Chimay red ale with Crest of a Knave
Best Tull Line: Here am I, roll the stone away/from the dark into ever-day

Doubt if you'll read this, but thanks for the music!

Rikhardur H. Fridriksson - 07/11/97 18:49:10 GMT
My URL:http://rvik.ismennt.is/~rhf/
My Email:rhf@ismennt.is
Favorite Tull Song: Many
Favorite Tull Album: Heavy Horses
Best Tull Concert: Brussels, Spring 1992

Happy Birthday.

Chris W. Hakanen - 07/11/97 18:46:00 GMT
My URL:http://www.velocity.net/~ngs/
My Email:ngs@velocity.net
Favorite Tull Song: Moths
Favorite Tull Album: Heavy Horses/Songs From The Wood
Favorite Tull Web Site: Rutgers
Best Tull Concert: Pittsburgh, PA 1978
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Beer only (Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout)
Best Tull Line: Pass the word and pass the lady, pass the plate to all who hunger. Pass the wit of ancient wisdom...

Happy birthday to you and yours. Many in the future. Hope to see you this autumn in PA/Ohio.

Rebecca K Finley - 07/11/97 18:45:14 GMT
My URL: http://www.oocities.org/Yosemite/2757
My Email:tullrules@usa.net
Favorite Tull Song: Heavy Horses
Favorite Tull Album: A Little Light Music
Favorite Tull Web Site: They're ALL cool!
Best Tull Concert: 1993(1994?)
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Doesn't need any!
Best Tull Line: Shit, shit, shit. Take two!!

I live and breathe Tull whatever I'm doing, wherever I go.

Torsten Behrendt - 07/11/97 18:40:33 GMT
My Email: Torsten_Behrendt@public.uni-hamburg.de
Favorite Tull Song: Heavy Horses
Favorite Tull Album: Heavy Horses
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner
Best Tull Concert: 25 Years Of JT in the Stdtpark, Hamburg,June 18th, 1993
Best Tull Line: Sitting on a bark bench.....

I don´t know if someone really reads these lines, but one thing I can say: JT (Ian Anderson) has brought the greatest music to me, ever.

Peter Meyer - 07/11/97 18:17:02 GMT
My Email:pmeyer@nortel.ca
Favorite Tull Song: Hunting Girl (Concert Version)
Favorite Tull Album: This Was
Best Tull Concert: Bursting Out (if only I'd been old enough to know...)
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Chillean Red
Best Tull Line: One White duck / 0^infinity = nothing at all

Ian: I've been listing to your music now for the past 15 years - it's style is so much more complex and interesting than anything "popular" that has come along. Your blending of 'classical instrumentation' has been a great inspiration. I have now taken to playing flute, very inspired by the unique way in which you use the instrument in your music. Thank-you for 30 years of bold, eclectic and complex music that so set you ahead of much of today's sounds. To you I wish a very happy birthday and all the best in the years to come. Peter Meyer

Bob Smith - 07/11/97 18:03:47 GMT
My Email: debsmith@julian.uwo.ca
Favorite Tull Song: Jack Frost & The Hooded Crow
Favorite Tull Album: Songs From the Wood
Best Tull Concert: '71 TAAB (Cobo Hall, Detroit)
Best Tull Line: Really don't mind if you sit this one out...

Thanks for the memories. Keep on keeping on. We appreciate what you do.

Joseph Kitchell - 07/11/97 18:02:12 GMT
My URL: http://mars.superlink.net/~wizard/
My Email: wizard@mars.superlink.net
Favorite Tull Song: Skating Away
Favorite Tull Album: Broadsword and the Beast
Favorite Tull Web Site: Jethro Tull Music Archive
Best Tull Concert: 25th Anniv. Tour
Best Tull Line: "He is the God of nothing..if that's all that you can see..He is the God of everything..He's inside you and me..."

Dear Ian...have a very happy and healthy birthday!! Your music means so much to so many, stay with it as long as you're able. Best wishes --- Joe Kitchell

Mark S. Weiss - 07/11/97 17:47:15 GMT
My URL: http://www.cris.com/~weissms/index~1.sht
My Email:weissms@cris.com
Favorite Tull Song: We used to know
Favorite Tull Album: Thick as a brick
Best Tull Concert: Thick as a brick--L.A. Forum

Ian, A heartfelt 'happy birthday' to you old boy. May you continue to compose equally interesting and exciting music in the years to come. Best of health and happiness to you and your family. Thanks for many, many years of happy listening!!!

Aden Staring - 07/11/97 17:40:14 GMT
My Email:stormy@hotstar.net
Favorite Tull Song: Thick as a Brick
Favorite Tull Album: Heavy Horses
Favorite Tull Web Site: http://jtull.rutgers.edu/jethrotull/
Best Tull Concert: toronto,Sept.4,1993
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Cuvee Speciale, Red 1994
Best Tull Line: "When I feel romantic I like to slip into men's clothing" - Bungle part II

Happy B.Day Ian!! Keep up the stellar work. from the fans from the great white north!

R. Winsor - 07/11/97 16:59:40 GMT
My Email:rwinsor@avalon.nf.ca
Favorite Tull Song: Passion Play
Favorite Tull Album: all of em

Ian, Happy big 50 from a big fan in Newfoundland, just across the pond from you.

Matthew DeSmith - 07/11/97 16:57:17 GMT
My Email: mdesmith@concentric.net
Favorite Tull Song: Thick as a Brick
Favorite Tull Album: Thick as a Brick.. Roots to Branches
Favorite Tull Web Site: Jethro Tull Music Archive
Best Tull Concert: The next one
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Grape
Best Tull Line: We'll see you again!

Best wishes and continued success!

Adrie van Geffen - 07/11/97 16:47:05 GMT
My URL: http://www.globalxs.nl/home/a/a3geffen/
My Email:a3geffen@globalxs.nl
Favorite Tull Song: Dun Ringill
Favorite Tull Album: Minstrel in the Gallery
Favorite Tull Web Site: Rutger Remus
Best Tull Concert: Songs from the Wood
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: only beer or whisky!
Best Tull Line: And your wise men don't know how it feels.. to be thick as a brick

Happy birthday and time for something new. By the way, have you found your silhoutte as cursor? (see my URL) To speak with Uriah Heep, humble and all, "Look at yourself". Like to see you on stage at least till you have reached the age of BB King. And the same shape. Not the same composure however...You don't want to be fat man, it was?

Geoff Edwards - 07/11/97 16:36:18 GMT
My Email:gedwards@iquest.net
Favorite Tull Song: The Clap
Favorite Tull Album: Nightcap
Favorite Tull Web Site: Jethro Tull Music Archive
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Chardonnay
Best Tull Line: " - It's not the gun that kills, but the man behind."

Congratulations on the half-C. May the next be as grand.

Vazken Movsesian - 07/11/97 16:25:52 GMT
My URL:http://www.sain.org
My Email:dervaz@concentric.net
Favorite Tull Song: Dogs in Midwinter
Favorite Tull Album: Thick as a Brick
Best Tull Concert: LA Coloseum 1977
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Armenian Oghi
Best Tull Line: ...from ear to hear...

Many happy returns. Your music brings a lot of joy to our lives.

Michael Arant - 07/11/97 16:11:14 GMT
My Email:coyote@intrepid.net
Favorite Tull Song: Dun Ringill
Favorite Tull Album: SFTW
Best Tull Concert: US Tour '96 with ELP
Best Tull Line: "In the wee hours I'll meet you..."

Ian, Lad.
Tho' we've never met, I consider you friend and brother.
Long life...much happiness.
Well met fellow, hail!

Mike Lenox - 07/11/97 15:55:56 GMT
My URL: http://swordmicro.com/~lenox/home.html
My Email:lenox@swordmicro.com
Favorite Tull Song: Hunting Girl
Favorite Tull Album: Thick as a Brick
Favorite Tull Web Site: rutgers.edu
Best Tull Concert: Atlanta 93
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Chimay Ale
Best Tull Line: You're kidding, right?

Happy Birthday, Ian. 8^)
You've made a lot of people happy over the years, and I appreciate it. Please be well and never stop playing for yourself. Cheers.

Oren Coin - 07/11/97 15:52:50 GMT
My URL: http://www.smokymtnhost.com
My Email:oren@dnet.net
Favorite Tull Song: Budapest
Favorite Tull Album: Roots To Branches
Best Tull Concert: Asheville, NC, 1975 (War Child)
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: "Aw, c'mon, turn it up!"
Best Tull Line: "Well, it was even obvious to me."

Thanks, old man, for 30 years of great music!

Rick Suk - 07/11/97 15:50:15 GMT
My Email:tullskull@juno.com
Favorite Tull Song: Baker St. Muse
Favorite Tull Album: Catfish Rising
Best Tull Line: I tried to catch my bye, but I looked the other way.

Happiest of days to you! Whenever you're in California, I've got some home brewed Pale Ale to share (good stuff that won awards at the county fair).

Scott Thornburg - 07/11/97 15:49:22 GMT
My URL: http://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/thornbur
My Email:scott.thornburg@asqnet.org
Favorite Tull Song: Under Wraps (acoustic)
Favorite Tull Album: Heavy Horses
Best Tull Concert: Any Denver Venue

I heard Aqualung but didn't get hooked 'til Passion Play. You have added much to my life. When I am depressed I listen to Tull or blues. I remember an interview where you said something like "My passport says 'musician' and I will be one whether it's in The Garden or playing to the que at the cinema" I hope you play for another 50. Thanks.

Charles Bonenfant - 07/11/97 15:48:20 GMT
My Email: cbonenfant@videotron.ca
Favorite Tull Song: A Passion Play
Favorite Tull Album: A Passion Play
Favorite Tull Web Site: Sigi's page
Best Tull Concert: I am too
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Beer is much better with tull (heineken)
Best Tull Line: "Life is a long song, but the tune ends too song for us all"

Mister Anderson, you have been such a source of inspiration for so many people, including me (from your flute playing techniques to the writting of your lyrics). You have put sunshine in so many people's life. You have always been fidel to your ideas. Your music and your poetry will never die... Happy 50th anniversery... continue to be a "Ministrel in the Gallery".
Sincerely yours, Charles Bonenfant

Rich Bonazza - 07/11/97 15:39:47 GMT
My Email: nagshead@mail.mlynk.com
Favorite Tull Song: My God
Favorite Tull Album: Roots to Branches
Best Tull Concert: Roots to Branches
Best Tull Line: My words but a wisper your deathness a shout

Ian, Thank you !!!!!! Happy 50th and PLEASE never retire !!!!!!!

Joshua Colwell - 07/11/97 15:31:43 GMT
My URL:http://sargon.colorado.edu
My Email: colwell@sargon.colorado.edu
Favorite Tull Song: Jack-a-Lynn
Favorite Tull Album: Songs from the Wood
Best Tull Concert: Rock Island - Miami Florida

Thanks for so many hours of great music listening pleasure. Happy Birthday! Josh

Steve Gomes - 07/11/97 15:19:37 GMT
My URL: http://ic.net/~sgomes/home/steve.html
My Email:sgomes@ic.net
Favorite Tull Song: Rocks on the Road
Favorite Tull Album: Nightcap
Favorite Tull Web Site: www.universerecords.com
Best Tull Concert: Stormwatch Tour
Best Tull Line: "She's a warm fart at Christmas"

Thank you very much for the music that I have loved for the last 21 years of my life. God Bless you Ian.

Bob Watson - 07/11/97 15:07:39 GMT
My Email:rwatson@law.vill.edu
Favorite Tull Song: Dun Ringill
Favorite Tull Album: Heavy Horses
Best Tull Concert: Pittsburgh, PA, Nov. 1995--front row

Thanks for all the great music... like a good wine, it is growing even better with age. Happy birthday, and please keep the music coming.

Kevin Schaffer - 07/11/97 15:04:29 GMT
My Email: kschaffer@natsci.ucsc.edu
Favorite Tull Song: Budabest, So Much Trouble, Heavy Horses, We Used To Know, Beside Myself
Favorite Tull Album: Divinities (I know, that's only Ian but i love it!), Heavy Horses, Crest of a Knave
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's (without a doubt)
Best Tull Concert: 25th Anniversary Tour, Pittsburgh, PA
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: wine??? yuck...Anchor Steam beer!!!
Best Tull Line: "Your sperm's in the gutter your love's in the sink..."

Happy Birthday Ian! I've been an ardent fan since '89 and thoroughly enjoy all of the music and hope it continues! You are truly a musical genius and I look forward to the upcoming album(s).

Martin Kwapinski - 07/11/97 15:00:39 GMT
My Email: martin.kwapinski@gsa.gov
Favorite Tull Song: It depends on the day.
Favorite Tull Album: See answer above.
Best Tull Concert: Almost all. Try Central Park, NY, August 4 1970, or A Passion Play tour in Madison Square Garden, NY (front row seats for 2 nights!)
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: How about a Manhattan, straight?
Best Tull Line: Right now, it's "life's a long song."

Thank you for intelligent and provocative lyrics and memorable music which always surprises. You've achieved an early goal of making us both feel and think, and provided much fun along the way! Many happy returns. mk

Phil Tibble - 07/11/97 14:54:21 GMT
My URL: http://darcy.uwaterloo.ca/~patibble/
My Email: patibble@sciborg.uwaterloo.ca
Favorite Tull Song: Reasons for Waiting / Cross=Eyed Mary
Favorite Tull Album: Stand Up / Thick as a Brick
Favorite Tull Web Site: http://www.oocities.org/SunsetStrip/8302/index.html
Best Tull Concert: Tokyo 1993 OR 10/1984 New Haven CT.
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: MY Cab. Sauv.

Ian. You said it best a long time ago.. Its only the giving that makes you what you are. Thank you

Jim Good - 07/11/97 14:38:36 GMT
My Email:gem@rice.edu
Favorite Tull Song: We Used to Know
Favorite Tull Album: Heavy Horses (or maybe Stand Up)
Best Tull Line: We ran the race, the race was won, by running slowly.

Ian, keep up the good work. Your's is probably the only music that my wife, my six year old daughter and I, all enjoy. My wife and daughter think the acoustic pieces and your flute are especially beautiful. I love it all.

Stephen Mollins - 07/11/97 14:32:27 GMT
My URL:http://www.mtic.com
My Email:spm@mtic.com
Favorite Tull Song: One White Duck
Favorite Tull Album: Bursting Out
Best Tull Concert: Aqualung
Best Tull Line: One white duck on the wall equals zero to the tenth power, or nothing at all

Happy Birthday Ian, Back in 1971 my friends & I were discussing the future of Tull, and someone wondered what Ian would be doing when he was 50 years old. I replied immediately that you would be performing, of course. This comment was greeted with great amusement. To a group of teenagers fifty seemed just this side of the grave. Thank you for so many years of pleasure, and thanks in advance for all the years to come.
Steve Mollins
P.S. We met in Providence & Boston a number of times in the early 80's and shared drinks, etc. We had an interesting discussion comparing the food value of venison and beef, and the deer's more efficiant conversion of plant matter to protien.

David Corkum - 07/11/97 14:30:35 GMT
My Email:corkum@bc.edu
Favorite Tull Song: One White Duck/0^10 = Nothing At All
Favorite Tull Album: Passion Play
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's
Best Tull Concert: Passion Play 1973, Madison Square Garden
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Who needs wine!!!
Best Tull Line: And your little sister's immaculate virginity wings away on the bony shoulders of a young horse named George who stole surreptitiously into her geography revision.

Happy 50th Ian! Don't stop creating the best music there is. I'll see you in Boston on August 10th, where we will all wish you a well deserved half-century!!

Heinz van Pee - 07/11/97 14:20:22 GMT
My URL: http://www.ai-lab.fh-furtwangen.de
My Email: vanpee@ai-lab.fh-furtwangen.de
Favorite Tull Song: Heavy Horses
Favorite Tull Album: The Broadsword and the Beast
Favorite Tull Web Site: http://remus.rutgers.edu/JethroTull/
Best Tull Concert: Stuttgart 1989 (my 18th Birthday)
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: why wine?
Best Tull Line: A golden tody on the mantle ...

Hi Ian, I hope you really get the Card and read it. Thank you for all you have given to the world. I love your music and hope the story will go on.
Greetings to the Band (especially Martin)

Mark Romer - 07/11/97 14:12:23 GMT
My Email: mark@bio1.lan.mcgill.ca
Favorite Tull Song: Passion Play
Favorite Tull Album: Stand Up
Favorite Tull Web Site:Steiner's
Best Tull Concert: Thick as a Brick, Montreal, 1972
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: too many to remember
Best Tull Line: too many to list

One of my first concerts, definately my favorite band, and a big part of the music in my head for 27 years or 65% of my life. My son and I look forward to your presence in Montreal in October! Thanks Ian and here's a glass to the next 50! (my mom's birthday is also on the 10th)

Dilip Sampath - 07/11/97 14:06:54 GMT
My Email: b2y0f62@cheshub1.bell-atl.com
Favorite Tull Song: baker street muse
Favorite Tull Album: songs from the wood
Favovite Tull Web Site: rutgers, st. cleve's chronicle
Best Tull Concert: beacon theater, NY
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: almost anything
Best Tull Line: indian restuarants that curry my brain (baker street muse)

happy b'day to someone who has single handedly provided immense orgasmic delight to my ears all these years... Thanks for all the music Ian.... Dilip

Dave McNeill - 07/11/97 13:55:10 GMT
My URL:http://ontour.datalogics.com
My Email:dmcneill@dlogics.com
Favorite Tull Song: Whatever you're playing right now
Favorite Tull Album: A Little Light Music
Best Tull Concert: UIC Chicago 1987
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Red wine but would prefer a Bass Ale
Best Tull Line: You better Lick your fingers Clean before you shake his hand

Ian Happy Birthday. Thank You so much for all the good music through the years. Otter Dave McNeill

Michael D. Myers - 07/11/97 13:33:13 GMT
My URL:http://www.rcinet.com/~alphdawg
My Email:mmyers@ub.com
Favorite Tull Song: Dun Ringill
Favorite Tull Album: (Ian Solo) Divinities
Best Tull Concert: Shoemaker Center (Cincinnati,OH)1991
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Budwiser
Best Tull Line: we'll watch the old ghost's play

Happy 50th Ian, and best wishes. hope you get everything you want, and want everything you get.

Richard Stahl - 07/11/97 13:18:47 GMT
My Email: abyssean@mindless.com
Favorite Tull Song: Black Sunday
Favorite Tull Album: Songs From The Wood
Favorite Tull Web Site:Rutgers
Best Tull Concert: 25 Year Tour, Buffalo, NY
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Cabernet
Best Tull Line: "This is the story..."

Ian, Happy 50th, may you have many more. Rich

Kevin "Barthel" Knerr - 07/11/97 13:13:15 GMT
My URL: http://home.ptd.net/~kknerrsr
My Email:kknerrsr@ptdprolog.net
Favorite Tull Song: tough call-let's say "Rocks on the Road" for today
Favorite Tull Album: "Songs from the Wood" is still my all-time fave, but a dozen others are running a close second!
Favorite Tull Web Site: The St. Cleve Chronicle site, natch! -- http://jtull.rutgers.edu/JethroTull/
Best Tull Concert: the JT/ELP concert in in Scranton, PA was my first (FINALLY!)
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: a "Nightcap" of single malt Scotch
Best Tull Line: Well you can excommunicate me on my way to Sunday School . . . have all the bishops harmonize these lines.

Happy Birthday, Ian! Your music has been a constant companion in my life ever since I was first introduced to it twenty-some years ago. Thank you so much! Keep following your Muse--she hasn't steered you wrong yet and I, for one, can hardly wait to hear the music that is still waiting to be written by you. If we should meet, I'd be honored to buy you a pint . . . but until then, Peace, blessings, and joy to you!

Madhu Nayakkankuppam - 07/11/97 13:08:33 GMT
My URL: http://www.cs.nyu.edu/phd_students/madhu
My Email:madhu@cs.nyu.edu
Favorite Tull Song: Songs from the wood
Favorite Tull Album: Heavy Horses
Best Tull Line: Let me bring you all things refined, galliards and lute songs served in chilling ale.

Happy Birthday, Ian! Keep the music going!

Mike Pingleton - 07/11/97 12:56:11 GMT
My URL: httgto.ncsa.uiuc.edu/pingleto/mike.htmlp://
My Email:pingleto@ncsa.uiuc.edu
Favorite Tull Song: Mountain Men
Favorite Tull Album: Passion Play
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's!
Best Tull Concert: Stormwatch
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Chateau D'isaster 1973, of course!
Best Tull Line: Here's the everlasting rub; neither am I good or bad / I'd give up my halo for a horn, and my horn for the hat I once had.

Happy Birthday Ian! There's an ice-cold Dixie Blackened Voodoo waiting for you here in Champaign Illinois... Break a leg! (oops, hang on, we've done that) yer pal, Mike.

Guy A. Wadsworth - 07/11/97 12:50:08 GMT
My URL: http://www.mv.net/ipusers/aqualung/
My Email: guyw@aqualung.mv.com
Favorite Tull Song: There are too many to single one out.
Favorite Tull Album: Minstral in the Gallery

Thanks for a lifetime of musical enjoyment!

Jessica Bennett - 07/11/97 12:46:48 GMT
My URL: http://www.oocities.org/Broadway/2975
My Email:jessjb@sprynet.com
Favorite Tull Song: Budapest
Favorite Tull Album: Minstrel in the Gallerery? Stand Up? I'm not sure if I have a favourite
Favorite Tull Web Site: Jethro Tull Music Archive
Best Tull Concert: Richmond, VA March of 96
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Sutter Home- white zin
Best Tull Line: "Each to his own way I'll go mine, best of luck with what you find. But for your own sake remember times, we used to know.


Phil Barber - 07/11/97 12:23:57 GMT
My Email: pbarber@accesscomm.net
Favorite Tull Song: one brown mouse
Favorite Tull Album: Storm Watch
Best Tull Concert: Hollywood Sportatorium 1977

happy b-day, look forward to seeing you again(next concert will make #9).

Chris Wraight - 07/11/97 12:03:48 GMT
My Email: wraight@sovereign-hill.com
Favorite Tull Song: Up The PoolFavorite Tull Album: A Passion Play
Best Tull Concert:A Passion Play

Happy Birthday Ian, release those Warchild movies willya .

Souheil Zarifé & Lina El-Baker - 07/11/97 11:57:27 GMT
My Email:sgzar@total.net
Favorite Tull Song: Grace
Favorite Tull Album: This was
Best Tull Concert: Paris, 1977
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Lebanese Arak
Best Tull Line: Hey Santa, pass us that bottle, will you!

Dear Ian, Hoping that one day you'll decide to play in Beirut, we wish you a happy birthday and a fruitful career ahead. Souheil & Lina

Dana Mosher - 07/11/97 11:15:08 GMT
My Email:d_mosher@tec.nh.us
Favorite Tull Song: Serenade To A Cuckoo
Favorite Tull Album: Benefit
Favorite Tull Web Site: The JT Rutgers site
Best Tull Concert: Warchild
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Any
Best Tull Line: I can't get out ! !

Happy Birthday Ian ! Been an admirer since This Was and you guys have yet to disappoint me with your musical prowess. What a great job you did with Divinities ! ! and RTB ! ! Thanks for the music, the humor and the showmanship. Dana

Mathias Willerup - 07/11/97 10:14:15 GMT
My URL:http://willerup.com/
My Email:mathias@willerup.com
Favorite Tull Song: How can you favoritize amongst such variety of perfection
Favorite Tull Album: Emerson, Lake & Palmer's greatest hits (joke)
Favorite Tull Web Site: http://willerup.com/tull/
Best Tull Concert: The most recent one - in Reading 1996
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Wine? Whatever Ian is having.
Best Tull Line: Sitting on a park bench (!)

Hi Ian, have a nice birthday. I am exactly half the age of you, what a coincidence. Your music has guided me through my short and insignificant life for almost five years now - it *is* the best stuff around. All the best, Mathias Willerup, Danish Tull-Fan

Chuck Venezia - 07/11/97 02:19:28 GMT
My Email:venezia@aics.net
Favorite Tull Song: This is tough - right now: Wond'ring Aloud
Favorite Tull Album: Minstrel in the Gallery
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's
Best Tull Concert: Stormwatch
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: A fine Pinot Noir
Best Tull Line: Thin spreading fingers seek to embrace the still-warm bundles that huddle on the doorsteps of a white London Town.

Ian - I want to thank you for all the wonderful music over so many years. Like the best of friends, it has always been there through the many varied phases of my life. I hope that you have a great 50th birthday - I will be in Boston to celebrate.

Glen Wilken - 07/13/97 07:02:44 GMT
My Email:wilken@qtm.net
Favorite Tull Song: Budapest, Beside Myself, We Used To Know, Baker St. Muse (so many to choose from)
Favorite Tull Album: Minstrel In the Gallery
Favorite Tull Web Site: The SCC (so it's not a web site)
Best Tull Concert: Attended - Akron, OH, 11-2?-95, Video - A Passion Play
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Molson Golden (I hate wine)
Best Tull Line: Life's a long song, but the tune ends to soon for us all.

Happy 50th Ian!! May you have many, many more. I have been a huge fan since '74, yet to be disappointed, keep up the great work. Looking forward to seeing you in Grand Rapids, MI on the 13th of August, I'll be the "Big Guy with a beard" in the front row just to your right. See ya then. :)

Randy Wheadon - 07/13/97 06:01:48 GMT
My Email:randy@cyberspc.mb.ca
Favorite Tull Song: all
Favorite Tull Album: all
Favorite Tull Web Site: all
Best Tull Concert: Broadsword and the Beast (only one)
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: home made
Best Tull Line: pass us that bottle will ya

Been Tull fan since 1972, only seen one concert in montreal (broadsword). Now 39 and love them even more, loved them when I was 19 and still love them at almost 40. Not much more a band can hope for. Devoted fan and always will be. My son, age 11, likes Augest Rain, makes me feel good. Please come to Winnipeg in 97/98. I will take my son along.

Brian Scorben - 07/13/97 05:37:29 GMT
My URL: http://www.eden.rutgers.edu/~scorben
My Email: scorben@monmouth.com
Favorite Tull Song: Just Trying to Be
Favorite Tull Album: A Passion Play, Roots to Branches
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's
Best Tull Concert: My first- Oct. 8th 1992, Tower Theatre, Philadelphia
Best Tull Line: "Each to his own way, I'll go mine. Best of luck with what you find, but, for your own sake, remember times we used to know."

Your words and music have changed my life- from spurning ideas and thoughts to pursuing the flute and music on a new level. May you always continue to do whatever it is you desire.....

Len Roach - 07/13/97 04:48:07 GMT
My URL: http://members.tripod.com/~santazen/index.html
My Email:santazen@oconee.com
Favorite Tull Song: Wind Up
Favorite Tull Album: Aquqlung
Best Tull Concert: Macon Ga 1972
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Chateau Fombrauge/St Emilion 1986
Best Tull Line: He's not the kind you wind up on sunday.

MY favorite band since 1969.

Sandy - 07/13/97 03:55:42 GMT
My Email: http:teeboy.videotron.ca
Favorite Tull Song: Thick as a Brick
Favorite Tull Album: Minestral in the Gallery
Best Tull Concert: never saw one !

Happy birthday to the best Artist I know !!!! Hope to see you in montreal pretty soon.
another fan...
Sandy xxxxxxx

Tony J Mauro - 07/13/97 03:04:39 GMT
My Email:TNT42@AOL
Favorite Tull Song: ALL TULL SONGS
Favorite Tull Album: ALL TULL ALBUMS
Best Tull Concert: FROM 1978-1996

Dear Ian, I Have Been a Tull Fan Now Since 1970. My First Tull Concert Was Songs From The Wood, And Have Seen You Ever Since. Some Times More Then Once. I Just Hope You will Cont. Writing And Touring As Long As Possible. I know That You Are Not As Young As You Use To Be, But Let's Face It, The Music Of Today Isn't What It Use To Be. Because Of You I Have Learned (My Self) How To Play The Flute And Listen To Music In A Differnt Way. I Went On My Honeymoon To Skye. Had A Great Time There And I Think It Was A Very Nice Place As Well. My Only Request Is That If You Ever Do A Farewell Tour ( and i hope you don't) It Would Be Nice To Bring In The Members from Past To Do it With you. I Know That Is A Tall Order But What A Way To End A Great Time For Your Fans That Have Been With You From The Start, And For All The New Ones Out There As well. My Only Regret Is That I Wasn't Old Enough To See Tull From 69-77. Well, I Hope You Will Enjoy This Letter As Well I Enjoyed Writing It. Happy Birthday Ian And Many More.
From A Diehard Fan, Tony J Mauro
Thanks For All The Music You Have Given Us. Looking Forward To Your Next Tull And Long Awaited Solo Works.

Kevin - 07/13/97 02:28:28 GMT
My URL: http://members.icanect.net/~kevinr/
My Email:kevinr@icanect.net
Favorite Tull Song: The Whistler & Songs from the Wood
Favorite Tull Album: Songs from the Wood
Favorite Tull Web Site: all that I can find
Best Tull Concert: 25th Anniv. Tour (so far at least)
Best Tull Line: The Minstrel is in the Gallery.

Since my intro to Tull and you, Ian, in the mid 80's, I have come to love all that you and the group have done, especially in your minstrel days (ie Songs from the Wood, Minstrel in the Gallery). I have even decided to take up and attemp to learn the art of the flute (at age 31).... What an inspiration you and your music are. Thank you for that which you have given me and for being "The Minstrel".
Kevin R.

Gorman Tall - 07/13/97 02:21:15 GMT
My Email:gtall@ccpl.carr.lib.md.us
Favorite Tull Song: Windup
Favorite Tull Album: Passion Play
Best Tull Concert: Warchild/Passion play
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Dry Red Wine
Best Tull Line: Legends were born surrounding misterious lights flashing.

Thanks for sharing your creative musical accomplishments! For a change of pace write an album with "Madonna", Jethro Tull could play all the music! G.Tall

Glenn - 07/13/97 01:56:54 GMT
My Email:gmwyeth@ozemail.com.au
Favorite Tull Song: We Used To Know
Favorite Tull Album: Roots to Branches
Best Tull Concert: I've only seen 2 (25th Anniv. the best)
Best Tull Line: "I'm your pepsi cola if you'll just take me out the can"

All the best Ian. Thanks for the fine times, look forward to some more. Glenn from Australia

Noel Williams - 07/13/97 00:56:35 GMT
My Email:noelw@gil.com.au
Favorite Tull Song: Thick as a ........
Favorite Tull Album: 25th Anniversary
Best Tull Concert: 1996 Los Angeles
Best Tull Line: Bring me a wheel of ......

Best wishes Ian and thanks for a uniquely entertaining peroid as Jethro Tull. My wife and I will be at the Harbor Lights on August 10th. Hope to see you in a birthday mood.

Amity Giddens - 07/13/97 00:15:20 GMT
My Email:jgiddens@gte.net
Favorite Tull Song: One White Duck
Favorite Tull Album: Crest of a Knave
Favorite Tull Web Site: St. Cleve Chronicle
Best Tull Concert: RTB Tampa, FL 3/31/96
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: It all goes well
Best Tull Line: Ship's lights, green eyes glowing in the dark

Dear Ian, My fondest wishes for the happiest of birthdays. May your life be continually blessed with the artistry and magic that has made and still makes so many happy.

Ian McClain Peachey - 07/13/97 00:08:15 GMT
My Email:IMPeachey@aol.com
Favorite Tull Song: Minstrel in the Gallery
Favorite Tull Album: Minstrel . . .
Favorite Tull Web Site: St. Cleeve
Best Tull Concert: probably most of them
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Chilling ale
Best Tull Line: The minstrel in the gallery, looked down upon the smiling faces, he met the gazes observed the spaces, between the old mans cackle, he brewed a song of love and hatred, oblique suggestions and he waited, he polarized the pumpkin eaters, static humming, pannelbeaters, freshly day glowed factory cheaters, salaried and collar scrubbing, he tittilated men of action, belly warming hands still rubbing, on the parts they never mentioned, he passified their nappy suffering, infant bleating one line jokers, tv documentry makers overfed and undertakers, sunday paper back-gammon players, family scarred and women hater , then he called the band down to the stage and he looked at all the friends he'd made .

Ian, hey, that's my name, well uh you're the coolest. . . . raddest, most dope . .oh . . . no, you are the single most important musician of the 20th century, as well the most important for Partelow and I. If you did not exist we would not have anything to do when we walked around San Diego. Also on too old to rock and . . . , What does ' transport caf profit of doom mean?'

Rob Voluhser - 07/13/97 00:04:15 GMT
My Email:Rob_Volusher@compuserve.com
Favorite Tull Song: Wondering Aloud
Favorite Tull Album: Aqualung
Best Tull Concert: Thick as a Brick
Best Tull Line: It was a new day yesterday, but it is an old one now

Happy Birthday Ian...keep going Dude...Thanks for all the great music over the years.

Phil Vaughn - 07/12/97 23:56:50 GMT
My Email:pvaughn@primenet.com
Favorite Tull Song: Rare and Precious Chain
Favorite Tull Album: Living in the Past
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's
Best Tull Concert: Omaha '96
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: How about the worst whine: "Ian's voice doesn't sound like it did 30 years ago."
Best Tull Line: Let me bring you songs from the wood: to make you feel much better than you could know.

Thank you for your gifts of pleasure,
Songs I'm sure I'll always treasure.
I wish someday, I could repay
the joy, the thrill, the happiness
my simple words cannot express.
Happy Birthday

Anannya Deb - 07/12/97 23:33:41 GMT
My URL:http://www.iimb.ernet.in/anannyad
My Email:anannyad@iimb.ernet.in
Favorite Tull Song: Someday the sun won't shine upon you, Locomotive breadth
Favorite Tull Album: A Little Light Music, Songs From the Wood
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner
Best Tull Concert: Haven't seen one as yet
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Anything, Tull will take care of bad wine
Best Tull Line: Life is a Long Song

Happy Birthday, Ian, J.T.

Michael Tress - 07/12/97 22:43:25 GMT
My URL:http://www.cs.njit.edu/~tress
My Email:tress@admin.njit.edu
Favorite Tull Song: Too Old to Rock 'N Roll
Favorite Tull Album: Benefit
Favorite Tull Web Site: St. Cleves
Best Tull Concert: 1970 Fillmore East, NYC
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: all of 'em
Best Tull Line: ..jump up, look around, find yourself some fun.

Never has any music had the impact on me that the music of Ian Anderson has had and is still having 27 years after the first time I heard, which was Aug. 1970 (maybe even on Ian's birthday?). For my money, Ian is the BEST! A.J. said it up front; "you'll never know how many people's lives you've touched."

Arlo West - 07/12/97 22:10:55 GMT
My URL: http://members.aol.com/ArloWest/arlowest.html
My Email:ArloWest@aol.com
Favorite Tull Song: Heavy Horses
Favorite Tull Album: Heavy Horses
Favorite Tull Web Site: http://jtull.rutgers.edu/JethroTull
Best Tull Concert: Every one I havr attended!
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Scotch
Best Tull Line: "Cold Airplanes Slow boats and Warm trains"

Happy Birthday Ian and ah.. I guess since your a Leo, as I am, and born on Aug 10th, as I am, I will wish us both a Happy birthday. I will be 40.
Your freind,
Arlo West

Harry Huff - 07/12/97 21:55:17 GMT
My Email:HarryHuff@sprintmail.com
Favorite Tull Song: Wicked Old and Dangerous
Favorite Tull Album: Busting Out Live/Roots to Branches
Best Tull Concert: 25th Anniversary Tour in San Antonio,Texas
Best Tull Line: I haven't been feeling well, but I'm not Michael Jackson and I showed up to perform.

I am 45 and have enjoyed Jethro Tull throughout its career. Hope to enjoy Tull for many years to come. Keep up the good work and stay well.

Frank Carignan - 07/12/97 18:54:41 GMT
My Email:frank.carignan@sympatico.ca

Have a great day man!

Cal Peters, KJ, Karaoke Star Search - 07/12/97 17:24:43 GMT
My URL: http://www.southbaycable.com
My Email: cal@southbaycable.com
Favorite Tull Song: At Last, Forever
Favorite Tull Album: Roots To Branches
Favorite Tull Web Site: http://www.bungi.com/sigi/jtull.htm
Best Tull Concert: Universal Amphitheater, Hollywood, CA
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Cabernet Savengion
Best Tull Line: And who was I to last forever? I didn't promise to stay the pace.

I've been a fan since Stand Up. Collected every (vinyl) album, then cassettes, and now CD's. My wife, Lolly, became a fan because I'm such an addict, and now our four year old granddaughter, Destyni, enjoys Tull too! If there is another tour through Southern CA you can bet we'll all be there.
We run a Karaoke show and we find there is very little released to this medium. Any plans to release more? We would certainly enjoy this!!!

Alan Ferber - 07/12/97 17:09:25 GMT
My Email:ajferber@pol.net
Favorite Tull Song: Thick as a Brick
Favorite Tull Album: Thick as a Brick
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave's St. Cleve
Best Tull Concert: Thick as a Brick
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Opus One
Best Tull Line: So when you leave the good ship earth to mingle with the dust, be sure to leave your underwear with someone you can trust!

Ian, words can't describe the importance and pleasure you have provided me through the years. Saw you in Ithaca, N. Y.(taab) about 1970. Then Hershey, Pa., N.Y.C., Boston and Kansas City (about seven total). The very best to you on your 50th. Good health and Godspeed.

Paula Tabakin - 07/12/97 17:03:56 GMT
My Email:paula@gezernet.co.il
Favorite Tull Song: Jump Start
Favorite Tull Album: Storm Watch
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Christmas Spirit
Best Tull Line: The Christmas Spirit is not... what you drink.

Dearist Ian,
I would like to wish you never to be to old to rock and roll and always to young to die and may Jethro Tull live on forever. Don't let anything get you down, just so that you know, I have records of only three bands at my house and you are one of them. I know every line and would like to thank you in the age of techno and punk for showing all these new-comers the way to do it and jethro tull is definatly the way to do it. It's a pity we in Israel don't get much Tull on the radio. Come over, I'll show you around my kibbutz. Realy don't mind if you sit this one out. Have a good one.
With great admaration and respect,
Paula Tabakin, Israel

Michael Godier - 07/12/97 17:00:52 GMT
My Email:zxlk21a@prodigy.com
Favorite Tull Song: Aqualung
Favorite Tull Album: Aqualung
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's
Best Tull Concert: All of Them
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Beer
Best Tull Line: Your Sperms' in the gutter, your love's in the sink

Happy Birthday.

Uriel Haran - 07/12/97 16:59:38 GMT
My Email:ujh@hotmail.com
Favorite Tull Song: Reasons for Waiting
Favorite Tull Album: Stand Up
Favorite Tull Web Site: Sigi's Tull Page
Best Tull Concert: Never had the chance to be in any. I vowed to be in one before I die, though.
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: I think beer's much better with Tull.
Best Tull Line: Don't you squeal as the heel grindes you under her wheels.

Jethro Tull is the band I needed the shortest amount of time to fall in love with. They're the only band I know of which combines real rock power with composition genious. There will never be a band that can match Tull. Never.

Robb Pifer - 07/12/97 16:59:26 GMT
My URL: http://members.aol.com/robbrific/robbrific.html
My Email:robrific@velocity.net
Favorite Tull Song: This little box isn't big enough!
Favorite Tull Album: all of them
Favorite Tull Web Site: Send me all you have!
Best Tull Concert: Bursting out/Storm Watch
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: I prefer Scotch
Best Tull Line: Her legs went on forever

Mr. Anderson, Happy Birthday. I hope you, like your music, are timeless.

Larry Foster - 07/12/97 16:29:04 GMT
My Email:lfoster@Prodigy.net
Favorite Tull Song: Nothing is Easy
Favorite Tull Album: Stand Up

Happy Birthdat Ian

Cynthia J. Johnson - 07/12/97 16:20:28 GMT
My Email:somers@erols.com
Favorite Tull Song: A New Day Yesterday
Favorite Tull Album: Bursting Out
Best Tull Concert: Bursting Out
Best Tull Line: it seems that everybody's on the stage and you're the only person sitting in the audience

Happy birthday, Ian, and many more to come!!!! You're the greatest, the most magickal merlin of our times, whatever they may be!!!

David S. Johnson - 07/12/97 16:05:25 GMT
My Email:somersj@rocketmail.com
Favorite Tull Song: Skating Away on the Thin Ice of a New Day
Favorite Tull Album: Heavy Horses
Best Tull Concert: A Concert, Capitol Center, Washington, DC
Best Tull Line: In the wee hours I'll meet you down by Dun Ringill

Greetings! and Happy Birthday

Sal Milazzo - 07/12/97 15:47:09 GMT
My Email: coronach43@worldnet.att.net
Favorite Tull Song: Black Sunday
Favorite Tull Album: Passion Play
Best Tull Concert: Songs From the Wood, Madison Square Garden, NYC
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: "I wanna meet Ian Anderson"...Oh wait..you mean wine, not whine..
Best Tull Line: "but the tune ends too soon for us all"

Happy Birthday Ian..I hope you keep writing and let us enjoy your talent. We will be looking forward to hearing more in the future. Your music has touched our lives....Thanks

Carlos Abbatemarco - 07/12/97 15:40:30 GMT
My Email:carlabbf667@cantv.net
Favorite Tull Song: Many....Sea Lion, Thick as a brick, White Innocence
Favorite Tull Web Site: Almost all of them........
Best Tull Concert: 1988 - 20TH ANNIVERSARY
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: CHATEU´DISASTER , 1973 (the red one....)
Best Tull Line: Funny thing, the distance of the lonely. Funny thing, the charm of the young.....

Hi Mr. Anderson, I´m a 35 years old Tull fan from Caracas - VENEZUELA. I met you at the press conference you did on April 1993 and it was a very good experience to hear you LIVE for the first an only time of my life. Thanks Mr. Anderson for doing all this magic to enjoy our souls.............

Keith Johnson - 07/12/97 14:54:54 GMT
My URL: http://edcen.ehhs.cmich.edu/~keithjo/cyber.html
My Email: keithjo@edcen.ehhs.cmich.edu
Favorite Tull Song: Chateau D'Isaster, Wind up, Sparrow on the schoolyard wall, Minstrel in the gallery
Favorite Tull Album: Minstrel in the gallery
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiners
Best Tull Concert: Sept. 3,1975 East Lansing, MI. My 1st concert and still the best
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Well at that 1st concert it was mad dog 20/20...now it's Diet Coke.....Damn!!!!
Best Tull Line: Big bottled Fraulein, put your weight on me,'' said the pygmy to the whore

Happy Birthday Ian

David Clegg - 07/12/97 14:29:52 GMT
My Email:cdavid@flex.net
Favorite Tull Song: Hunting Girl (et. al.)
Favorite Tull Album: A Passion Play

Thanks Ian. Over the years, you and your band have given me uncountable happy hours. In my opinion the world is a better place because of you. Can/should anyone aspire to higher praise? Happy Birthday

Abel Wisman - 07/12/97 14:27:24 GMT
My URL: http://www.oocities.org/TheTropics/2211
My Email:able@pi.net
Favorite Tull Song: too many to mention
Favorite Tull Album: for now,RtB
Best Tull Concert: all,since '68 except Utrecht '97
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: none, try a Laphroag 16+ or Dahlwinnie 15+
Best Tull Line: i'm wounded, old and treacherous

How can one express feelings towards what's been done by you and Tull? By listening, in silence. May you enjoy many more years with loads of good salmon and music and don't forget a wee drop now and then :) Abel

Rick Conger - 07/12/97 13:45:35 GMT
My Email:karate@aeneas.net
Favorite Tull Song: Jack-a-lynn
Favorite Tull Album: 25th Gold
Best Tull Concert: Jackson, TN. 1975

Happy Birthday Ian! Please tour the southeast USA. Rick Conger

Ron Unna - 07/12/97 13:45:26 GMT
My Email:unna@inter.net.il
Favorite Tull Song: Mother Gooses
Favorite Tull Album: Aqualung
Favorite Tull Web Site: All are fine.
Best Tull Concert: Little light music.
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Ashkelon red
Best Tull Line: Would you be a fool stood in his suit of armor or the wiser man who rushes clear.......

To Ian, from some of us in Israel - Happy birthday! Keep going strong and best wishes for the next 50 years. With fond admiration and sincere appreciation of your fine music. Yours,
Ron Unna
Kibbutz Ein Carmel

Steve Marshall - 07/12/97 12:41:50 GMT
My URL:http://seacoast.cnchost.com
My Email: steve@seacoast.cnchost.com
Favorite Tull Song: Budapest
Favorite Tull Album: Passion Play
Best Tull Concert: Passion Play - Boston Garden
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Boone's Farm
Best Tull Line: They're all the best

Ian, i've been a fan since the Boston Tea Party show in 1969 and I've seen all the tours but 3. Have a great 50th birtday!! See you at the Casino on Hampton Beach Aug 15th

Wilson Horstmeyer Bogado - 07/12/97 12:37:57 GMT
My Email: bogado@dainf.cefetpr.br
Favorite Tull Song: Baker St. Muse
Favorite Tull Album: Songs From The Wood
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's
Best Tull Concert: Roots To Branches (Curitiba/Brazil, 1996)
Best Tull Line: We ran the race and the race was won by running slowly.

Hi Ian! Your music has been inspiring me since 1988. It was a big suprise for me that you came to my home town two times. Please, come back soon! Can't wait for the next Tull and/or IA album, concert, anything. Keep up the terrific work. And, of course, happy birthday!

Mikko Uusi-Oukari - 07/12/97 12:18:43 GMT
My Email:mikko.uusi-oukari@utu.fi
Favorite Tull Song: Dark Ages
Favorite Tull Album: Aqualung
Favorite Tull Web Site: jtull.rutgers.edu/Jethro Tull
Best Tull Concert: Helsinki, Finland, May 1994

I wish you a happy birthday, Ian, and hope that we'll see another 30 years of Jethro Tull

Larry Babbin - 07/12/97 11:57:06 GMT
My Email: aanda@injersey.com
Favorite Tull Song: We Used To Know
Favorite Tull Album: Stand Up
Favorite Tull Web Site: universerecords.com
Best Tull Concert: Rotterdam 1974
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Kendall Jackson Merlot
Best Tull Line: There's a Haze in the Skylight to Wish Me On My Way

Big influence on my teen years. Thank you Ian.

Richard Honig - 07/12/97 10:43:41 GMT
My URL:http:home.bellatlantic.net
My Email: tobyrex@bellatlantic.net
Favorite Tull Song: White Innocence
Favorite Tull Album: Benefit
Favorite Tull Web Site: St. Cleve Chronicle
Best Tull Concert: Carnegie Hall 1969
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Cabernet Franc
Best Tull Line: You can excommunicate me on my way to Sunday school....

Happy 50 Ian, I hope you have 50 more productive and healthy years. Enjoy your day.
Richard Honig

Steve Pettifer - 07/13/97 10:53:19 GMT
My URL: http://socrates.cs.man.ac.uk/~srp
My Email:srp@cs.man.ac.uk
Favorite Tull Song: Wondring Aloud
Favorite Tull Album: Aqualung

Happy Birthday Ian.... thanks for the many years of pleasure.... Cheers, Steve

TIM HAYES - 07/13/97 10:28:45 GMT
Favorite Tull Song: This is like asking someone to choose their favorite child.....impossible!!
Best Tull Concert: Been to over 60......how can I choose?
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Depends on my mood.....
Best Tull Line: "And I'll float on your melody-sing your chorus soft and low."

I have never been more entertained by anyone in my entire life then you.......weather it's with Tull or on your own..... Thank you for all the great times.... and I hope we can share many more times together.... Thanks again!!!

Casey Drumm - 07/13/97 09:46:37 GMT
My Email:nitecap42@prodigy.net
Favorite Tull Song: Dun Ringell
Favorite Tull Album: Benefit
Favorite Tull Web Site: Steiner's SCC
Best Tull Concert: Broadsword & The Beast at Pine Knob
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Prefer a glass of good brandy
Best Tull Line: Just take your life easy and stop all that hurrying,be happy my way.

Happy 50th Birthday Ian !

Chris Kern - 07/15/97 03:00:59 GMT
My Email:ckern@netnitco.net
Favorite Tull Album: Stormwatch; Under Wraps
Best Tull Line: "I get the feeling I've been on this stage before and I'm the only player..."

Keep up the good work, Ian, and keep the excellent lyrics and music coming. Happy 50th.

Leslie Miller - 07/15/97 02:45:13 GMT
My URL: http://www.our-town.com/~lmiller
My Email:lmiller@our-town.com
Favorite Tull Album:Heavy Horses
Favorite Tull Web Site: SCC
Best Tull Concert: Heavy horses/Stormwatch
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Rose...mellow
Best Tull Line: "I can't get out!'

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you! From an old time fan (since 1968) You have created some of the best music ever...But the best I feel is still yet to come! Be careful not to share too many bottles with Santa! From a deadbeat to an old greaser, here's thinking of you!! Leslie

Mark Lane - 07/14/97 22:48:53 GMT
My Email: mlane@412tw.edwards.af.mil
Favorite Tull Song: Hard to choose just one - but if I had one to die with it would be 'Songs From The Wood'
Favorite Tull Album: Songs From The Wood
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner
Best Tull Concert: Unfortunately I have been homebound
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Don't Drink
Best Tull Line: Give it a good shake on the live album

Dear Ian: Thanks for the many years of great and joyous music. Happy birthday and may the next 50 be as productive, wonderful, and joyus in your life as your music has been on mine. Thanks again.

Luc Jakobs - 07/14/97 22:33:54 GMT
My Email:lucas1@pi.net
Favorite Tull Song: Songs from the wood
Favorite Tull Album: Songs from the wood
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's
Best Tull Concert: All 14 that I attended were great
Best Tull Line: How come you know better than me that this is not love.

Hi Ian, I wish you a very fine birthday and my hope for you are many years to come. Thank you for your great music, lyrics and performances. I've listened to Tull since 1969, I followed them through the years and I , being a musician myself, always was a great fan, listening to and playing your music. I hope you can continue doing live-performances in the future, when Tull is in my neighbourhood playing a gig, I'll be there! Good luck!

Mike Bierman - 07/14/97 21:49:31 GMT
My Email: mrbierman@mail.att.net
Favorite Tull Song: Thick as a Brick
Favorite Tull Album: Thick as a Brick
Favorite Tull Web Site: Ray or Dave's
Best Tull Concert: St. Louis MO 1974
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Chardoney
Best Tull Line: Here on the inside...outsides so far away!

Ian, Happy 50th! Your music has meant a lot to me for the past 25 plus years, and I look forward to seeing you again next time around.

Maggie Kennedy - 07/14/97 21:14:03 GMT
My Email:m_kennedy@msn.com
Favorite Tull Song: tough choice - can't choose! How about Wondering Aloud, Sweet Dream, Baker St. Muse - oh dear, Fire at Midnight, Cap in Hand....
Favorite Tull Album: A Passion Play
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's (of course!)


Haasmic - 07/14/97 18:58:51 GMT
My Email:Haasmic@aol.com
Favorite Tull Song: Astronomy (Not really, but I bet no one else will pick that one...Muhahaha)
Favorite Tull Album: A Passion Play
Favorite Tull Web Site: This one
Best Tull Concert: The one in Philadelphia on the War Child Tour where the waiter came out with a tray that was supposed to have a ringing telephone on it that Jeffrey answered, but the phone didn't ring and Jeffrey had to make a sound like a phone ringing. Nothing could ever top that.
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Drinking is bad.
Best Tull Line: "My Dog Banjo has no nose/How does he smell?/Awful!"--Not an Ian Anderson lyric, but he is welcome to it if he runs out of ideas.

Have a nice day! Let Doane Perry take you out to lunch for a change. Your motto for the next 50 years should be: "No more free lunches for Mr. Perry!"

Marc Schlueter - 07/14/97 18:36:01 GMT
My Email:MSchlue222@aol.com
Favorite Tull Song: Most of Them
Favorite Tull Album: Most of Them
Favorite Tull Web Site: SCC at Rutgers
Best Tull Concert: 9/4/73 Passion Play
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: English Ales
Best Tull Line: Life's a long song, but the tune ends to soon for us all.

Been a fan since 69' and loved every minute of it, Keep up the great work and have a wonderful birthday.

George McRae - 07/14/97 17:36:44 GMT
My URL: http://cust2.iamerica.net/george/
My Email:george@iamerica.net
Favorite Tull Song: Minstrel in the Gallery
Favorite Tull Album: A Passion Play
Favorite Tull Web Site: St. Cleve Chronicle listserve
Best Tull Concert: The ones in Louisiana and Texas that I missed.
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Acres Wild Rose', or Mother Gooseberry, or White Duck, or Bouree' Bordeaux,
Best Tull Line: Who the hell can he be when he hasn't had VD (and doesnt even sit on toilet seats)

Happy 50th Ian. Thank you and a long standing "O" for giving me a lifetime of creative, interesting, thought-provoking, and highly entertaining work. One day the entertainment and art elite will realise that THE definitive rock operas are Thick as a Brick and A Passion Play, not Tommy or Godspell or Quadraphobia (mispelling intended) or Cats even. Keeping two fingers clean here in the deep south USA. George McRae 208 Open Meadows Dr. Lafayette, LA 70506

David Brister - 07/14/97 15:46:01 GMT
My Email: David.Brister@eden.scbe.on.ca
Favorite Tull Song: Locomotive Breath
Favorite Tull Album: Roots to Branches
Favorite Tull Web Site: http://darcy.uwaterloo.ca:80/~patibble/tull/tull.htmlv
Best Tull Concert: Broadsword Tour - Maple Leaf Gardens Toronto
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: My own vintage

Ian, Happy 50th. I have enjoyed your music since the very beginning and continue to enjoy, even today. The way that you and Tull continue to evolve and sound fresh and new while retaining the essence of Tull has been just superb! I look forward to listening to Tull for many years to come and wish you all the best as you start on your next 50 years. Hope Tull comes to Toronto in the fall! David Brister

Paul Eccles - 07/14/97 15:42:25 GMT
My Email:pde@sd.inri.com
Favorite Tull Song: To Cry You A Song
Favorite Tull Album: Thick As A Brick
Favorite Tull Web Site: http://jtull.rutgers.edu/JethroTull/
Best Tull Concert: Providence, RI on the Songs From The Wood Tour
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Pinot Gris
Best Tull Line: He's not the kind you have to wind up on Sundays.

Ian, A half a century has gone by and you're still not to old to rock 'n roll. Happy birthday and keep on rockin'.

Douglas Tschopp - 07/14/97 14:09:59 GMT
Favorite Tull Song: Dun Ringill
Favorite Tull Album: Roots to Branches
Favorite Tull Web Site: jtull.rutgers.edu
Best Tull Concert: 1997 Moline, Illinois

Wishing you Happy Birthday and good health!

Mika Jarvinen - 07/14/97 13:37:51 GMT
My Email: mika.jarvinen@heinola.fi
Favorite Tull Song: Weathercock
Favorite Tull Album: Heavy Horses
Favorite Tull Web Site:Dave Steiner's
Best Tull Concert: Beersheba, Israel 1992
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Single Malt Lagavulin
Best Tull Line: It was a new day yesterday, but it's an old day now

You are never too old to rock 'n' roll! Thanks for all these years!!

Gianluca Bocci - 07/14/97 13:07:13 GMT
My URL: http://www.megi.it/phoenix/itullians
My Email: phoenix@megi.it
Favorite Tull Song: Sossity, You're a Woman
Favorite Tull Album: Minstrel In The Gallery
Favorite Tull Web Site: http://www.megi.it/phoenix/itullians
Best Tull Concert: A Little Light Music, Bologna 1992
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull:Chianti 1968 (best year!)
Best Tull Line: The sun never leaves you alone

Haaaaappy birthday to youuu! (I'm singing!) Ian, I'm a young italian fan, and I hope you are ever too old to rock'n'roll, but too young to die!

Saul Chapman - 07/14/97 13:06:06 GMT
My Email: schapman@students.uiuc.edu
Favorite Tull Song: Not one but many -sorry
Favorite Tull Album: Not one but many -sorry
Best Tull Concert: Capital Theatre, Portchester, NY, circa 1971

Ian: I'm 42 and have been a Tull fan since I purchased "This Was" as a teen (was that 1968?) and went to my first Tull concert at Portchester, NY with my first girlfriend. May you live long and continue to be happy. A fan.

Paul A. Durso - 07/14/97 12:34:11 GMT
My Email:dursop@hlthsrc.com
Favorite Tull Song: Jack-a-Lynn
Favorite Tull Album: Thick as a Brick
Favorite Tull Web Site: Remus.Rutgers.edu/Jethro.Tull
Best Tull Concert: Songs From The Wood 1978
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: A Good Merlot
Best Tull Line: Life's a long song, but the tune ends too soon for us all !!

Cheers to Ian for an outstanding run so far !! 50 is a significant milestone, but there's a lot of great times ahead. After attending over 60 Tull concerts, wearing out my vinyl records, and regularly playing my extensive JT CD collection, I still get that fabulous, chilling thrill everytime a new album is released or the lights go down just as the show is to begin. Thanks Ian and Happy Birthday !!

Francois Couture - 07/14/97 12:36:32 GMT
My Email: 93039260@callisto.si.usherb.ca
Favorite Tull Song: Flying Dutchman
Favorite Tull Album: A Passion Play
Best Tull Concert: 25th Anniversary Tour in Montreal

Happy Birthday Ian. You have put so much sun in my life over the years, I thought I had to give you a little sunbeam today. Roots to Branches is fantastic and it renewed my faith in your work. My wife and I cannot wait to see you and Tull again in Montreal in October. Have a great birthday! Francois Couture

James Crichton - 07/14/97 12:05:30 GMT
My Email: crichton@interline.com.au
Favorite Tull Song: Velvet Green
Favorite Tull Album: Stand Up

A fan of Ian Anderson and Jethro Tull since first listening to Stand Up in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, in 1969. The group was totally ignored by Southern African radio stations and, with no TV in the region at that time, it was sheer good luck that the LP was recommended to my sister by a discerning record bar proprietor. She thought little of it; I couldn't listen to it often enough. Anderson's music and lyrics speak to something deep in my soul. Long may he prosper and share his wisdom with us!

Rainer Boettchers - 07/14/97 11:49:28 GMT
My Email:boettchers.pad@sni.de
Favorite Tull Song: Dun Ringill
Favorite Tull Album: Passion Play
Best Tull Concert: The A Concert, Dortmund
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Cabernet Sauvignon

! ! ! H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y I A N ! ! ! We wish you another good 50 years. Thanks for the wonderful evening in Dortmund, 11th of July 1997. You won a new fan that evening: the 8yrs old little boy with the blue earplugs just in the first line, my little son. Thanks for all the wonderful music in the last 29 years. Thanks for all the thoughts and insights.

Don Spade - 07/14/97 10:55:27 GMT
My Email:dspade@osc.uscg.mil
Favorite Tull Song: The Whistler
Favorite Tull Album: A Passion Play
Favorite Tull Web Site: St. Cleve Chronicle
Best Tull Concert: 1996, RTB, No opening act.
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Rose'
Best Tull Line: All of this and some of that's the only way to skin the cat

Ian, you ARE the man, injured knee and older voice and all. Thanks for everytihing and here's to 50 more. -Don Spade Waynesboro, PA
P.S. See ya in Baltimore in August.

Katerina - 07/14/97 09:38:01 GMT
Best Tull Concert: The one and only that I have been: Reading 96

Hi Ian, Happy Birthday! Your music reached me via a person very dear to me who invited me to your concert in Reading last year. I have to admit that I did not follow him to hear your music but mostly to be with him! I REALLY enjoyed the concert and I hope you will give us more music in the future!

Peter Krajnyak - 07/14/97 09:28:19 GMT
My Email: peterke@debali.deb.matav.hu
Favorite Tull Song: Budapest
Favorite Tull Album: Thick As A Brick
Best Tull Concert: Budapest 86'

Happy Birthsday from Hungary !

Bjorn Johannessen - 07/14/97 09:25:11 GMT
My URL:http://sylfest.hiof.no/~bjornj
My Email: etobjoh@eto.ericsson.se
Favorite Tull Song: Locomotive Breath
Favorite Tull Album: Songs from the wood
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's
Best Tull Line: "Skaiting away...."

Happy birthday, Ian!!! Keep on moving.

Michael von Mackensen - 07/14/97 08:55:38 GMT
My Email: mac@cip.e-technik.uni-erlangen.de
Favorite Tull Song: We Used To Know
Favorite Tull Album: ALL
Best Tull Concert: 25th Aniverary Tour
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Becks Beer
Best Tull Line: Ian, Martin, Dave, Doane, Andy

Dear Mr. Anderson, my best wishes to your 50th birthday. I'm a great fan of your fantastic music and I'm looking forward to many great new albums and tours!! Sincerely, Michael von Mackensen

Barry Machin - 07/14/97 08:51:21 GMT
My Email:bjm@ftel.co.uk
Favorite Tull Song: cry you a song
Favorite Tull Album: benefit
Favorite Tull Web Site: rutgers
Best Tull Concert: impossible to say
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: guiness (irish)
Best Tull Line: impossible to say

What about Tull @ 50 and Ian @ 70 !!

Per-Olof Olsson - 07/14/97 08:49:11 GMT
My Email: Per-Olof.Olsson@sto.foa.se
Favorite Tull Song: One white duck on your wall/0-10 = nothing at all
Favorite Tull Album: Passion Play
Best Tull Concert: Stockholm 1973 (TOTRR) and 1996 (RtB) and
Best Tull Line: My zero to your power of ten equals nothing at all

Happy birthday to one of the few people still intrested (and succeeding in making good music !

Roman Stovicek - 07/14/97 08:39:04 GMT
My URL:http://www.digital.cz
My Email: stovicek@mail.dec.com
Favorite Tull Song: Look Into The Sun
Favorite Tull Album: Crest Of A Knave
Favorite Tull Web Site: http://remus.rutgers.edu:80/JethroTull/

Concert in Prague three weeks ago was excellent!!

Marc Tavlet - 07/14/97 07:40:09 GMT
My Email:Marc.Tavlet@CERN.ch
Favorite Tull Song: Aqualung
Favorite Tull Album: Songs from the Wood
Best Tull Concert: War Child in 1975 was my first one
Best Tull Line: Its only the giving that makes you what you are

Your words and music have been part of the last 25 years of my life (best and sadest moments). My selfish wish is that you are never too old to rock & roll... and that the tune never ends (and I know it never will)...

Mirek Pokojski - 07/14/97 07:33:37 GMT
My Email:jethro@friko.onet.pl
Favorite Tull Song: a new day
Favorite Tull Album: stand up
Best Tull Concert: Warsaw 10.06.97

What can I say??

Mark Kennedy - 07/14/97 06:43:30 GMT
My Email:m967219@mail.idt.net
Favorite Tull Song: most of them
Favorite Tull Album: currently Nightcap
Best Tull Concert: first one-War Child

Happy birthday Ian, best wishes to you and your family, Martin and the boys too. Looking forward to your new solo effort and something new from Tull. see you when you come to San Diego again. Mark Kennedy

Niels P. Kjeldsen - 07/14/97 06:45:15 GMT
My Email:nikj@q8.dk
Favorite Tull Album: Benefit
Best Tull Concert: Paris 84
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Beer
Best Tull Line: Skating away on the thin ice of a new day

Since "Stand Up" I never get tired of listening til Jethro Tull. Was "Stand Up" released in 69? Never to old to rockn roll!!!!!

Chris A. Burtz - 07/14/97 06:28:48 GMT
My URL: http://www2.utep.edu/~cburtz
My Email:cburtz@utep.edu
Favorite Tull Song: Dun Ringill
Favorite Tull Album: Roots To Branches
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's Site
Best Tull Concert: Phoenix 1996
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: White Zin
Best Tull Line: Me and the dog and the ghost of harry will make this world turn right. It'll all turn right.

Ian, Best wishes on your 50th birthday. Thank you for all the memories, past and future.

MEHMET DEMIREL - 07/14/97 06:23:49 GMT
My Email:mdmrel@aygaz.com.tr
Favorite Tull Song: MY GOD
Favorite Tull Album: SONGS FROM THE WOOD
Favorite Tull Web Site: DAVE'S
Best Tull Concert: 1991-ÝSTANBUL


Brian Tieman - 07/14/97 05:49:33 GMT
My URL: http://home.dwave.net/~tieman/
My Email:tieman@dwave.net
Favorite Tull Song: Valley
Favorite Tull Album: Catfish Rising
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's
Best Tull Concert: Milwaukee Riverside, Nov, 22, 1995
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Wine!?! Bock Beer
Best Tull Line: She's Kissing Willie. My best friend Willie.

If you read this, it will be a momentus moment in my life I will never know. I've listened to Tull (you) awhile now and each album gets better as you go. The Wife is still up in the air on the name Jethro for a boys name, But I'm working on her. Since you probably won't be stopping by on your B-day, I'll have to drink your beer too! Happy Birthday Ian!!!

R.Johnston - 07/14/97 05:28:24 GMT
My Email: rjohnsto@cadvision.com
Favorite Tull Song: Skating Away
Favorite Tull Album: Songs From The Wood
Best Tull Concert: Calgary, most recent
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Burgundy
Best Tull Line: And as you push off from the shore, won't you turn your head once more, and make your peace with everyone.

Fight on for freedom, and fight on in the best of health. Thanks for the patience. I think that many a young man's heart was held higher when experiencing the determination and thinking, in a world so bent on discouragement. It's no cross to bear. It is, I believe, only natural and he path that self-respect will take one. I wish you a very rewarding year. Then another, and another, and then more, and then way too many.................

Bob Hans - 07/14/97 04:32:53 GMT
My URL: http://www.netcom.com/~wyzardd/idpc.html
My Email: wyzardd@ix.netcom.com
Favorite Tull Song: Broadsword
Favorite Tull Album: Broadsword & the Beast
Best Tull Concert: ALL
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Guinness Extra Stout
Best Tull Line: August delights may be Aprils fool

got the cover of Broadsword tattoo, listen to Tull every day, even if I only have time for Cheerio. Happy Birthay Ian, may the Lord and Lady bless you, may you live as long as you want...

Adam Bodkin - 07/14/97 04:23:26 GMT
My URL: http://homepages.tig.com.au/~boddo/hmpg3.htm
My Email:boddo@tig.com.au
Favorite Tull Song: Almost all of them.
Favorite Tull Album: Thick..no, Minstrell..no, all of them! :)
Favorite Tull Web Site: They are all very informative.
Best Tull Concert: The three I have seen.
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Coopers Sparkling Ale, (not a wine)
Best Tull Line: the change of fate, and the fate of change.

Happy Birthday Ian. It's hard to know what to say, when your life as it is now is because of your music and Jethro Tull. What an inspiration! I now spend my spare time trying to transcribe Tull music. (As most people know, I did the entire Thick as a Brick recently!) Anyway, Happy Birthday Ian!

Dan Sekerak - 07/14/97 02:31:07 GMT
My Email:sekerak@cybernw.com
Favorite Tull Song: Dun Ringill
Favorite Tull Album: Songs from the Wood
Best Tull Concert: Crest of a Knave

Happy Birthday! Can't wait for your solo acoustic album and a new Tull album. Keep them coming! Hope to see you live soon in Portland, OR.

Janice & Lou Coruzzolo - 07/14/97 01:16:06 GMT
My Email:jancor@erols.com
Favorite Tull Song: Acres Wild, Part of the Machine, We Use to Know and we can go on and on and on...................
Favorite Tull Album: Crest of a Knave
Favorite Tull Web Site: St. Cleve Chronicle
Best Tull Concert: 1978 Madison Square Garden
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Cake Bread Cellars/Cab. 1991
Best Tull Line: Go out and get what you can while your Mommy's at home sleeping

Although your Scottish, and not very friendly-(from an italian American :), your dedication to your work is a true inspiration. You made our lives richer. Please remember your NEVER TOO OLD!! KEEP WRITING AND ROCKIN!! LOVE ALWAYS, Janice & Lou (your train spotters)

Paula E. Kirman - 07/14/97 00:40:56 GMT
My Email: calypso@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca
Favorite Tull Song: Witch's Promise
Favorite Tull Album: Living in the Past
Best Tull Concert: Northern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium, 1992
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Sweet kosher wine -- it's the only kind I drink!
Best Tull Line: Now let me tell you that it's love and not just lust/And if we live the lie let's lie in trust (Velvet Green)

The music of Jethro Tull has been one of the biggest influences on my life, and I have to thank its creator, Ian Anderson -- Ian, I wish you the best of this special day, and raise my virtual glass (of Kosher wine) to the next fifty years! --Paula E. Kirman

Jennifer Bane - 07/13/97 23:59:36 GMT
My Email:Jtreefrog7
Favorite Tull Song: One Brown Mouse
Favorite Tull Album: Heavy Horses
Favorite Tull Web Site: Steiners, and Rays!
Best Tull Concert: the one I'm going to next time you're in Los Angeles!
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: I'm only 7!
Best Tull Line: The Mouse Police Never Sleeps

Happy Birthday Mr Anderson!! From your youngest, and biggest fan! Love, Jennifer

Brian Grills - 07/13/97 23:44:56 GMT
My Email: Brian.Grills@latrobe.edu.au
Favorite Tull Song: Minstrel In The Gallery
Favorite Tull Web Site: Belgian
Best Tull Concert: Melbourne Sat Aug 1977
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Only beer...surely!
Best Tull Line: If you're 39 or over I'll make love to you next Thursday "Big Dipper". Terrible song, great line.

Dear Ian From one of your, as-you-say, "Punters". Even though I'm this nobody on the other side of the world, you have certainly shaped my life. Keep recording, keep experimenting (with music that is!) and don't get too pissed (sorry for being Australian!). Have a exquisite 50th. Brian Grills Melbourne, Australia

Steve Kuschner - 07/13/97 20:51:57 GMT
My Email: mungbean@ix.netcom.com
Favorite Tull Song: Inside
Favorite Tull Album: Benefit
Favorite Tull Web Site: St. Cleve
Best Tull Concert: The last one
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Cabernet Savignon
Best Tull Line: Here on the inside outsides so far away.

Happy Birthday to the man with the codpiece.

Tim Bell - 07/13/97 20:23:29 GMT
My Email:tdb@lcc.net
Favorite Tull Song: Skating Away on the Thin Ice of A New Day
Favorite Tull Album: Songs From The Wood
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner
Best Tull Concert: Roots to Branches - Little Rock
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: My Homebrew
Best Tull Line: Do you ever get the feeling that the story's too damn real and in the present tense?

Thank you Ian for the many years of music and prose. I respect you most for being true to yourself and to your vision of your art. Many happy returns of the day!

Maria Inês V. Silva - 07/13/97 20:02:34 GMT
My Email: mop10434@mail.telepac.pt
Favorite Tull Song: Reasons for waiting
Favorite Tull Album: Songs from the wood (but it changes according to mood, weather and lots of other factors)
Favorite Tull Web Site: This one (AJ's)
Best Tull Concert: I only attend to last Convention in Gravesend, poor me!
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: A Portuguese red wine name "Cartuxa"

Dear Ian From Portugal (the only place in the Universe where you, unfortuneatly, have never performed) I wish you a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY. As I am not an English speaker I am having some difficulties to put in words what I really would like to say, but in these occasions I believe there are other ways of expressing good feelings. Thanks for being so genial and for having taught me to have faith in impossible schemes. Again, I wish you a Very Happy Birthday full of wonderful things. With my best Portuguese wishes Maria Inês

Pete Weghorn - 07/13/97 17:26:27 GMT
My Email:weghorpa@uwec.edu
Favorite Tull Song: Jack in the Green
Favorite Tull Album: Songs From the Wood
Best Tull Concert: Roots to Branches - Minneapolis
Best Tull Line: Your sperm's in the gutter, your love's in the sink

Cheers Ian. Many more.

Ken Sherman - 07/13/97 17:22:28 GMT
My Email:ksherman@cray.com
Favorite Tull Song: Rover
Favorite Tull Album: Songs From the Wood
Favorite Tull Web Site: St. Cleve
Best Tull Concert: Aqualung Tour - Anahiem
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Beer
Best Tull Line: Station Master in his wisdom shut the power off.

Happy 50th. You're never too old to rock n roll.

Mark Medlar - 07/13/97 16:37:45 GMT
My Email:merkmed106@aol.com
Favorite Tull Song: Locomotive Breath
Favorite Tull Album: Aqualung
Favorite Tull Web Site: Jethro Tull Music Archive
Best Tull Concert: not yet, but hope to go to one next year
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: not old enough to drink
Best Tull Line: No excuses for who I am

Keep playing, but not for us, for yourself. When you realize it's no longer fun, that's when you're too old to rock and roll. We all hope that's a long way away. Enjoy life, and visit Ohio soon!

Laurenz Brein - 07/13/97 15:54:04 GMT
My Email: laurenz@geom2.mat.univie.ac.at
Favorite Tull Song: Velvet Green
Favorite Tull Album: Stand Up
Favorite Tull Web Site: http://remus.rutgers.edu/JethroTull/
Best Tull Concert: Graz, Austria, 1994
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Neuburger
Best Tull Line: I tell myself tomorrow brings me things I would not dream today

I doubt that you read that far :^) But if you do, here's fond wishes from one of your Austrian fans. May the years treat you well, and best of luck with what you find!

Dennis landau - 07/13/97 15:08:09 GMT
My Email:Wingedisle@AOL.com
Favorite Tull Song: Wondring Again
Favorite Tull Album: Brick
Favorite Tull Web Site: UniverseRecords
Best Tull Concert: Passion Play
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Chilling Ale
Best Tull Line: How does it feel to be the play

Surely there must have been a way to get the day off on your birthday! Can only mean that it's your favorite pasttime. Have a happy one and 50 more.

Joseph Fitzgerald - 07/13/97 12:37:07 GMT
My Email:Jofitzy@AOL.Com
Favorite Tull Song: Too many to list
Favorite Tull Album: Too many to list
Favorite Tull Web Site: They're all great
Best Tull Concert: Heavy Horses Tour 1978
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Don't drink it
Best Tull Line: And as you join the Good Ship Earth and you mingle with the dust, you better leave your underpants with someone you can trust

Happy birthday Ian! Best wishes from Joe, Charlie and Jimmy of Massachusetts.

Lorne M. Coon - 07/16/97 02:11:27 GMT
My Email:LOMICO@aol.com
Favorite Tull Song: Too many to choose!...Reasons For Waiting
Favorite Tull Album: Songs From The Wood
Favorite Tull Web Site: So many, so little time..
Best Tull Concert: Syracuse, Catfish 12/91
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Bully Hill-love that goat
Best Tull Line: "...and that everybody's on the stage and you're the only person sitting in the audience..."

Thank you, Mr. Anderson for filling my life with your wonderful wit and wisdom -and delightfully creative music. I hope that you continue to enjoy writing, recording and performing for years to come. (For, of course, your own pleasure and also so that your many fans can satisfy our own selfish enjoyment of your work!) Here's wishing you a very happy birthday, (with glass in hand) Cheerio! ...always, Lorne M. Coon Syracuse, N.Y. USA

Nick Andrew - 07/16/97 02:08:17 GMT
My URL:http://www.zeta.org.au/
My Email:nick@zeta.org.au
Favorite Tull Song: Seal Driver
Favorite Tull Album: Stormwatch
Favorite Tull Web Site: The one hosted at Rutgers. Are there others?
Best Tull Concert: Unfortunately Tull plays rarely in Australia. All 3 Tull concerts I have been able to attend were the best.
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: 'Fraid I don't know. I don't drink.
Best Tull Line: "... geared toware the average rather than the exceptional"

Thank you for producing such wonderful, unique music. I don't know why, but Tull music strikes a chord in my heart and brain like none other. I first heard Tull in the '80s when TAAB and Aqualung were being played reasonably frequently on radio. I was fascinated by these two songs, and when I found that the were both Tull, thus started my enthusiasm for Tull. Perhaps its the lack of repetition in your lyrics, or the slightly cynical, slightly self-deprecating humour I can hear. Perhaps it's the complex interwoven melodies, or the expressive flute. If you never perform live again, please continue to make Tull music for my enjoyment and edification.

Tom Manson - 07/16/97 01:03:11 GMT
My Email:Tom_Manson@msn.com
Favorite Tull Song: To Cry You a Song
Favorite Tull Album: Heavy Horses
Best Tull Concert: Chicago during "A" Tour
Best Tull Line: He's not the kind of God you have to wind up on Sunday

I've been a fan for about 25 years. I am loking forward to another 25 years of Tull. Happy 50th, Ian. Keep up the great work. Live long and prosper.

Brian A. Miller - 07/16/97 00:58:38 GMT
My URL: http://www.nh.ultranet.com/~brianm
My Email: brianm@nh.ultranet.com
Favorite Tull Song: too many to choose, see comments section just one!
Favorite Tull Album: Minstrel In The Gallery
Favorite Tull Web Site: http://jtull.rutgers.edu/JethroTull/
Best Tull Concert: 10/2/92 - Light And Dark Tour, Boston
Best Tull Line: Well, do you ever get the feeling that the story's too damn real and in the present tense? Or that everybody's on the stage, and it seems like you're the only person sitting in the audience?

Happy 50th Birthday, Ian!!!! If you continue to make music that YOU enjoy, I'm sure your fans will also enjoy it. Looking forward to the upcoming solo and Tull albums! Also, American fans know more than just Aqualung and Locomotive Breath! Hoping for more obscure selections in upcoming concert set lists! Some of my own favorites (living in the past, so to speak): 'A Small Cigar', 'Summerday Sands', 'Jack-A-Lynn'(demo version), _Minstrel_, _TAAB_, _Heavy Horses_, _Stand Up_, all of those 1981-2 songs that didn't make it onto Broadsword (from the 20th Anniv. box set and Nightcap), 'Dun Ringill', .......

Stephen Lister - 07/16/97 00:41:15 GMT
My URL: http://www.angelfire.com/ok/slister/
My Email: slister@raleigh.ibm.com
Favorite Tull Song: And The Mouse Police Never Sleeps... (subject to change at a whim :-)
Favorite Tull Album: Heavy Horses (also subject to change :-)
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's
Best Tull Concert: The only one I've seen .. Brisbane, Australia '8?
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Haven't a clue - I don't drink :-)
Best Tull Line: Galliards, and lute songs served with chilling ale...

All that can be said Ian, is "Thank you!" And when are you coming back to Australia - health permitting? :-)

Julius & Jennifer SAROKA - 07/16/97 00:01:40 GMT
My Email:drj_saro@neo.lrun.com
Favorite Tull Song: Skating Away
Favorite Tull Album: Julius:Passioin Play / Jennifer:Origninal Masters
Favorite Tull Web Site: the one connected to St.Cleve
Best Tull Concert: Bursting Out Tour - Richfield (Coliseum) Ohio
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: pear
Best Tull Line: "You'd better leave your underpants with someone you can trust"

Ian; Have a happy & healthy b-day (and everyday for a long time to come!). Looking forward to more work from you along the lines of Divinities. Love J&J

Marco Laufenberg - 07/15/97 23:10:52 GMT
My URL: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/laufi/jethro_e.htm
My Email:mailto:laufi@compuserve.com
Favorite Tull Song: Dangerous Veils
Favorite Tull Album: Thick As A Brick
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Gerbers and some more (see links at my page)
Best Tull Concert: July 13th 1997 in Giessen
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: ... a few beers with Peggy ;)

Hi Ian: all the best for your 50th birthday, enjoy your day! Of course also a big thank you for great music nearly the half of my life ...

Bjorn Sandstrom - 07/15/97 22:16:02 GMT
My Email:marmor@ts.umu.se
Favorite Tull Song: We Used To Know
Favorite Tull Album: Aqualung
Best Tull Concert: Stockholm 1980
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Cornas
Best Tull Line: He was too old to rock'n'roll and too young to die.

I can't imagine you're that old, Ian, but then again I've turned 44 so I guess it has to be right.

John Williams - 07/15/97 22:10:03 GMT
My URL: http://www.public.asu.edu/~jwilliam
My Email:kindred@asu.edu
Favorite Tull Song: Acres Wild
Favorite Tull Album: NightCap
Favorite Tull Web Site: http://remus.rutgers.edu/JethroTull
Best Tull Concert: Roots to Branches
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Grape Juice
Best Tull Line: Really don't mind if you sit this one out.

Ian, Best wishes on your 50th Birthday. Your never to old to Rock 'n' Roll! I have been an avid Jethro Tull fan since I was 16 and now 6 years later I almost own half your albums! They are all superb. I really enjoy your shows when you are out in Arizona! I remember on your 25th Anniversary Tour in Mesa you made a joke about one of your songs that they recorded backwards in the studio and that you would try your best to do it. Then you turned around backwards and began to play! I thought that was hillarious and I was one of the few people to catch the joke. You even pointed at me I believe. It was great! I wish you the best in your endeavors in the future and don't wear yourself out trying to cater to the fans. You will always be highly respected in my book and I look forward to seeing you in concert again sometime. (Even if I have to travel to do it!) Best Wishes. John p.s. You have inspired me to take the flute in the future so I can try to mimic the great Ian.

Mike Lynch - 07/15/97 21:45:06 GMT
My URL: http://student.uwsuper.edu/studl/mlynch/main.htm
My Email: greatmondello@hotmail.com
Favorite Tull Song: Pibroch
Favorite Tull Album: Songs From the Wood
Favorite Tull Web Site: Mine! http://www.oocities.org/Hollywood/2510/
Best Tull Concert: March 28, 1994 at The Orpheum, Minn. MN
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: A nice dry Merlot
Best Tull Line: Be sure to leave your underpants with someone you can trust.

The happiest of birthdays to you, Ian, and all the best for many more to come. And you know, maybe it wouldn't hurt to take it easy with the touring a while. Maybe take a year off or something, rest up a little. Yours Truly, Mike Lynch

Herbert Lindermann - 07/15/97 21:42:19 GMT
My URL: http://home.t-online.de/home/lindermann
My Email:lindermann@cww.de
Favorite Tull Song: a lot
Favorite Tull Album: Broadsword a. t. Beast + Roots to Branches
Favorite Tull Web Site: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/laufi/jethro_d.htm
Best Tull Concert: 11. July 97 - Dortmund
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Cinzano Asti Spumate
Best Tull Line: The money won't last forever (Lap of Luxury)

Mr. Anderson, happy birthday to your 50th and more fun and all the best for the next 50 years. Herbert Lindermann, Dorsten, Germany

Dustin James - 07/15/97 21:36:39 GMT
My URL: http://www3.cs.cornell.edu/Final/ljk2
My Email:dgj1@cornell.edu
Favorite Tull Song: Thick as a Brick
Favorite Tull Album: Thick as a Brick
Favorite Tull Web Site: JT Archive
Best Tull Concert: Ian Anderson @ Rochester NY for Divinities Tour
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Hmmm...good idea
Best Tull Line: It's all great!!!

Hello Ian, My name is Dustin James. I'm 21 years old. I just graduated from Cornell University and next year I'll be attending medical school. You and the rest of Tull have really influenced the person I am today. In the summer before I went to Cornell, I was returning from a road trip with my family when Locomotive Breath came on the radio. My dad took a trip down memory lane and sidetracked our trip to a record store where he bought Thick as a Brick. He gave me the album to expand my musical mind before I set off to college. And it did. Before I went to Cornell, I decided that I wanted to play the guitar. I played the violin from K through 8th grade in school and then I suddenly stopped. From this point until I started playing the guitar, I did not play any instruments and I really missed it. With Thick as a Brick and an acoustic guitar, I left for college. My first year wasn't the most comfortable one. Not only did I have to adjust to a new place, my family life was broken up a little. In this disequiliurium, however, I really got to appreciate music, especially TAAB. Music became a vital part of my life. It also helped me to meet and become friends with great people with the same musical tastes or convictions. Your influence did not stop there. My friend Mike Cukan and I went to see your Divinities show in Rochester, NY and were blown away. I left the show and immediately went home to pluck away at my acoustic. I also wanted to learn to play the flute. After an interesting string of events, I finally obtained a used Pearl flute from a music shop in Bufallo, NY. For about half of a year, I annoyed everyone I lived with. Finally, though, I got to the point where I wasn't too disturbing and I didn't pass out. I never considered myself a flute player. But, in the middle of my senior year first semester, my friend Mark Werner wanted to form a band and he wanted me to play flute. Within a month, we had a 45 minute set and a makeshift band called Zone. During he next semester we wrote about 1.5 hours of music, played about six gigs, and went into a primitive school-owned studio to cut a CD. And we did. Thank you so much and a very happy birthday to you. Much respect and appreciation, Dustin James P.S. If you would like a ZONE CD (I would absolutely love to give you and the rest of the band a copy), just send me an email at dgj1@cornell.edu Thank you again!

Fraser Anderson - 07/15/97 21:12:01 GMT
My URL: http://webhome.idirect.com/~fander
My Email:fander@idirect.com
Favorite Tull Song: Impossible. Like asking for a favourite child.
Favorite Tull Album: All of them!
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave's.
Best Tull Concert: 25th Anniversay Tour. Toronto, (Wonderland).
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: There will be no whine served with Ian!
Best Tull Line: But the tune ends too soon for us all . . .

Hey Ian, thanks for the grins, goosebumps and tears. Happy 50th you old fart! And remember, "stand sure".

Jim Dewhurst, DDS - 07/15/97 20:49:42 GMT
Favorite Tull Song: Teacher
Favorite Tull Album: Thick as a Brick
Best Tull Concert: San Bernardino, CA
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Chateau de Cadillac
Best Tull Line: Wiseman breaks wind...

You're insightful lyrics and Martin Barre's superb guitar styles have influenced my 30+ years as a writer/composer guitarist. Thanks!

Steve Kilpatrick - 07/15/97 20:44:27 GMT
My URL:http://www.pitt.edu/~kilpatri
My Email: kilpatri@vms.cis.pitt.edu
Favorite Tull Song: Thick As A Brick
Favorite Tull Album: Thick As A Brick
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's
Best Tull Concert: my first, August 1993
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Sorry, I'm a tee-totaller
Best Tull Line: Be sure to leave your underpants with someone you can trust

Thanks, Ian, for taking us into your musical confidence for so many years. Enjoy life...

charles scott - 07/15/97 20:14:08 GMT
My Email: c..scott@worldnet.att.net
Favorite Tull Song: my god (amoung so very many!)
Favorite Tull Album: passion play (great!)
Favorite Tull Web Site: here (A.J.'s)
Best Tull Concert: passion play in jacksonville, fl amoung many!)
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: red, for certain

Happy 50th, very best wishes to one of the great composers of all time!

Julie Baird - 07/15/97 19:50:15 GMT
My Email:jules3@imap3.asu.edu
Favorite Tull Song: Velvet Green
Favorite Tull Album: Songs From the Wood
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: merlot
Best Tull Line: "The tune ends too soon for us all."

Happy Birthday, Ian! Thanks for the incredible inspiration. Keep it up!

Hal Johnson - 07/15/97 19:22:05 GMT
My URL:http://www.hjol.com
My Email:hj@hjol.com
Favorite Tull Song: Minstrel in the Gallery
Favorite Tull Album: Same
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's
Best Tull Concert: Lite music
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Port
Best Tull Line: too many to pick just one

Dear Ian: Best Wishes only our 50th. May you be as happy as your music has made me over the last 29 years!

Bill Doering - 07/15/97 19:16:38 GMT
My Email:doering@symbol.com
Favorite Tull Song: Songs from the Wood
Favorite Tull Album: Songs from the Wood
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's site
Best Tull Concert: MSG/Paramount circa '88
Best Tull Line: Roll us both down a mountain and I'm sure the fat man would win.

Comments:brYour music has been comforting, amusing, motivating and entertaining me since 1975. Your creative longevity is truly remarkable. Take care of yourself and have a great 50th.

Teri Yioras a.k.a themadflautist - 07/15/97 19:12:43 GMT
My Email:EY758@aol.com
Favorite Tull Song: One Brown Mouse
Favorite Tull Album: Bursting Out
Favorite Tull Web Site:Dave Steiner's
Best Tull Concert: My First-Aug.30, 1997 at Jones Beach
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Not the legal age, yet!
Best Tull Line: I'm the Whistler, I have a fife and a drum to play!

Mr. Anderson, your music has influenced my life very much and has shown me a different point of view towards things. I'm thirteen and I have been an avid listener of Tull for about 5 years now. Tull's music and your solo works have convinced me to start taking classical flute lessons.Your music has shown that rock music needn't be a couple of punks, some guitars, a drummer and one horrid singer. You took music in general to a whole other level with your writing and that flute of yours! I wish you a grand and joyous 50th and I hope I see your music, with or without Tull, for many years to come. By the way, how's your salmon farm doing?!

Beverly Seaver - 07/15/97 19:08:17 GMT
My Email:BSeaver214@aol.com
Favorite Tull Song: Wond'ring Aloud/Again
Favorite Tull Album: Thick as A Brick
Favorite Tull Web Site: Ray's
Best Tull Concert: All
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: None needed
Best Tull Line: "It's only the giving/taking that makes you what you are."

Dearest Ian - What more can be said than what has already been said? Only that I add my best wishes to you on your 50th birthday, as always. Beverly Seaver

G. Bieber - 07/15/97 19:05:24 GMT
My URL: http://members.magnet.at/users/bieber
My Email:bieber@magnet.at
Favorite Tull Song: Living in the past
Favorite Tull Album: All of them
Favorite Tull Web Site: My own (http://members.magnet.at/users/bieber)
Best Tull Concert: 1992 Vienna (At the "Hohe Warte" Stadium
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Alot of Italian Valpolicella
Best Tull Line: You're Never Too Old to Rock & Roll If You're Too Young To Die

!!!!!! Happy Birthday Ian !!!!!!

Sveinung Tronsmoen - 07/15/97 18:33:51 GMT
My URL:http:// i am new here!
My Email:stronsmo@aft.sn.no
Favorite Tull Song: rover
FavoriteTull Album: songs from the wood
Best Tull Concert: Oslo May-94
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: anything!
Best Tull Line: be sure to leave your underpants to someone you can trust!

I hope I live to hear a new album.

Magnus Thorkelsson - 07/15/97 18:02:48 GMT
My Email:maggi@ismennt.is
Favorite Tull Song: wondring aloud
Favorite Tull Album: Living in the past
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave's
Best Tull Concert: Iceland 1992
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: A quality malt
Best Tull Line: The ones that include Anderson and Barre

Thanks Ian for a terrific time. Growing up with your music has been great. And the concerts I saw were brilliant! Magnus

Kelly Walsh - 07/15/97 17:36:15 GMT
My Email:kwalsh@computer.net
Favorite Tull Song: Reason for Waiting
Favorite Tull Album: Minstrel in the Gallery
Best Tull Concert:RTB tour (NYC appearance)
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: White Zinfandel
Best Tull Line: I'd rather look around me and compose a better song, 'cause that's the honest measure of my worth

I hope Ian has a wonderful 50th birthday celebration and continues to create and record music for 50 more years! My eternal thanks to Ian for the music of Jethro Tull, which is woven into the fabric of my being and has added an incredible amount of enjoyment to my life! - K Walsh

Kenneth Mineur - 07/15/97 17:17:13 GMT
My Email: kenneth.mineur@mbox300.swipnet.se
Favorite Tull Song: Thick as a Brick
Favorite Tull Album: Thick as a Brick
Best Tull Concert: Twice in Stockholm
Best Tull Line: Bring me a wheel of oaken wood, a rein of polished leather, A Heavy Horse and a tumbling sky...brewing heavy weather

Ian! Congratulations on your 50th birthday. Thank's for all the great poetry you've created over the years. Without it - the sky above would have been more grey on the average day. But whenever there is a Tull record on - the sun always comes out to listen. I wish you another great 50 years to come. /Kenneth Mineur

Franco Viviano - 07/15/97 17:10:24 GMT
My Email:fpv@plaza.ds.adp.com
Favorite Tull Song: (1) One White Duck (2) My God (3) Beside Myself (4) Coronach (5) Beggars Farm (live 25th anniv)
Favorite Tull Album: Thick as a Brick
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's !!
Best Tull Concert: A Passion Play '73
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: A Classic Case of the heaven's heady wine
Best Tull Line: She made you tea asked for your autograph - what a laugh.

Thanks for costing me a small fortune over the years. It has been worth it! Roots to Branches was a great return to the 'classic' Tull sound. Looking forward to future...

Duane Peterson - 07/15/97 16:44:15 GMT
My Email:sssiehs@iosys.net
Favorite Tull Web Site: rutgers
Best Tull Concert: Only seen 2 - best was Crest Tour in Chicago
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Anything at all
Best Tull Line: The last hymn is sung and the devil cries 'more'!. and many others.

Have you actually read this far? Thank you for brightening the lives of myself and so many others. Happy Birthday!!!!!

Bruce Dunne - 07/15/97 16:11:27 GMT
My Email:dunne@tellabs.com
Favorite Tull Song: TAAB
Favorite Tull Album: Broadsword and the Beast
Favorite Tull Web Site: http://www.oocities.org/SunsetStrip/8302
Best Tull Concert: 11/92 Chicago Rivera Theater ALLM Tour
Best Tull Line: To fish the Spey, spinning, the first run of Spring

May the Muse never leave you, and never think we can get too much Tull. All the best.

Stephen Stair - 07/15/97 15:54:31 GMT
My Email:sstair@austin.ibm.com
Favorite Tull Song: Dun Ringill?
Favorite Tull Album: Songs from the Wood
Favorite Tull Web Site: remus.rutgers.edu

Many happy returns, Ian. Hope you're around for many years (and albums) to come. Steve

Vince Layton - 07/15/97 15:19:28 GMT
My URL:http://www.io.com/~vince
My Email:vince@io.com
Favorite Tull Song: With You There to Help Me
Favorite Tull Album: Benefit
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Merlot
Best Tull Line: Don't want to be a fat man

Happy Birthday, Ian. After leaving Tull about the time of "Too Old ..." for the Ramones and friends, I find myself listening to Tull often and have reaquired all my old faves. Please visit Austin, Texas. I don't think the band has ever played here. Cheerio, Vince.

Hartmut Hotzel - 07/15/97 14:39:44 GMT
My URL: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/hhbabe
My Email: hhbabe@compuserve.com
Favorite Tull Song: black sunday
Favorite Tull Album: Songs from the wood
Best Tull Concert: Under Wraps Tour Munich

if Ian ever needs a bass play call me +49 89 8922 0510

Rick Neal - 07/15/97 13:59:39 GMT
My Email:nealra@bcl.net
Favorite Tull Song: Too many to list
Favorite Tull Album: How can I pick just one?
Favorite Tull Web Site: Jethro Tull Music Archive
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: No wine, CC & Water (but don't expect me to buy!)
Best Tull Line: I've a tenner in my skin tight jeans. You can touch it if your hands are clean

Happy birthday Ian. I truly admire your work.

Wim Soetaerts - 07/15/97 13:34:33 GMT
My URL: http://bewoner.dma.be/Jethro/Tull.htm
My Email:Jethro@mail.dma.be
Favorite Tull Song: Wond'ring Aloud
Favorite Tull Album: Aqualung
Favorite Tull Web Site: Mike's Tull Tribute
Best Tull Concert: 7 June 1997 Brussels
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Fresh white Mosel wine on a nice summer evenin
Best Tull Line: And your little sister's immaculate virginity wings away on the bony shoulders of a young horse named George who stole surreptitiously into her geography revision

Ian, Best wishes for you 50th birthday. Still plenty of time to play music though. Your music touches the soul of many. In your own way you have shaped the world a bit. Wim Soetaerts

Rohan nair - 07/15/97 13:33:34 GMT
My Email: sshankar@waterloo.border.com
Favorite Tull Song: Valley
Favorite Tull Album: Roots To Branches
Best Tull Concert: not seen one yet
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: I'm only 10. My Dad says "wait for a couple of years"
Best Tull Line: I'm still stuck in the August rain

Happy B'day Ian. Please make more albums, it will keep my Dad happy and off my back

Sanjeev Shankar - 07/15/97 13:28:06 GMT
My Email: sshankar@wat.securecomputing.com
Favorite Tull Song: Too many to list
Favorite Tull Album: Each and every one
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's site
Best Tull Concert: RtB @Toronto, 1996
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: prefer a smoky single malt
Best Tull Line: And behind tall pillars, Sunday night killers, in grey rainco ts peek

50 is still only half the journey, so play on.

Jeff Fabrizio - 07/15/97 12:42:02 GMT
My Email:fabfour@apci.net
Favorite Tull Song: Coronach
Favorite Tull Album: Minstrel In The Gallery
Favorite Tull Web Site: The Steiner Site!
Best Tull Concert: St. Louis, MO - 13 Sep 96
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Anything Burgundy
Best Tull Line: Hello, Breakfast. May I buy you again tomorrow?

Happy 50th, Ian. We wish you many more healthy years, and hope that you can keep on doing your best in the years to come. Thanks for just being there for all of us fans.

Bharat Naik - 07/15/97 12:29:51 GMT
My Email:bmnaik@uop.com
Favorite Tull Song: Pibroch (Cap In Hand)
Favorite Tull Album: Songs From the Wood
Best Tull Concert: Darien lake, NY, Sept '93
Best Tull Line: The Christmas spirit is not what you drink.

Thank you for years of musical pleasure. Continue to enjoy your work.

Richard Crawford - 07/15/97 11:41:08 GMT
My URL: http://www.oocities.org/Athens/Acropolis/6832/
My Email:rpcjr@hotmail.com
Favorite Tull Song: Just Trying To Be
Favorite Tull Album: Thick As A Brick
Best Tull Concert: I saw you guys on the "A" tour, 1980
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Guinness!
Best Tull Line: Too many to name just one...

Your music convinced me many years ago to eject my schooling and many other conventional trappings and begin to live a "real" life based on my inborn abilities and own personal feeling...thanks for the new life! rpcr

John Staib - 07/15/97 11:39:50 GMT
My Email:jstaib@mindspring.com
Favorite Tull Song: Budapest
Favorite Tull Album: Crest of a Knave

Happy 50th to the greatest musician and band there ever was !!!!

Gary & Bruce Lowe - 07/15/97 11:27:26 GMT
My Email:glowe@lisp.com.au
Favorite Tull Song: Flying Colours
Favorite Tull Album: Roots to Branches
Favorite Tull Web Site: Sigi's Page
Best Tull Concert: Canberra 1996
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Any chilling ale
Best Tull Line: and the tune ends........

Ian, If you get to read this, thank you so much for many years listening enjoyment and for the many concerts you have given all us Jethro Tull fans. Keep going with it, mate, Beethoven never got the chance. Hope to see you next time you visit Australia. Have a very happy birthday on August 10 (or 9 or 11, whenever you have the chance to celebrate. We'll have a beer and a scotch here in Australia to help you celebrate.) All the best Gary, Bruce, Mitchell and Krysta Lowe

Gerry & Marie Yurchison - 07/15/97 10:58:27 GMT
My Email: yurchge@mail.northgrum.com
Favorite Tull Song: To Cry You A Song
Favorite Tull Album: Minstrel in the Gallery
Favorite Tull Web Site: Belgium JT Site
Best Tull Concert: Passion Play

Happy Birthday, Ian! Like a good wine, may you get finer with time! Gerry & Marie Yurchison, of New York, USA

Reinhardt Kox - 07/15/97 08:31:44 GMT
My Email:reinhardt.kox@vebaoel.de
Favorite Tull Song: Lots
Favorite Tull Album: Several

What can I say?

Scott Crawford - 07/17/97 01:25:33 GMT
My Email:narco@bmts.com
Favorite Tull Song: Up the 'pool
Favorite Tull Album: A Passion Play

Happy 50th, and many more!

Ian Pettigrew - 07/16/97 23:10:32 GMT
My Email:ianp@msn.com
Favorite Tull Song: whatever mood I'm in..
Favorite Tull Album: as above, possibly benefit
Favorite Tull Web Site: sigi's
Best Tull Concert: 'Brick, early '70's
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: (teetotal)
Best Tull Line: there are TOO many great lines

congratulations Ian! - when i first saw you (Glasgow '70) I thought we were both ageless, now I'm 41, with a family - grew up on Tull albums and tours - have a great birthday and thanks for all the great memories!! sincerely, Ian Pettigrew

Kathy Jo Finley - 07/16/97 22:15:56 GMT
My Email:ksable@mail.cleaf.com
Favorite Tull Song: And Further On
Favorite Tull Album: "A"
Favorite Tull Web Site: St.Cleave Chronicle
Best Tull Concert: Broadsword and the Beast
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Any
Best Tull Line: The hat and the dreadful insecurities

Thank you so much for giving of yourself over the years to so many people. I and my brother both have loved the music and lyrics. And thank you for not being in the trend of the mainstream music, otherwise we would have missed out on so much. Keep marching on!

Joe Skelly - 07/16/97 19:34:35 GMT
Favorite Tull Song: Budapest
Favorite Tull Album: Crest of a Knave
Best Tull Concert: 1973 MSG, TAAB (?)
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: ice cold Oragon IPA
Best Tull Line: 'I don't choose the company I keep and it shows' I'm Your Gun

Ian, Happy 1/2 century!! Keep well.

John Hoerl - 07/16/97 19:01:59 GMT
My Email: 102014.2701@compuserve.com
Favorite Tull Song: Dun Ringill
Favorite Tull Album: Heavy Horses
Best Tull Concert: All of them!
Best Tull Line: I may make you feel but I can't make you think ...

Many thanks for the music and the inspiration, and best wishes for a wonderful birthday!

carl richmond - 07/16/97 18:23:07 GMT
My Email: carl.richmond@yale.edu
Favorite Tull Song: wondring aloud
Favorite Tull Album: all of them
Best Tull Concert: all of them
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: none of them
Best Tull Line: and it's only the giving that makes you what you are

thank you for everything, ian. happy birthday carl richmond

Oscar A. RICO GALEANA - 07/16/97 17:27:47 GMT
My Email:orico@imt.mx
Best Tull Line: And as you cross the circle line, the ice-wall creaks behind, you are a rabbit on the run.

Jethro Tull`s music was my companion all these years, since my childhood until today, and I am sure I will be a happy old man always too young to die.

Cihangirhan Guzey - 07/16/97 16:40:33 GMT
My Email: e054569@orca.cc.metu.edu.tr
Favorite Tull Song: Dark Ages
Favorite Tull Album: A passion play
Favorite Tull Web Site: official one
Best Tull Concert: the only one that is done in ANKARA,TURKEY so many years ago that I even don't remember the date!
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Moet
Best Tull Line: St. Cleve Chronicle

Happy birtday to half century Lion (like me!). But I am an unhappy Lion who will be happy at the day that Jethro Tull announces the concert date in TURKEY. We all deserve another concert after so many years.I hope Ian will come to Turkey before he stops concerts (in 2000) and I also hope he will keep on doing new albums (not new best of's!). Cihangirhan the great Tull fan

Steve Raiteri - 07/16/97 16:40:28 GMT
My Email:sraiteri@gcpl.lib.oh.us
Favorite Tull Song: "Life Is a Long Song"
Favorite Tull Album: Stand Up
Best Tull Concert: I've seen 4 since 1987 -- all great!
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Liebfraumilch
Best Tull Line: "Skating away on the thin ice of the new day"

Thanks for all the good music! And here's hoping for many more years of it!

Achim Brügel - 07/16/97 15:55:43 GMT
My Email:bruegel@uni-tuebingen.de
Favorite Tull Song: Too many to name them here
Favorite Tull Album: Today this one tomorrow that one
Best Tull Concert: I enjoyed almost all of my over 50 Tull gigs
Best Tull Line: ...and the flowers bloom like madness in the spring...

Sometimes I really wish to let him now how much he changed my life. But this always sounds like blind admiration and neither Ian nor myself like that. That's why I just keep it to myself and enjoy all the inspiration that I got from him. Thank you very much, Ian Anderson and Jethro Tull.

Martin Hack - 07/16/97 13:48:46 GMT
My Email: martin.hack@battery.org
Favorite Tull Song: CORONACH
Favorite Tull Album: Heavy Horses
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner´s
Best Tull Concert: To many
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Straithards ?
Best Tull Line: And who was I to last forever

I'm just lookin forward to meet you once personally... thats my last wish...

Brenda Holloway - 07/16/97 13:35:02 GMT
My URL: http://www.mbay.net/~brendah/
My Email:brendah@cybergal.com
Favorite Tull Song: Baker St. Muse
Favorite Tull Album: Bursting Out

Happy birthday!

Terry Johnson - 07/16/97 13:29:52 GMT
My Email:johnsont@bsci.com
Favorite Tull Song: Life's a long song
Favorite Tull Album: Auqulung
Favorite Tull Web Site: Any site with Tull Tabs
Best Tull Concert: The next one
Best Tull Line: Well that's one up to me!

Cheers mate! Have a wonderful birthday!

Govardhan Srikant - 07/16/97 13:10:19 GMT
My Email:gsrika@peri.com
Favorite Tull Song: Life is a long song
Favorite Tull Album: Living in the Past

Happy Birtday Ian.

Lars Gustavsen - 07/16/97 12:29:52 GMT
My Email: Lars.Gustavse@oslo.vegvesen.telemax.no
Favorite Tull Song: Heavy Horses
Favorite Tull Album: Heavy Horses
Favorite Tull Web Site: Rutgers
Best Tull Concert: Oslo 1994
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Retzina Greek
Best Tull Line: "But you're wrong Steve, it's only solitare

I hope you'll have a happy birthday Ian, and I hope you'll come to Norway on this tour too. Best wishes from the land of the free Salmon rivers. Love from Lars.

leslie bouchard - 07/16/97 12:29:34 GMT
My URL: http://www.oocities.org/Athens/Forum/6847
My Email:river@jcn1.com
Favorite Tull Song: Aqualung
Best Tull Concert: saw ya several times in St. Louie, MO
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Mad dog 20/20
Best Tull Line: let's bungle in the jungle

Your virtuosity and passion been an inspiration to both my daughter and me: We both play the flute

Piet van Egmond - 07/16/97 11:42:12 GMT
My Email:egmond@bio.uva.nl
Favorite Tull Song: Look into the sun
Favorite Tull Album: Thick as a brick
Favorite Tull Web Site: St Cleve CHronicle
Best Tull Concert: 25 aniversery
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Provence
Best Tull Line: Pass me that bottle

Life is a long song

Rod Taylor - 07/16/97 09:21:19 GMT
My Email:taylor@bio.uva.nl
Favorite Tull Song: too many to list...
Favorite Tull Album: see previous comment!
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave's SCC page!
Best Tull Concert: A Tull virgin... :(
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Cab sav! Or maybe a rioja...
Best Tull Line: I can't get out!

Short and sweet: thanks for your brilliant words and music of the past 30 years. You've been a wonderful part of my life during the past 28 years, and I look forward to spending lots more time with you in the years to come...

Tormund Åsjord - 07/16/97 09:15:05 GMT
My URL:http://home.sn.no/~tormund
My Email:tormund@sn.no
Favorite Tull Song: Moths
Favorite Tull Album: Minstrel in the gallery + the rest
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's
Best Tull Concert: Konserthuset Oslo -91
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: I take it raw
Best Tull Line: skating away on the thin ice of the new day

Happy Birthday Ian Thanks for the last 50 years og thanks for all the songs that you have made og sung. I will always play your songs and will never be tired of them. Best wishes for you and your family !

Bartlomiej Grenda - 07/16/97 08:30:56 GMT
My URL: http://www.man.poznan.pl/~grenda
My Email:grenda@man.poznan.pl
Favorite Tull Song: Hard to choose ;-)
Favorite Tull Album: Hard too choose ass well

Happy Birthday Ian. Tahnk you for your MUSIC. It was exciting to see Jethro Tull first time in Poland (Poznan). I hope you will visit my coutry again.

Erik Arfeuille - 07/16/97 08:15:44 GMT
My Email: erik.arfeuille@bib.kuleuven.ac.be
Favorite Tull Song: Varies
Favorite Tull Album: A Passion Play
Favorite Tull Web Site: http://remus.rutgers.edu/JethroTull/
Best Tull Concert: The next
Best Tull Line: And each step he takes, is one half of a lifetime

Your music has been with me for all my life. Congratulations on your 50th birthday. To quote the Bard: 'For another of his fathom, they have none to lead their business' (Othello)

Sanjay Raniga - 07/16/97 07:50:54 GMT
My URL:http://www.radiant.net/~nraniga/Nikhil.html
My Email: nraniga@radiant.net
Favorite Tull Song: Flying Dutchman
Favorite Tull Album: all of them
Favorite Tull Web Site: Rays
Best Tull Concert: In Orpheum Theatre in Vancouver
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: That you poured on the stage, let me think?
Best Tull Line: Hey Santa, pass us that bottle will you.

Ian I stll have the matches packet in which you signed your name for me. Happy birthday. May your jewel sword twinkle as the world rolls by.

Paul Koenig - 07/16/97 07:09:38 GMT
My Email:pkoenig@solution-space.com
Favorite Tull Song: Bouree, Inside, Skating Away...
Favorite Tull Album: A Little Lite Music (this week)

Thank you for many years of inspired, thought-provoking,entertaining music.

Melitta Meneghel - 07/17/97 16:57:06 GMT
My Email:melitta@genetica.edu.uy
Favorite Tull Song: My God, Jack-A-Lynn,Locomotive Breath, The Whistler and all many others
Favorite Tull Album: Songs From the Wood, Divinities, Passion Play
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's & Sigi's
Best Tull Concert: The only one I could attend, Porto Alegre, '88
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: I do not drink wine, but I'd raise a cup of Champagne or a glass of good English Gin to Ian
Best Tull Line: But it's only the giving that makes you what you are; He who made kittens, put snakes in the grass (for me to catch and study)

Ian, I am a Tull fan since 1971, when I was 16. Tull's music has always been my best company, in good and bad times. I always found kind of my mirror image in your lyrics, and music that made me feel good. In 1995 when you came to Uruguay (but Tull never played here-I know why) I missed to meet you (a college of the University could shake your hand in the name of all Uruguayan fans). Have a nice 50th birthday. On august 10th I will be in London, and I'll raise a glass to you. Go on producing that marvelous music that fills the souls of many, many fans around the world. A long life, happiness, and again, Cheerio!

Lars-Ake Wikman - 07/17/97 16:23:08 GMT
My URL: http://home2.swipnet.se/~w-21838
My Email: hackenbush@mbox300.swipnet.se
Favorite Tull Song: Heavy horses
Favorite Tull Album: Heavy horses
Favorite Tull Web Site: The Chronicle
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: 1947 Chateau D'Isaster !
Best Tull Line: Skating away.......

Tull Music = Quality Music = Tull Music = Quality Music = Tull Music. And Magic! Happy Boithday, Ian!

Lex van Schagen - 07/17/97 13:36:59 GMT
My URL:http://www.freemail.nl
My Email:schagela
Favorite Tull Song: Rocks on the Road
Favorite Tull Album: A Passion Play (from the start)
Favorite Tull Web Site: Not really one favorite
Best Tull Concert: If only I had been so lucky to get some tickets in time.....
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: A nice white Moesel
Best Tull Line: ... fall in Bed and Kick my Shoes away....

Best wishes Ian, keep up the excellent work and may your next album be as good as Roots to Branches!

Maggie Kennedy - 07/17/97 13:30:03 GMT
My Email:m_kennedy@msn.com
Favorite Tull Song: too numerous to mention!
Favorite Tull Album: A Passion Play
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's
Best Tull Concert: A Passion Play, COBO Hall, Detroit
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Something dry from TAYLOR Bully Hill
Best Tull Line: fantasy whispered from Ian's lips to my ears - "Desperate breathin ...Tongue nipple teasing". Realistically, "and it's only the giving that makes you what you are"

Ian, Wishing you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! May you have joyous, blessed days forever more! You've been a part of my life since 1971 and your words and music is attached to so many experiences and memories past and times present! I am deeply indebted to you. Thank you. Maggie

Daniel Levin - 07/17/97 11:58:31 GMT
My Email:dlevin43c@aol.com
Favorite Tull Song: Budapest
Favorite Tull Album: Crest of a Knave
Best Tull Concert: Worcester, MA. 1982
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Pinot Noir
Best Tull Line: only very slightly

Never too old to ....

Alessandro Benanti - 07/17/97 10:20:26 GMT
My Email: piggy@mbox.microelettra.it
Favorite Tull Song: aqualung
Favorite Tull Album: aqualung
Favorite Tull Web Site: ***
Best Tull Concert: Rome
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: romanella
Best Tull Line: ***

jethro is fun, jethro is jethro, i love jethro, jethro is all, jethro...stop

Risto-Ville Seppanen - 07/17/97 09:56:55 GMT
My URL:http://www.jyu.fi/~rissepp
My Email:rissepp@silmu.jyu.fi
Favorite Tull Song: Rocks on the road
Favorite Tull Album: Thick as a brick
Favorite Tull Web Site: Steiner's
Best Tull Concert: can't tell..
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: I prefer beer! =)
Best Tull Line: lyrics of "Scenario"

All my best wishes and greetings from Finland!

Ralph Scott - 07/17/97 03:59:21 GMT
My URL: http://www.approved.com.au/new_approved/html/ralph_scott.html
My Email: ralphs@approved.com.au
Favorite Tull Song: Bouree
Favorite Tull Album: Bursting Out
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave's
Best Tull Concert: Frankfurt 1978
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: St. Henri Shiraz
Best Tull Line: Or that everybody's on the stage, ...

Congratulations on your 50th!

Tom Goodman - 07/17/97 21:34:57 GMT
My Email: tgoodman@btboces.stier.org

Thanks for all the years of great music.

Elliot Forchheimer - 07/17/97 18:53:26 GMT
My Email: forchheimere@ujafedny.org
Favorite Tull Song: Songs From the Wood
Favorite Tull Album: Songs From the Wood
Best Tull Concert: all
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Anything Zinfandel

Ian: In one interview, you mentioned you would not play past age 50---we are all so glad you changed your mind! Here's to 50 more great years and thanks! Happy Birthday! Elliot Forchheimer New Rochelle, NY

Nancy Hayes - 07/22/97 00:36:33 GMT
My Email: n.hayes1@genie.geis.com
Favorite Tull Song: Farm is a Freeway (or such like)
Favorite Tull Album: Crest of a Knave
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: absinthe
Best Tull Line: Let me dance in your teacup, and you can swim in mine

Hello, you little ROLE MODEL you! I play the flute. Hard to find a place to practice cymbals (or police whistles). Happy birthday!

Gerry Lafleche - 07/22/97 00:26:38 GMT
My Email:Drust53@aol.com
Favorite Tull Song: Bouree/ClassiscalTull
Favorite Tull Album: Living In The Past
Favorite Tull Web Site: This one
Best Tull Concert: Centrum/1987
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Hash brownies Fat joints
Best Tull Line: The x-mas spirit is not what you drink

Been listening since 69and I still roll my own.looking forward to upcoming New England shows Good and speedy health to you Ian

Peter A. Lopez - 07/21/97 23:24:43 GMT
My URL:http://www.cytomation.com
My Email: PeterL@cytomation.com
Favorite Tull Album: Benefit
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiners'
Best Tull Concert: Shea Stadium, NYC
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: French Burgundy, red or white
Best Tull Line: "the smile in your eye was never so sweet before"

Happy Birthday Ian, I wish I was in Boston to see you on your birthday. My friend Casserine Toussaint is so excited that she is getting a chance to talk with you the day before. I just moved from there to Colorado, and am quite upset that I can't make it to the east coast for the shows. Anyways, don't know if you'll have a chance to read these, just stay well, please continue to create the music that I love. We should talk about fish sometime- my company makes an instrument for determining ploidy of animals - used in fish farming. Best Regards, Peter

Mike Donohue - 07/21/97 21:38:55 GMT
My Email:hobbes03@AOL.com
Favorite Tull Song: Rare & Precious Chain. A Small Cigar
Favorite Tull Album: 20 Year Anniv. Collection
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's
Best Tull Concert: "Broadsword"
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Petite Syrah with a "Small Cigar"
Best Tull Line: "The Ice Cream Lady wet her drawers to see you in the Passion Play."

Ian, your music has been and continues to be a HUGE part of my life. I was 10 years old when my older brother came home with the "Aqualung" album in 1971, and the rest history. Every album brings me back to a certain point in my life because I grew up with your music. Thanks so much for all the memories past, present and especially future. Enjoy your 50th, it's only the beginning! See you at the Oakdale August 8th!

Gregory Durnovo - 07/21/97 21:13:22 GMT
My Email:sivanov@glasnet.ru
Favorite Tull Song: Baker Street Muse
Favorite Tull Album: Thick as a Brick
Favorite Tull Web Site: Jethro Tull Archive
Best Tull Concert: A Little Light Music
Best Tull Line: Isn't it just too damn real?

Happy birthday, Mr. Anderson! Many happy returns of the day! I wish you to stay as young as you were and are now and continue writing marvellous songs!!! And I hope it was not a joke and you will visit Russia soon with your concerts! Thank you! We love you and your group!

Eric Johnson - 07/21/97 20:49:07 GMT
My Email: ritaeric@anthro.umass.edu
Favorite Tull Song: I could never choose just one!
Favorite Tull Album: I like them all
Best Tull Concert: Madison Square Garden, Passion Play
Best Tull Line: A little of what you fancy does you good

I've been enjoying Jethro Tull music since I was a high school kid back in 1973. I still listen to it almost every day. It's fueled my interests in other music too: blues, classical, celtic, folk, progressive rock. Thank you Ian for creating music that's been a big, positive force in my life. I'll be in the crowd at Boston, Harborlights!

Phil Gammon - 07/21/97 17:54:15 GMT
My Email:pgammon@shl.com
Favorite Tull Song: Wind Up
Favorite Tull Album: Songs From The Woods
Best Tull Concert: Thick As A Brick
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Cotes du Rhone (red)
Best Tull Line: "And you paddle right out of the mess."

Ian, Happy 50th Birthday. And I would personally like to wish you many, many more. I have listened to your music for the past 28 years and I hope that there will be 28 more to come. Looking forward to seeing you in Ottawa, Canada in October. Cheerio, Phil Gammon Ottawa, Canada

Adrian Spencer - 07/21/97 16:28:19 GMT
My Email: ukrspen@remove.prl.research.philips.com
Favorite Tull Song: Beside Myself
Favorite Tull Album: Thick..

Thanks for many years of excellent music.

Alan Lindabery - 07/21/97 14:36:13 GMT
My Email:kelpietull@aol.com
Favorite Tull Song: Dangerous Vails
Favorite Tull Album: 25th Aniversary
Favorite Tull Web Site: All of 'em
Best Tull Concert: Broadsword
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: A Classic Case
Best Tull Line: Cherio

Happy B-day Ian, if you have to retire from touring to save your voice for studio albums, do it, I'ld rather keep getting fresh music than concert tours.

Lynnette Selzer - 07/21/97 11:29:45 GMT
My Email:mls@intcomm.net
Favorite Tull Song: Whichever one I'm listening to for the thousandth time and I'm hearing it as fresh and new as if I heard my first Jethro Tull tune just yesterday.
Favorite Tull Album: Whichever one has the tune that I'm listening to for the thousandth time, and . . .
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's Rutgers discussion digest
Best Tull Concert: my first -- Stand Up, Dec 12, 1969, San Antonio, Tx. and the most recent -- RtB, Apr. 5, 1996, again in S.A.
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: probably a hearty burgundy
Best Tull Line: but I'm wounded, old, and I'm treacherous.

Happy Birthday Ian, and may you have many more. My life has been better because the music of Ian Anderson and Jethro Tull has been part of it. Thank you.

Bob Devereux, Jr. - 07/20/97 23:46:01 GMT
My Email:Domerboy@aol.com
Favorite Tull Song: Life's a Long Song
Favorite Tull Album: Living in the Past
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's
Best Tull Concert: First one in 1975
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: whatever's on front cover of "A Classic Case"
Best Tull Line: He's not the kind you have to wind up on Sundays

Happy 50th, Ian. Keep up the good work! Best wishes from Bob Devereux, and his sister Paula.

Juli Steele - 07/20/97 19:46:40 GMT
My Email:julim@inetnow.net
Favorite Tull Song: Requiem
Favorite Tull Album: Living In The Past
Best Tull Concert: Thick As A Brick Tour

I was one of those fourteen year old girls listening to your music twenty-four years ago! I can't imagine what life would have been like without Jethro Tull. Thanks, Ian, for your musical talent and all the memories wrapped in your songs.

Lorrie Negrete - 07/20/97 19:22:33 GMT
My Email:lorilie59
Favorite Tull Song: ring out soltice bells
Favorite Tull Album: songs from the woods
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: dry fruity white

Have a simply wonderful day, filled with much love and laughter.....

Robert Schneider - 07/20/97 13:22:40 GMT
My URL:http://www.schneider-datentechnik.de
My Email:100330.3416@compuserve.com
Favorite Tull Song: Thick as a Brick
Favorite Tull Album: Thick as a Brick
Best Tull Concert: Zurich, 1971 playing Thick as a Brick
Best Tull Line: Life's a long song

For another 50 years Some of them on stage ?!

Steve Herrick - 07/20/97 03:03:47 GMT
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~sherrick/index.html
My Email:sherrick@sover.net
Favorite Tull Song: Dun Ringill
Favorite Tull Album: Minstrel in the Gallery
Favorite Tull Web Site: Jethro Tull WWW Server
Best Tull Concert: Thick as a Brick 1972
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Beaujolais
Best Tull Line: Colours I've none, dark or light, red white or blue...

Ian, If you ever read this, please know that you've touched my life for many years and that I wish you the best on your birthday and several more to come. You're truly my hero. Your music, like you, get better with age. Congratulations!

Bryan Oles - 07/20/97 02:18:03 GMT
My Email:gridleycg@aol.com
Favorite Tull Song: Inside
Favorite Tull Album: Thick as a Brick
Best Tull Line: Don't you FRET don't you fear, I will give you good cheer - Life's a long song.


Bryan Oles - 07/20/97 02:08:49 GMT
My Email:gridleycg@aol.com
Favorite Tull Song: Inside
Favorite Tull Album: Thick as a Brick
Best Tull Concert: Pittsburgh 1995
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Homebrew
Best Tull Line: Don't you sweat, don't you fear, I will give you good chear


Rodney Butler - 07/20/97 00:38:44 GMT
My Email:rbutler@inxpress.net
Favorite Tull Song: Sossity; Your A Women
Favorite Tull Album: Benefit
Favorite Tull Web Site: St, Cleve Chronicle
Best Tull Concert: All and Any
Best Tull Line: and with you there to help, then it probably will

I've been an undieing fan since 1969 All the best Ian, give my best to Martin

Dave Miller - 07/20/97 00:26:37 GMT
My Email:miller@mail.talk-101.com
Favorite Tull Song: All of them
Favorite Tull Album: All of them
Favorite Tull Web Site: http://jtull.rutgers.edu/JethroTull/
Best Tull Concert: Nostell Priory UK 1982
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Mulled, warm and Red, with a roaring log fire in the grate
Best Tull Line: "I can't get out!" - at the end of Minstrel

Ian has brought many years of musical genius to the world and has influenced many a band. I wish him good cheer and may he continue to weave his magic for many a year to come. Remember - Jacks in the green, they are plural!

Paul Lane - 07/19/97 15:20:28 GMT
My URL:http://www.trytel.com/~dphotos/
My Email:slipstrm@trytel.com
Favorite Tull Song: Passion Play
Favorite Tull Album: Passion Play
Favorite Tull Web Site: crysalis(but it's gone!)
Best Tull Concert: ummmm...Passion Play!
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: champagne
Best Tull Line: All Tull Lines Equally

We wish you all the best for your 50th birthday. I can't believe that I am getting that old!!!! Love, Paul, Diana, & Brittany

Gianmario Bertini - 07/19/97 15:03:50 GMT
My Email:Antares.Hotel.Rubens@traveleurope.it
Favorite Tull Song: salamander
Favorite Tull Album: A Passion Play
Favorite Tull Web Site: Remus-Rutgers
Best Tull Concert: Milan Arena 1988
Best Tull Line: In the clear white circles of morning wonders I take my place for the Lord of the Hills.

happy birthday dear Ian. Thanks for your generousity (referred to records productions and music making.. at least. Cheers. Gianmario from Milan.

Mark (Tull Freak) Smith - 07/19/97 13:59:54 GMT
My Email:hermanj@letterpro.com
Favorite Tull Song: All of them!
Favorite Tull Album: All of them!
Favorite Tull Web Site: Do not have a computer!
Best Tull Concert: '72 Thick As A Brick
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Chateau Budweiser
Best Tull Line: Really don't mind if you sit this one out, my words but a whisper, your deafness a shout.

Dear Ian: I know you're not celebrating with friends and family, but I hope that the American fans will make up for that and give you a Happy Birthday. Plus I would like to Thank you for all of your great lyrics and music. I always look forward to a new album and the adventure you take us on. I sincerely hope that you go on to play music for many years to come.

Jeff Berkeley - 07/19/97 11:56:12 GMT
My URL:http://www.lifesmith.com
My Email:fractali@www.lifesmith.com
Favorite Tull Song: too hard to choose
Favorite Tull Album: see above
Best Tull Concert: hard to pick from 25+

Happy Birthday Ian! I've been a big fan since 1969, been to 25+ shows and of course have all the recordings. I was a pot-smoking, long-haired high- school punk when I first heard you; now I'm a physics professor. You have always been my all-time favorite entertainer, and I was telling my wife the other day that I've spent nearly more time with You than I have with her (we've only been together 6 years)... You've been a very important influence on me; I always appreciate your wry humor, vicious wit, distrustful insight, and masterful eloquence. When all is said and done, may you receive all the love and support the universe is able to give you. As for me, you have my dearest thanks and wishes for another fifty years! Very sincerely yours, Jeff Berkeley

Puneet Ramdev - 07/19/97 11:45:12 GMT
My URL:http://N/a
My Email:pendragon@vnet.ibm.com
Favorite Tull Song: Most of them
Favorite Tull Album: Most of them
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's
Best Tull Concert: n/a
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Old Monk Rum
Best Tull Line: ....and the flowers bloom like madness in the spring.

Happy Birthday Ian,...and here's (glug) to many more.....From the first moment I heard your music and listened/read the lyrics, I felt a bond . Even though through the years I have moved onto other musical adventures, I feel that your music had a major part in shaping my musical tastes.

Luis Cayon - 07/19/97 10:39:01 GMT
My Email:l-cayon@uniandes.edu.co
Favorite Tull Song: Dun ringill, Thick as a brick, Baker street Muse
Favorite Tull Album: Thick as a brick, Minstrel in the gallery
Favorite Tull Web Site: Jethro Tull page
Best Tull Concert: Giessen, July 13, 1997
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: My friend Billy (Tull fan too) and me, we were smooking and talking about God and the universe
Best Tull Line: I'll waiting in stone circles, t'il the force come through

Dear Ian: I come from Colombia to see my girlfriend Alexandra, in Giessen of course I arrange everything in order to match your concert, I hope she will not read this. I am an anthropologist and a Makuna indian, my friend Arturo, saw you in a video and he loved your music. There are no cultural frontiers. Happy Birthday Master and God bless you. Luis.

Alexandra Hiller - 07/19/97 09:57:12 GMT
My Email:Alexandra.Hiller-Galvis@bio.uni-Giessen.de
Favorite Tull Song: Witches Promise
Favorite Tull Album: Too old to rock 'n'roll
Favorite Tull Web Site: JethroTull
Best Tull Concert: Giessen, 13th July/97
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: We drunk beer
Best Tull Line: Blues

Dear Ian: I come from Colombia. I had the great pleasure of seeing you where I,m living now, Giessen. It was the best concert I've ever been. I play flute since I,m 8 and I wish to play it the way you do it some day. Hopefully you will come some day to Bogota. You surely have many fans there! Happy birthday and play many years more! Alexandra

Steve Staub - 07/19/97 02:56:06 GMT
My Email:Obispo@prodigy.net
Favorite Tull Song: The Whistler
Favorite Tull Album: Songs From The Wood
Favorite Tull Web Site: St. Cleve
Best Tull Concert: Devonshire Downs '71
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Surely you gest...ale is best!
Best Tull Line: "Really don't mind if you sit this one out..."

A sincere "thank you" for the great music provided over the years. My son has learned the flute primarily on your inspiration. Happy birthday, Ian! With much appreciation, Steve Staub

Sean Staub - 07/19/97 02:46:02 GMT
My Email:GSBR17C@prodigy.com
Favorite Tull Song: In The Grip of Stronger Stuff
Favorite Tull Album: Divinities (Ian's solo)
Favorite Tull Web Site: Don't Know
Best Tull Concert: Universal Ampitheatre '96
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Underage (13 years old)
Best Tull Line: Too Old to Rock N' Roll

Thank you for your music. It has certainly influenced me in the choice to play the flute. Looking forward to your next solo album, Divinities was great! Sincerely, Sean Staub

Jan Holten - 07/19/97 02:12:47 GMT
My Email:jholten@cybernet.dk
Favorite Tull Song: Thick as a Brick
Favorite Tull Album: Minstrel ---

Happy birthday Ian.

Steve "L-dewd" Lasco - 07/19/97 02:11:53 GMT
My Email:slasco@integralsys.com
Favorite Tull Song: Dr. Bogenbroom
Favorite Tull Album: Oh so many, can't pick one!
Favorite Tull Web Site: Ray, Tull archive
Best Tull Concert: Of the 40+ I've seen -- well, McGaw Hall Evanston USA '77 was a near-riot, my late cousin David Fisher and I were swept up in the crowd that swarmed over a Cyclone fence because security would not let them be seated...20th Anniv. @Concord Pavilion; many Dane County Coliseum shows (Madison WI)...The Warfield (SF USA '93 or '94)
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: BV Reserve Cabernet '90, or ice-cold Liebfraumilch, both served with a selected dogend of rare heritage.
Best Tull Line: She didn't make love, but she made a good sandwich.

Greetings Ian! Halfway to the century mark and you're still on -- Godspeed mate. From a dead beat to an [not-so] old greaser, here's thinking of you August 10. A boatload of thanks for your 26-year influence on my life and for all the hundreds of hours of pleasure you've brought me and which I've been fortunate to share with many wonderful friends. May you live as long as you like, and have all that you like as long as you live. Your Pal Always, Steve Lasco

J. Wayne Lashley - 07/19/97 00:02:18 GMT
My Email:wlashley@nbnet.nb.ca
Favorite Tull Song: Look into the Sun/Mountain Men/Dun Ringill
Favorite Tull Album: Broadsword/Rock Island
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave's
Best Tull Concert: Songs from the Wood
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Any poured by Ian himself (thanks for the glass in Toronto '94)
Best Tull Line: If you wear a warmer sporran, you can keep the foe at bay.

Ian, thanks for all the words and all the tunes over the years... and don't stop now!

Tim Quesnel - 07/18/97 22:52:35 GMT
My Email:quesnels@worldnet.att.net
Favorite Tull Song: Too many to mention
Favorite Tull Album: This Was, Minstrel, Crest and Catfish
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's
Best Tull Concert: Rock Island, Phoenix, AZ
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Wine?! Not on these lips. GUINESS ONLY!!
Best Tull Line: And the wise man breaks wind and is gone.

Ian, hope you have a great day and the rest of your life to match. Please keep up the great music. There are none paralleled to you

James Czahur - 07/18/97 20:36:22 GMT
My Email:Absolut@snet.net
Favorite Tull Song: TAB
Favorite Tull Album: TAB
Favorite Tull Web Site: Laufi's
Best Tull Concert: TAB & Warchild
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Absolut Vodka
Best Tull Line: Wounded, Old and Treacherous!

Happy B-Day Ian, Enjoyed your entire career! Over 75 shows and counting. Your music continues to be unique and excellent. RtB was pure and very Tull. Divinities a masterpiece. Please at LEAST 10 more years!!! James

J. B. Sclisizzi - 07/18/97 19:23:57 GMT
My Email:jbs@toronto.cbc.ca
Favorite Tull Song: Heavy Horses
Favorite Tull Album: Minstrel in the Gallery
Best Tull Concert: Toronto, 1978
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Bordeau
Best Tull Line: O Mother England, did you light my fire, or did you light the fire under me ...

Happy 5-0 Mr. Anderson, only another 50 or so more years to keep putting out music ... Ciao,

Paul T. Clegg - 07/18/97 18:43:31 GMT
My Email:paulc@transera.com
Favorite Tull Song: Wond'ring Aloud
Favorite Tull Album: Songs From The Wood
Best Tull Concert: Salem Oregon Sep 96
Best Tull Line: It's only the giving that makes you what you are.

Happy birthday Ian! Thanks for all the memories and incalculable hours of pleasure I've received from your music.

Hendrik Mann - 07/18/97 14:42:51 GMT
My Email:H.Mann@tu-bs.de
Favorite Tull Song: Summerday Sands, Jack-A-Lynn and many others
Favorite Tull Album: Nightcap
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiners
Best Tull Concert: 25th Anniversry in Jübek/Germany 1993
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: well tempered Port
Best Tull Line: He is the God of nothing -- if that's all that you can see. You are the god of everything -- He's inside you and me.

Thanks for the countless hours listening to great music.

Jason Kuykendall - 07/18/97 13:14:05 GMT
My Email:fsjak10@aurora.alaska.edu
Favorite Tull Song: Moths, right now anyway,
Favorite Tull Album: Minstrel in the Gallery
Favorite Tull Web Site: Can't decide.
Best Tull Concert: Greek Amphitheatre, a few years back.
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Cabernet Sauvignon
Best Tull Line: "How can you laugh, when your own mother's hungery?"

Ian, Your creativity over the years (It has been a while hasn't it?) has deeply inspired me to keep going with my own music. (My band keeps hiding my flute!) I appreciate all the good you've done, and hope you continue for years to come. Please come back to Alaska some time. Happy Birthday!

LeeAnn Taberman - 07/18/97 11:34:53 GMT
My URL:http://members.aol.com/LeeAnn5ft/LeeAnn5ft.html
My Email:LeeAnn5ft@aol.com
Favorite Tull Song: Any song at a given moment
Favorite Tull Album: Any album at a given moment
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave's and Ray's
Best Tull Concert: SFTW Nov. 17, 1977 Springfield, Mass. (2nd row, center)
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Well.... I must quote from a good friend of mine. I thought his statement, very appropriate...got a good chuckle over it.... (Sal, I hope you don't mind.) "I wanna meet Ian Anderson!!!".... "Oh wait, you mean wine, not whine!"...... Ditto!
Best Tull Line: Hmmmm......any line, at a given moment.. they all fit somewhere.

Many happy returns Ian... You do realize, you'll be reading this 'card' for ANOTHER 50 years. I'll be brief, (it is possible) I wish you the very best in every endeavor. Sincerely, LeeAnn

Michael Hurst - 07/18/97 10:40:03 GMT
My Email:M.D.Hurst@open.ac.uk
Favorite Tull Song: About 90% of the catalogue!!
Favorite Tull Album: Impossible to choose !
Best Tull Concert: Every one

Happy birthday Ian, many thanks for the varied and wonderful music you have given to the World during you career and also for the highly entertaining concerts. It is always a pleasure to attend a Tull gig. Long may you continue. Hope to see you on the stage in Newcastle upon Tyne soon. Cheers Michael

Jim Wagner - 07/18/97 07:00:48 GMT
My Email:mjwagner@sound.net
Favorite Tull Song: Thick as a Brick
Favorite Tull Album: Heavy Horses
Favorite Tull Web Site: JTull@remus.rutgers
Best Tull Concert: 1996 Kansas City
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: something dark
Best Tull Line: "Ask of me no answers, there is none I could give you couldn't find."

Ian, you and Martin and the whole gang have added a part to my life. A small part, but nonetheless, a very important part. Keep up the wonderful work and I hope to see you several more times in the Heart of America.

Jim Wagner - 07/18/97 06:59:21 GMT
My Email:mjwagner@sound.net
Favorite Tull Web Site: JTull@remus.rutgers
Best Tull Concert: 1996 Kansas City
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: something dark
Best Tull Line: "Ask of me no answers, there is none I could give you couldn't find.


Robert Hood - 07/18/97 06:12:03 GMT
My URL: http://www.uow.edu.au/commerce/econ/creepernet/creephome.html
My Email: robert_hood@uow.edu.au
Favorite Tull Song: no lullaby (today)
Favorite Tull Album: most of them
Best Tull Concert: Sydney 1977
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: a nice beer
Best Tull Line: 'the finger-tip ledge of contentment"

Thanks, Ian, for many many years of soul-soothing music -- the kind of artistry that reconciles me to humanity in times of disillusionment. Ta!

Russ Parrish - 07/18/97 05:40:00 GMT
My Email:moshav1@aol.com
Favorite Tull Song: 0['to your' symbol]10=Nothing at All
Favorite Tull Album: lets say they were all one album...
Favorite Tull Web Site: this one.
Best Tull Concert: I wish.
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Can you make wine with mushrooms?
Best Tull Line: "Do you ever get to feeling that...everybody's on the stage and it seems that you're the only person sitting in the audience?"

Hey Ian, I bet you won't come to Alababa.

Jonathan Carpenter - 07/18/97 03:44:27 GMT
My Email:pig_me@hotmail.com
Favorite Tull Song: Wondering Aloud/Again
Favorite Tull Album: Stand Up
Favorite Tull Web Site: All of 'em
Best Tull Concert: n/a
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Diva

Congratulations and happy birthday. 50 is a big year...half a century no less. My dear old mum turns 50 in september, so you are not alone :) Anyway, thanks for the brilliant music, you are truly one of the most innovative musicians of the last 50 years, and i wish you another 50 years of wine , women and song...esp song thanks Jono

Graham Whittingham - 07/18/97 03:42:51 GMT
My Email:gwhitt10@scu.edu.au
Favorite Tull Song: No Lullaby
Favorite Tull Album: The Broadsword and the Beast
Best Tull Concert: State Theatre, Sydney, 1994
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Chardonnay

The GREATEST band in the history of rock music. It's a shame that Tull and Australia are so often so far apart. I and many other Aussies look forward to the possibility of one last (hopefully not injurious) tour. HAPPY 50th BIRTHDAY Ian.

Dan Flynn - 07/18/97 03:07:51 GMT
My Email:danf@qualatex.com
Favorite Tull Song: Rainbow Blues
Favorite Tull Album: Passion Play
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave's Tull Archives
Best Tull Concert: Can't rate/they're all great
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: A good Cabernet
Best Tull Line: "You're wrong, Steve, you see, it's only Solitaire"

Thanks, Ian, for providing years of enjoyment, creativity, and great music. I hate rating albums, songs and concerts: each of your's is great in its own right and no two are alike. Keep on producing new music, too: Roots to Branches and Divinities are execellent (and I bought two copies of both). You constantly stretch the image of Tull--which is the essence of that image anyway, isn't it. Thanks again to you (and Martin, too) for the great times.

Jeremy J. dePrisco - 07/23/97 17:35:34 GMT
My URL: http://www2.hn.psu.edu/students/jeremy/
My Email:jjd166@psu.edu
Favorite Tull Song: Wind Up
Favorite Tull Album: Thick As A Brick
Favorite Tull Web Site: http://remus.rutgers.edu/JethroTull/index.html
Best Tull Concert: Tower Theatre, Philly, PA
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Lambrusco
Best Tull Line: Everyone's from somewhere, even if you've never been there.

Thank you.

Anindya Mitra - 07/23/97 17:00:20 GMT
My Email:mitraa@iimcal.ernet.in
Favorite Tull Song: Aqualung
Favorite Tull Album: Aqualung
Favorite Tull Web Site: Ray's and Mike's
Best Tull Concert: Bombay,India'93
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Ripple

Best wishes to you Ian. May you and Martin keeep on producing the same old good music for yeeeaaars to come. Longing to see you in India again.. - Anindya

Jeff "Stretch" Riedle - 07/23/97 15:42:17 GMT
My Email:stretch@got.net
Favorite Tull Song: One White Duck/0-10, Home, Wind Up, etc.
Favorite Tull Album: Thick As A Brick
Favorite Tull Web Site: St. Cleve Chronicle
Best Tull Concert: Every one I've seen since 1972
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: "Aren't they gonna play more songs?"
Best Tull Line: When I was young, and they packed me off to school...

Happy Birthday Ian, and thank you for making music all these years. My first concert experience was 1972 (Detroit, Michigan, USA) and after some 25 tours I'm still appreciative of your creativity and talent. May you continue to play from your heart.

Lenester Taxidean - 07/23/97 15:07:25 GMT
My URL:http://www.asis.com/~liefc/
My Email:liefc@asis.com
Favorite Tull Song: Whichever happens to be playing, I suppose.
Favorite Tull Album: Hold on, let me check the phase of the moon...
Favorite Tull Web Site: http://remus.rutgers.edu/JethroTull/ (The St. Cleve Chronicle site.)
Best Tull Concert: Haven't been to one yet... any dates planned in Albuquerque?
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Liquid silver fire is a favorite of mine, crimson wonder is quite good too. I've heard that Chateau d'Isaster is rather nice as well.
Best Tull Line: Oh, good grief, what's with all this "best" stuff? It's all priceless.

You actually read this far? Incredible. I gave up about 1/3 of the way here. What can I say... I'm normally not the drooling fanboy type, but you're probably the only 'celebrity'-type person in this world who I'd literally pay to spend an hour chatting with. I'm actually harboring the tiny hope that the email address I just gave (and it had better be printed on the 'card') will be used... y'know, I think if I were religious, I might even pray. Happy birthday, Ian, and let's hope the Valkyrie don't come for you until 50 more. You have every ounce of my respect. You're never too old to rock'n'roll if you're too young to die... keep living the dream, my friend.

Vemund Jensen - 07/23/97 07:04:10 GMT
My Email:v.l.jensen@ub.uio.no
Favorite Tull Song: Dun Ringill (one among many)
Favorite Tull Album: Heavy Horses
Favorite Tull Web Site: St. Cleves Chronicle
Best Tull Concert: Oslo, autumn 1995
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: all wines go with Tull, especially the red ones
Best Tull Line: Far too many to choose just one

I'm very sorry I will not be able to be at the concert, but all my best wishes goes to Ian Anderson, I hope you'll continue making your magical music for another 50 years at least!!!! Congratulations, and happy 50th Birthday!!!!

Brian Cody - 07/23/97 05:11:22 GMT
My URL:http://www.people.cornell.edu/pages/brc5
My Email:brc5@cornell.edu
Favorite Tull Song: For A Thousand Mothers, Witches Promise
Favorite Tull Album: Stand Up, Songs From the Wood
Best Tull Line: And it's only the taking that makes you what you are...

Happy Birthday, Ian! Thank you for my strongest musical passion, Jethro Tull. What would there be otherwise? I'm only 19, so this will be my first Tull concert. Thanks for choosing Boston as the site for such a special night!

Jason D'Acchioli - 07/23/97 04:01:11 GMT
My Email:jdacc00@providence.edu
Favorite Tull Song: Nothing is Easy
Favorite Tull Album: Stand Up
Favorite Tull Web Site: "Patrick's Jethro Tull Page"
Best Tull Concert: Light and Dark Tour, 1992 (so far!)
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Well, I'm a bit too young to drink! ;)
Best Tull Line: "Open your eyes and prick up your ears; rehearse your loudest cry."

I want to wish you the happiest of birthdays, Ian! I can't begin to tell you how much joy the music of Jethro Tull has brought me over the past few years. Being a younger fan, each new piece of music I discover brings a sense of awe to me. Keep up the good work, and good health to you! See you at Harbour Lights on August 10th!

Jolanta Zaborowska - 07/23/97 03:15:52 GMT
My Email:jolaz@concentric.net
Favorite Tull Song: Skating Away...
Favorite Tull Album: A Passion Play
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: white vermuth on rocks
Best Tull Line: Legends were born surrounding the mysterious lights seen in the sky flashing...

Happy birthday, Ian. And thanks for your music!

Keith Lowe - 07/23/97 02:38:34 GMT
My Email: Keith.Lowe@BarwonWater.Vic.Gov.Au
Favorite Tull Song: Sossity, You're A Woman
Favorite Tull Album: Broadsword And The Beast
Favorite Tull Web Site: http://remus.rutgers.edu:80/JethroTull/
Best Tull Concert: Thick As A Brick, Melbourne 1974
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Any Port
Best Tull Line: Could you fancy me as a pirate bold, or a longship viking warrior with the old gods on his side?

Happy Birthday Ian and Many Happy Returns. Thank you for all the music which has added another dimension to our lives.

Allan Udy - 07/22/97 23:55:36 GMT
My Email:allan@golden.co.nz
Favorite Tull Song: Moths
Favorite Tull Album: Broadsword & The Beast
Best Tull Concert: New Plymouth, NZ, 1995

Happy B-Day Ian. Enjoyed the New Zealand concerts in early '95 (think it was then). Come back soon! :-)

Troy A Jackson - 07/22/97 22:38:48 GMT
My URL:http://www.greyheart.com
My Email:troy@greyheart.com
Favorite Tull Song: Jack-A-Lynn
Favorite Tull Album: Broadsword and the Beast
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave's
Best Tull Line: Too many to choose!

Thanks Ian, for many great years of many great sights and sounds. Your music has always been a great source of enjoyment and inspiration.

Martin Bryant - 07/22/97 22:28:52 GMT
My Email: martin.bryant@iname.com
Favorite Tull Song: Heavy Horses
Favorite Tull Album: Heavy Horses
Best Tull Line: Let's go living in the past

Thanks for being so good at what you do.

Meera - 07/22/97 21:12:04 GMT
My Email:meera@auspex.com
Favorite Tull Song: Heavy Horses, Nursie
Favorite Tull Album: Living in the Past
Favorite Tull Web Site: http://www.dirtynelson.com/linen/feature/61ian.html
Best Tull Concert: Divinities
Best Tull Line: .. And it's only the giving that makes you what you are.

Ian, I grew up listening to your music. Jethro Tull is something of a phenomenon that my entire family identifies with. It was a great moment to have met you in person at last year's concert at Concord, CA. May we extend our sincere best wishes to you and yours. THANK YOU FOR THE INSPIRATION ALL THESE YEARS.

Chris Johnson - 07/22/97 21:09:25 GMT
My Email:cjohnson@unm.edu
Favorite Tull Song: summerday sands
Favorite Tull Album: thick as a brick

Happy 1/2 a century, Ian :)

Jason Dunmire - 07/22/97 15:46:48 GMT
My Email:jad9423@nimbus.met.tamu.edu
Favorite Tull Song: A Song for Jeffrey
Favorite Tull Album: Songs from the Wood
Best Tull Concert: 25th Anniversary, Houston TX
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Port
Best Tull Line: "We occasionally like to cut his fingernails off and smoke them...

Happy Birthday!!! Keep up the great music!

Mike Martin - 07/22/97 15:12:36 GMT
My Email:mmartin@eden.com
Favorite Tull Song: Witch's Promise (today)
Favorite Tull Album: Minstrel In The Gallery
Best Tull Line: Moon jet brave beam split ceiling swerve / And light the old Valhalla

Rest assured, 100 years hence students of music will still be raised on Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, ... and Anderson.

Clemens Bayer - 07/22/97 10:38:23 GMT
My Email:a9404325@unet.univie.ac.at
Favorite Tull Song: There are too many, but, ok: Jack-a-Lynn
Favorite Tull Album: Crest of a Knave, Nightcap, Too old...
Best Tull Concert: Wels 1994
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: A wee dram of Talisker-Whisky of course
Best Tull Line: I saw myself in a dream with eyes sharp as diamonds, blessed with clear vision, things were not as they seemed. (I know, it is NOT Tull, but it is Ian, and that counts)

The music of Jethro Tull means my life to me. I have got a band of my own, called Dun Ringill, and we have been at the true Dun Ringill twice and played kind of a life gig there between the stones which we dedicated wholly to JT and especially Ian Anderson, whose extreme intense, colour- and pictureful lyrics changed the way I feel forever. I wish you all the best for your 50th birthday, and may there be lots and lots of further years of music for you in the future.

Adrian Burd - 07/24/97 14:17:50 GMT
My URL: http://hydra.tamu.edu/~ecomodel
My Email: adrian@calanus.tamu.edu
Favorite Tull Song: Beside Myself
Favorite Tull Album: Roots To Branches
Best Tull Concert: 20th Anniv. at Earls Court, London
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Glendronach
Best Tull Line: "Or even worse, a punk"

Ian, many thanks for the enjoyment you have given over the years.

Eric Hillstrom - 07/24/97 13:46:41 GMT
My Email: hillstrom@emu.arinet.com
Favorite Tull Song: Third Hurrah
Favorite Tull Album: Songs From The Wood
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Burgandy

I shall hoist a glass in your honor. Best wishes and many thanks. Cheers, Eric Hillstrom

Peter Stenzel - 07/24/97 10:03:43 GMT
My URL: http://www.minet.uni-jena.de/~pstenzel/
My Email: pstenzel@minet.uni-jena.de
Favorite Tull Song: Thick As A Brick
Favorite Tull Album: Thick As A Brick
Favorite Tull Web Site: remus.rutgers.edu
Best Tull Concert: Erfurt July 97
Best Tull Line: current

Greetings from Thuringia in the middle of Europe. Happy Birthday Ian. I wish you many more years performing and writing songs for Jethro Tull.

Carsten Hirschberg - 07/24/97 09:04:54 GMT
My Email: chirsch@zfn.uni-bremen.de
Favorite Tull Song: Drive On The Young Side Of Life
Favorite Tull Album: Crest Of A Knave
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner´s and Marco Laufenberg´s (http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/laufi)
Best Tull Concert: Hamburg 1991 & Hamburg 1997
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: A German Wine (Franken or Baden)
Best Tull Line: But I can´t check out of this world without being a jerk - I don´t want to be me

Dear Ian, almost 30 years of Jethro Tull...50 years of Ian Anderson... The best time to live is NOW ! The best music, the best concerts, the best fans ! Happy Birthday !! Yours Carsten Hirschberg, Bremen, Germany. Remember: Today is the first day of the rest of your life..!

Bonnie Poole - 07/24/97 06:46:30 GMT
My Email:Ecks1@aol.com
Favorite Tull Song: so many.....Requiem
Favorite Tull Album: Benefit & Minstrel
Favorite Tull Web Site: St.Cleve Chronicle
Best Tull Concert: Roots to Branches
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Dixie Voodoo Lager
Best Tull Line: So fly away Peter and fly away Paul from the finger-tip ledge of contentment

Thank you so much Ian for all the wonderful music you have made for us. Your music has helped me through many rough and black times. May your Muse bless you always.

Michael Williams, Scottsdale, AZ, USA - 07/24/97 04:21:36 GMT
My Email:72736.64@compuserve.com
Favorite Tull Song: My God
Favorite Tull Album: Aqualung
Favorite Tull Web Site: JTull-Request@JTull.Rutgers.Edu
Best Tull Concert: Sept 1996, Concorde, CA USA
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Hey, Ian, pass us that bottle, will yer? Whatever you're having works for me!

Ian: I could never have imagined, upon first hearing Benefit in 1970, that we would still be here (musically speaking) in 1997! We have made the journey together, and it has been my profound pleasure! A million thanks!!

Jeff Wormsley - 07/24/97 02:35:01 GMT
My URL: http://www.cdc.net/~daworm
My Email:daworm@cdc.net
Favorite Tull Song: Skating Away on the Thin Ice of the New Day
Favorite Tull Album: Heavy Horses (at the moment)
Best Tull Concert: Chattanooga, TN 1992?
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Tull 1968 / Tull 1983
Best Tull Line: "Do you ever get the feeling that the story's too damn real and in the present tense?"

May all of your days be as special as this one, and may there be many more to come.

Tony Caronia - 07/24/97 02:28:21 GMT
My Email:gargoyle@li.net
Favorite Tull Song: Wondering Again
Favorite Tull Album: Aqualung
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's
Best Tull Concert: 1973 TAAB MSG, NY
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Nightcap
Best Tull Line: show me a good man and I'll show you the door

Thanks for a lifetime of great musical challenges. Happy Birthday and see you Saturday at Jones Beach, New York.

Sean Paulsen - 07/23/97 21:51:38 GMT
My Email:sean.d.paulsen@hsc.utah.edu
Favorite Tull Song: One White Duck
Favorite Tull Album: Songs from the Wood
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's (where else?)
Best Tull Concert: Crest of a Knave (only one I've seen, dang-it!)
Best Tull Line: And as you leave the good ship earth, and mingle with the dust. Be sure to leave your underpants with someone you can trust...

Happy Birthday, Ian, and thank you. And come back to Salt Lake City.

Ina & Thomas Hacker - 07/23/97 21:10:06 GMT
My Email: thomashackerpk@Berlin.snafu.de
Favorite Tull Song: Like a tall thin Girl
Favorite Tull Album: Under Wraps
Favorite Tull Web Site: Ray's
Best Tull Concert: Bergen/Rügen 19.7.97
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Berlin 1984
Best Tull Line: Big Boy Doane is a drummer.....

Dear Ian ! HAPPY BIRTHDAY... Thanks for the conversation without any word. The Gig in Bergen was really great. GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY !! Regards - INA

Neil Ned - 07/28/97 06:29:54 GMT
My Email:belbin @iexpress.net.au
Favorite Tull Song: Songs from the wood
Favorite Tull Album: Heavy horses
Favorite Tull Web Site: somewherein theuniverse
Best Tull Concert: 1994 anniversay tour
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: bottle of penfolds port
Best Tull Line: snot running down his nose

many best wishes for your birthday please get your asses soon downunder to Perth Western Australia. cheers & bottoms up.

Timothy Jay Nadeau - 07/28/97 06:00:18 GMT
My Email:jtull@world.std.com
Favorite Tull Song: For Michael Collins...
Favorite Tull Album: Passionplay
Favorite Tull Web Site: St. Cleve's
Best Tull Concert: Boston Orpheum Oct 1 2 3
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Boddington's
Best Tull Line: (yours to breathe and

Wishing you the happiest of celebrations, but with some decorum as I'll be seeing you at the evening show. As I live for your music I can only hope you have many happy returns in creative vitality. May my tattoos of you fade well away before you do...and if it pleases me I'll put one on you man when the copper fades away...

Mike Clevette - 07/27/97 19:51:44 GMT
My Email:clevette@galaxynet.com
Favorite Tull Song: Budapest
Favorite Tull Album: Heavy Horses (today anyway)
Favorite Tull Web Site: Jethro Tull Archives
Best Tull Concert: 1972, Bangor, Maine (my first)
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Cheap!
Best Tull Line: Yes, and her legs went on forever.

Happy Birthday Ian, I hope this day finds you and your family well. Thanks for many years of wonderful music and great memories. I appreciate and enjoy all of it. Keep up the great work, and please visit Seattle again soon. Mike Clevette & Family

Rik Bovenberg - 07/27/97 14:10:30 GMT
My URL: http://www.worldaccess.nl/`rikb
My Email: rikb@worldaccess.nl
Favorite Tull Song: white innocense
Favorite Tull Album: Thick as a Brick
Best Tull Concert: 25 years Utrecht Netherlands
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Champagne with smoked salmon
Best Tull Line: Life 's a long song bute the tune ends too soon..

Ian, thanks for all the past years of great music! you're only half a century now so please continue!! rik

Uday Sreekanth - 07/27/97 09:46:03 GMT
My Email:uday@versant.com
Favorite Tull Song: Moths / Budapest
Favorite Tull Album: Heavy Horses
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's
Best Tull Concert: SF '95 (Divinities)
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Chilling Ale
Best Tull Line: "kindled by the dying embers of another working day"

Do you simply reflect changes in the patterns of the sky .... ?

John Schreiber - 07/27/97 06:21:25 GMT
My Email:jfsch@aol.com
Favorite Tull Song: My God
Favorite Tull Album: Aqualung
Best Tull Concert: St.Louis - Aqualung

Comments:Happy Birthday

Franco Giuffrè - 07/26/97 20:49:44 GMT
My Email:fgiuffre@mbox.vol.it
Favorite Tull Song: jack-a-lynn
Favorite Tull Album: crest of a knave
Favorite Tull Web Site: SCC
Best Tull Concert: milano 1991 tour
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: .....just drink beer !!
Best Tull Line: ...I am still stuck in the agoust rain

have a nice day Ian !! thanks for all the music, I am sure, you still are going to give us !! Do you remember me? we met out of the dressing room in Zurich, after your Divinities concert in may 1995.

Kevin Thurston - 07/26/97 17:03:04 GMT
My Email:thurston@mci2000.com
Favorite Tull Song: Crew Nights
Favorite Tull Album: Songs from the Woods
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's (Rutgers)
Best Tull Concert: 1980 ( A tour )
Best Tull Line: If sometimes I sing to a cynical degree, it's just the nonsense that seems.

Thanks for all the music Ian! While most fans would love to talk to you about music, I'd love to talk about fish farming, but face it, we would all want to sit down and have a chat, and buy you a drink. Don't think us intrusive though, it's simply a testament to all your hard work and integrity in the business. I'm one of those hard core fans that buys every album, etc. and have been for 28 years. I will certainly be happy to support you and the band for as many years as you choose to continue making the highly enjoyable, thought provoking, and downright fun music that you have continually provided without fail over the years. Happy Birthday, hope that performing on your birthday is a joy rather than a job!

Paul Tarvydas - 07/26/97 14:50:09 GMT
My Email:tarvydas@netcom.ca
Favorite Tull Song: Requiem
Favorite Tull Album: Roots to Branches or Thick as a Brick
Favorite Tull Web Site: alt.music.jethro-tull (newsgroup)
Best Tull Concert: Thick as a Brick Toronto
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Vidal Ice Wine (home made, using Niagara, Ontario (Canada) grapes)
Best Tull Line: "And now, for our second number..." (spoken by Ian after the original Thick performance in Toronto, amidst shouts of "Encore!" from the audience)

Ian, Happy birthday! Thanks for giving me intelligent music and shows which I can share with my whole family. Don't get too smug and carried away with this birthday thing, though. Save the real celebrating for when you reach the mid-way point of your musical career, eh? Paul Tarvydas, Toronto, Canada.

Mike Hamm - 07/25/97 22:51:54 GMT
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~mikehamm/
My Email: mikehamm@earthlink.net
Favorite Tull Song: No Lullaby
Favorite Tull Album: Minstrel in the Gallery
Best Tull Concert: Hmmm... Rock Island?
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Crimson Wonder
Best Tull Line: "Bad mouth on a Prayer Day... hope no one's listening"

Ian, you have given me (and many others) so much happiness through your music- may it come back to you a thousandfold! Plus you opened my ears to "demanding" music, which is the stuff I don't get sick of after 2 weeks- Tull can be a nautilus for the ears! Best, Mike Hamm

David S. Dupre - 07/25/97 21:12:08 GMT
My Email:ddupre@mindspring.com
Favorite Tull Song: Baker St. Muse
Favorite Tull Album: Passion Play
Favorite Tull Web Site: usenet: jtull newsgroup
Best Tull Concert: Passion Play tour - still blown away
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Glenlivet - Merlot
Best Tull Line: Life's a long song and the tune ends too soon for us all

Dear Ian: You and the boys have always brought inspiration to me on many depths. Here's hoping that your life is going well and that you are content. If Cajun cooking is something you haven't tried, stop by the house for some real food or a crawfish boil in the spring. It's the least I can do!!!! David S. Dupre New Iberia, Louisiana The Heart of Cajun Country

Neil Gibson - 07/25/97 18:20:37 GMT
My Email:trs@cybercityuk.com
Favorite Tull Song: pussy willow
Favorite Tull Album: All
Best Tull Concert: Cardif '96
Best Tull Line: so I took myself off to bed!

Thank you, Ian for the music and memories, especially the cardif concert in 96. It was the thought of going to the concert that kept me going during radio therapy for cancer, Thanks also for the signature. all the best, Neil.

Jolanta Zaborowska - 07/25/97 00:42:03 GMT
My Email:jolaz@concentric.net
Favorite Tull Song: Skating Away...
Favorite Tull Album: A Passion Play
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's page
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: white vermouth on the rocks
Best Tull Line: Legends were born surrounding mysterious lights seen in the sky flashing...

Happy birthday, Ian. And thanks for your music.

Dan Packer - 07/24/97 23:31:23 GMT
My Email:JTullFan68@aol.com
Favorite Tull Song: too many.....My God, Thick As A Brick, Passion Play, Dark Ages, Baker Street Muse..it goes on and on!
Favorite Tull Album: another tough one... probably Minstrel or Aqualung
Favorite Tull Web Site: the Tull message board on America online...Ian you should read it...you might be flattered!
Best Tull Concert: Hopefully the one on Aug. 7 1997 that I will be at....otherwise Denhaag, NL 3/16/80
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: I don't drink with Tull...I like my senses to be as keen as possible to enjoy the complexity of it!
Best Tull Line: In your pomp and all your glory, you're a poorer man than me

Happy 50th Mr. Anderson, As a teenage Tull fan, I am overjoyed that throughout these near thirty years, Tull has never sold out and has always been changing. Jethro Tull has influenced my life in so many ways. Although you never knew it...you were with me in the greatest and worst moments of my life thus far. Whenever I was extremely happy from scoring well on exams or winning some contest, I would pop in a Tull album...possibly Song From The Wood or Too Old... Whenever I had girl problems or was depressed for some reason or another, I would let the soft melodies of Requiem and One White Duck take my problems away! I wish that I could meet you in person and have a talk...not necessarily about music, but maybe about philosophy or politics. You can always EMail me at JTullFan68@aol.com ! I even took up the flute in a vain attempt to try to mimic the extaordinary accomplishments and advancements you have made with the instrument! Please Email me whenever you find the time...even if it is another ten years from now because I am quite positive that I will still be a die-hard Tull fan! Please continue to make music despite criticisms and acclaims, and be true to yourself and your fans....because there are plenty of them out there! Wishing you prosper, Dan Packer

Cindy - 07/24/97 22:53:37 GMT
My URL: http://www.oocities.org/~vette94
My Email:vette94@ptdprolog.net
Favorite Tull Song: Aqualung

Happy 50th Birthday Ian. May the next 50 bring you continued health and more music!

John Simpson - 07/24/97 22:27:16 GMT
My URL: http://www.mindspring.com/~feste
My Email:feste@mindspring.com
Favorite Tull Song: "Hymn 43"
Favorite Tull Album: SONGS FROM THE WOOD
Best Tull Concert: Stuttgart, '93
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: "WHY don't they have a new ALBUM out yet?"
Best Tull Line: "I believe in fires at midnight, when the dogs have all been fed..."

My thanks go to Mr. Anderson, for thirty years of fine music. May he live a long, healthy, and happy life!"

DA Humphrey - 07/28/97 18:56:41 GMT
My Email:chumphre@ems.att.com
Favorite Tull Song: So many to chose from, Life's a long song, Living in the Past
Favorite Tull Album: Warchild, Classic Case
Favorite Tull Web Site: St. Cleve Chronicle
Best Tull Concert: TAAB, 20th Anniversary
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Cakebread Cabernet '94
Best Tull Line: Too many to chose from

Thank you for all your years of tireless dedication of writing and performing. A US fan since 1971 and every concert is a pleasure to us oldtimers!!!

Guessagain - 07/28/97 18:57:32 GMT
My Email:guess@emunet.com.au

Happy 50th! It's a BG'n.

cleanhead - 07/28/97 16:48:36 GMT
My Email:sholtzer@walrus.com
Favorite Tull Song: tull the end of time
Favorite Tull Album: the C.D.
Favorite Tull Web Site: charlotte's
Best Tull Concert: were you can sit
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: whine
Best Tull Line: snot running down his nose


Reinhard - 07/28/97 15:09:48 GMT
My URL:http://www.steinberg.de
My Email:reinhard@steinberg.de
Favorite Tull Song: Pibroch
Favorite Tull Album: Under Wraps
Favorite Tull Web Site: All of them
Best Tull Concert: Hamburg ´84
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Glenfiddich
Best Tull Line: After all, hare did have a spare pair...

Any tour dates for 2007 already known?

Neil Pratt - 07/28/97 13:53:28 GMT
My Email:n.pratt@gcal.ac.uk
Favorite Tull Song: A Passon Play
Favorite Tull Album: Benefit
Favorite Tull Web Site: Saint Cleve
Best Tull Concert: Any
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Any
Best Tull Line: Any

Happy birthday Mr. Anderson Please come back to Scotland Soon so we can celebrate in true Scottish style (Lieing in a gutter, covered in haggis and whisky spew)

Steve Blackledge - 07/30/97 02:41:25 GMT
My Email:sblackle@idt.net
Favorite Tull Song: all of them
Favorite Tull Album: same as above
Favorite Tull Web Site: this one
Best Tull Concert: the next one
Best Tull Line: It's only the giving that makes you what you are

I may be just one out of millions of fans, but I would just like you to know that there is one guy in San Diego who looks forward for a year or so in advance until the next time I have the privilage of seeing you perform. You are absolutely the most talented singer, songwriter, performer that I have ever had the pleasure of seeing. Having not missed a show in the last 27 years, except the one that was cancelled, I think I can speak with some what of a sincere opinion. Have a wonderful birthday, and I just hope that there will be at least one more show that I will have the honor of seeing. Happy Birthday Ian, Steve Blackledge The Absolute Biggest Tull Fan in Exsistence.

Peter&Kathy Hornish - 07/30/97 02:39:26 GMT
My Email: mr.will@mailhost.net-lynx.com
Favorite Tull Song: skating away
Favorite Tull Album: Songs from the wood
Favorite Tull Web Site: Jethro Tull home page
Best Tull Concert: 1978 madison sqare garen New York
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: white zinfendel
Best Tull Line: I walked out in the city night

My wife and I grew up with Jetro Tull and it is by far the music we listen to the most. We hope the band and Ian play forever. Good luck with the next fifty.

Mike Rucker - 07/29/97 20:30:19 GMT
My Email:ruckerm@agcs.com
Favorite Tull Song: Black Sunday
Favorite Tull Album: Minstrel in the Gallery
Favorite Tull Web Site: All are great.
Best Tull Concert: Stormwatch or Broadsword tours
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Thanks, but I'm an A.A. :)
Best Tull Line: Two best selling paperbacks chosen at random / no sign of salesperson to whom I might hand them...

Happy Birthday to the musician who has influenced my music and songwriting more than any other. Thanks... ...for never abandoning your muse; ...for years and years of meaningful words and melodies; ...for "A Passion Play" - and making me see how the Bible can be a great a source for creative thinking and writing; ...for your commitment to performing; ...for staying around long enough for people to say, "Jethro Tull - is *he* still around?"; ...for poetry like "Titanic-breaking children lost in melting crystal tears"; ...for inspiring the muse in me. Happy Birthday to the friend I think I know well but probably hardly know.

Brylle Tvutt - 07/29/97 19:17:51 GMT
My Email:tvutt@hotmail.com
Favorite Tull Song: Doctor to my disease
Favorite Tull Album: Catfish Rising
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Vodka

Happy Birthday, your music will live forever... /Tvutt

Paul Damaske - 07/29/97 19:13:00 GMT
Favorite Tull Album: Aqualung
Best Tull Concert: Syracuse, NY '94?

Happy Birthday, Ian! Congratulations on your accomplishments, and best luck for the future!

Robin Flanagan - 07/29/97 14:15:43 GMT
My Email:Robin@Alaska.net
Favorite Tull Song: Thick As A Brick
Favorite Tull Album: Thick As A Brick
Favorite Tull Web Site: Any and All
Best Tull Concert: I missed the Oct. 96 concert in Alaska as I didn't have the courage to go alone. I have been kicking myself ever since, and as a result, have subsequently grown a backbone. :)
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Wine? No! Only tea with lemon and heaps of sugar.
Best Tull Line: "See there! A son is born -- and we pronounce him fit to fight."

Ian... only last year (by a streak of providence) I discovered your awesome music. I naturally had heard of JT many years ago, but for God knows what reason I thought you guys were a heavy metal band (akin to Iron Maiden). :) My young adolescent ears must have been too deeply buried in my parents Cat Stevens albums to have known the difference. Having finally discovered the truth, I can't tell you how much joy JT has brought to me. The lyrics are pure perfection. The sound energizing. I have only 8 CDs so far as I am deliberately trying to pace myself! After all man, you have 23 years on me. :) I hope your 50th year gives you 1/100 as much pleasure as your music has given to me... if so it will be your BEST one yet! Happiness always. Robin.

Francois Uhrich - 07/29/97 13:26:39 GMT
My Email: uhrich@cybercable.tm.fr
Favorite Tull Song: Scenario/Audition/No Rehearsal
Favorite Tull Album: A Passion Play
Best Tull Concert: The next one (in France...)
Best Tull Line: I may make you feel but I can't make you think

Like Jethro Tull, you have invented something about seedling but your tool is your music and the field is our heart... Happy Birthday Ian!

Mike Bergschneider - 07/29/97 11:06:25 GMT
My Email:insures@flash.net
Favorite Tull Song: To list would be a page
Favorite Tull Album: All
Favorite Tull Web Site: Steiner
Best Tull Concert: Boston, October 1973
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: I quit the drink

I'm sure as hell not looking forward to 50 in 14 months. Best wishes. Wish you the best. Stayed with your brother in condo Boston October 1973 visited dad in hospital. Was driving white Porshe at the time. A party I will never forget. You always sang the answers.

Perry Meyer AKA LondonChap - 07/29/97 07:57:46 GMT
My Email:Perry_Meyer@IPC.COM
Favorite Tull Song: Get Back
Favorite Tull Album: Let in Be
Best Tull Concert: Lakeside Concerts in th Park, Hampstead, every summer
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Metalla Stonyhill Shiraz cabinet 1994
Best Tull Line: Beam me up scotty

I may not know much about this Tull person, but if this involves drinking good red wine, playing backgammon and listing to good music in a park somewhere - I'm in.

Joseph L. Rossmiller - 07/29/97 06:38:34 GMT
My Email:ag9y@macomb.com

Happy 50th!

Jonathan Neumann - 07/29/97 06:18:06 GMT
My Email:Legolas@AOL.com
Favorite Tull Song: Passion Play
Favorite Tull Album: Passion Play
Favorite Tull Web Site: ANY!
Best Tull Concert: 11/21/96 Chicago Theater
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Any
Best Tull Line: when the Eve bitten apple returned to destroy the tree

Have a wonderful birthday and keep bringing tours to wonderful Chicago, IL. (On my birthday again (11/21))

Laurie McCaskey - 07/29/97 04:42:53 GMT
My Email:mccaske@ibm.net
Favorite Tull Song: Cross-Eyed Mary
Favorite Tull Album: Aqualung
Best Tull Concert: July 4, 1971, The Warehouse, New Orleans, LA
Best Tull Line: Skating away on the thin ice of a new day

Ian, your music has been a constant in my life. Without the magic of your music, I would have fallen through the "thin ice" of my life many times. Thank you for giving us such joy. May this birthday bring you much happiness.... and a little closer to Huston, Texas (I hope)!!! Happy Birthday!!!

Paul Boatman - 07/29/97 03:13:00 GMT
My Email:Yezq11@prodigy.com
Favorite Tull Song: too many too list
Favorite Tull Album: A Little Light Music
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Stieners
Best Tull Concert: Syracuse NY USA 1977
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Burgandy?
Best Tull Line: ..and rose filled with summer rain....

I lift my glass. Can you see it? (Trust Me). Here's a toast to a man that can make me think and feel, in a world that can often leave me numb and unfeeling. It is good for me to go deep into thoughts and words and tunes. It's a lift and so's my glass! "Happy Birthday to an inspiring man!" (slurp)

Georg Niemann - 08/01/97 20:15:54 GMT
My URL:http://www.cybercity.dk/users/ccc2510/ukhome.html
My Email:Niemann@vip.cybercity.dk
Favorite Tull Song: Aqualung
Favorite Tull Album: Aqualung
Best Tull Concert: Copenhagen years back (TaaB)

You have given us the songs of our youth, We worship it even more when we grow older.

Doug Hart - 08/01/97 20:09:07 GMT
My Email:dhart@carterusa.com
Favorite Tull Song: Aqualung (only because it's impossible to pick a favorite)
Favorite Tull Album: Thick As A Brick
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's Site
Best Tull Concert: Broadsword Tour (my first)
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Louis Jadot Fleurie
Best Tull Line: "We're running a bit short on heroes lately."

Mr. Anderson, may the sheer joy and pleasant memories that you've given your fans (me included) be returned to you ten-fold in the coming years. Happy Birthday! And thanks for the wonderful music. "Cheerio!" from Doug, Doe Ann, William & Daniel Hart Atlanta, Georgia, USA

B.J. Collins - 08/01/97 15:35:41 GMT
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SunsetStrip/7524
My Email:bjcollins@oocities.com
Favorite Tull Song: Aqualung
Favorite Tull Album: Songs from the Wood
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Mateus
Best Tull Line: Smearing Shabby Clothes

Comments:Happy Birthday Ian

Magnus Widqvist - 08/01/97 15:23:33 GMT
My Email:widde@bildrepro.se
Favorite Tull Song: Skating away (on the thin ice of a new day)
Favorite Tull Album: A Passion Play
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Chateau Musar '85

Comments:Happy birthday Ian

Bron King - 08/01/97 14:38:12 GMT
My Email:bronking@pcug.org.au
Favorite Tull Song: Jack-a-Lynn
Favorite Tull Album: Passion Play
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave's
Best Tull Concert: All 6 of them
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: tea - what else?
Best Tull Line: why do the faithful have such a will to believe in something and call it the name they choose - having chosen nothing.

Music, poetry and delight for 28 years Ian. Thank you for being incomparable.

Mark Fitzgerald - 08/01/97 12:45:49 GMT
My Email:mtfitz@mindspring.com
Favorite Tull Song: Jack Frost and the Hooded Crow
Favorite Tull Album: Songs from the Wood
Favorite Tull Web Site: any and all
Best Tull Concert: Thick As A Brick, 1971(the first can actually be the best)
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: whatever they're drinking
Best Tull Line: Why do the faithful have such a will to believe in something. Then call it the name they choose, having chosen nothing.

Happy birthday Mr. Anderson. For 28 years your music has been a part of my life. Actually, it's my oldest and best friend. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!

Win Ridabock - 08/01/97 12:20:33 GMT
My URL:http://www.crocker.com/~silent/
My Email:silent@crocker.com
Favorite Tull Song: Beside Myself
Favorite Tull Album: Stand Up
Best Tull Concert: Newport Jazz Festival 1970
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Only the best, of course.
Best Tull Line: "Wish mine was all shiny and silver like that" Ian joking around on stage at the show.

Happy Birthday kind Sir. Cheers!

Jim Bonang - 08/01/97 06:33:48 GMT
My Email:ibjimbo2@aol.com
Favorite Tull Song: Couldn't possibly pick just one.
Favorite Tull Album: It's always been the latest release.
Best Tull Concert: The one I'm at
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Any wine will do. Tull is what matters.
Best Tull Line: At the end of the concert when Ian says "We'll see you again".

Thank you so very much for blessing this world with your music. It has enriched my life immensely and I am forever grateful. Happy birthday!

Brian Dadisman - 08/01/97 05:50:52 GMT
My URL:http://www.magick.net
My Email:hisrch@magick.net
Favorite Tull Song: Thick as a Brick
Favorite Tull Album: Thick as a Brick with 10 or 12 tied for second. What a body of work!!!!!
Favorite Tull Web Site: St Cleves
Best Tull Concert: Thick as a Brick!!! Light Years ahead of anything at it's time. What a mind blower. It opened a new age or what a concert could be.
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: I don't drink it.
Best Tull Line: Yes, and her legs went on for ever, Like staring up at infinity.

Dear Mr. Anderson, I first saw you at the Newport Pop Festival in 1969 at Devonshire Downs. You stole the show. I have seen you and the boys about 20 times since. I wish I could have seen more. I have traveled 900 miles to see one of your shows. What I like most about you is your integrity. Thank God for someone that has the guts to write music for themselves and has the creativity to make it as special as you do. I feel like you are an old friend. You have shown me many facets of life. I feel very strongly your music will stand the test of time and the fact that you are barely mentioned at the Rock and Roll Hall of fame shows what a farce that whole show is. Keep playing your game, keep telling us what you see. You have moved me in many ways and enriched my life. Please keep playing as long as you can and touring and don't leave out the Pacific Northwest. I live in Southern Oregon. I would love to see you at the Hult Center in Eugene. I'll be there. That's it for now. Happy Birthday and may you have many, many more. Thank you very much for your caring integrity and fighting spirit that keep you above the sprawling mundane. You are one of a kind. The world needs more of your kind. Love, Brian

Cindy & Paul Brash - 08/01/97 04:34:02 GMT
My Email:pbrash@sentex.net
Favorite Tull Song: A tough question, so we'll opt out and say, THEM ALL!!
Favorite Tull Album: Not quite as tough, A Passion Play
Favorite Tull Web Site: The ST. Cleve Chronicle
Best Tull Concert: Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, 1987.
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: B&G Cuvee Speciale
Best Tull Line: Ahh, pick one.

We appreciate every second of enjoyment you have given us over the years, and wish you all the best for your birthday and in the future Ian. And like good wine, you have certainly gotten better with age!!

Gary Levin - 08/01/97 02:34:01 GMT
My Email:glevin@connix.com
Favorite Tull Song: Tie: Dun Ringill/Part of the Macine
Favorite Tull Album: Heavy Horses
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave Steiner's
Best Tull Concert: New Haven 10/10/79 or Boston 1992
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Ask my Brother, He's the wine connaiseur
Best Tull Line: A concert of kings as the white sea snaps at the heels of a soft prayer whispered.

Happy birthday Ian and thank you for some of the finest music I have ever heard. Here's to the continued success of Jethro Tull in the future. Best wishes always, Gary A. Levin, Windsor, CT USA

Vaughan Stockton - 08/01/97 02:37:02 GMT
My Email:coronach@flash.net
Favorite Tull Song: Velvet Green
Favorite Tull Album: Songs From The Wood, Heavy Horses
Favorite Tull Web Site: Rutgers
Best Tull Concert: Bronco Bowl -Dallas ,TX -October 96
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Beer would be better
Best Tull Line: So here's hoping you've faith in impossible schemes, that are born in the sigh of the wind blowing by while the dimming light brings the end to a night of loving.

Fondest regards to the "Lee Marvin" of rock and roll.

Susan Dunn - 08/01/97 02:31:30 GMT
My Email:imager95@msn.com
Favorite Tull Song: Heavy Horses
Favorite Tull Album: Thick as a Brick
Best Tull Concert: Passion Play
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: merlot
Best Tull Line: Pick me up at half past none...there's not a moment to lose.

Please come to Houston, Texas, It's been too long. Please, please, please.

Ian Kronk - 08/01/97 01:10:39 GMT
My Email:IANKRO@aol.com
Favorite Tull Song: Cross-Eyed Mary
Favorite Tull Album: Thick As A Brick
Best Tull Concert: My Dad is taking me to my first show in Baltimore on August 17
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: I'm only 7 and I don't drink wine
Best Tull Line: Elect Superman for president and let Robin save the day

Happy Birthday! My name is Ian too.

Todd Milam - 07/31/97 22:57:45 GMT
My URL:http://none
My Email:milamt@clovis.cc.nm.us
Favorite Tull Song: Thick As A Brick
Favorite Tull Album: Thick As A Brick
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave's, of course!
Best Tull Concert: The one on Bursting Out
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Open
Best Tull Line: Let me help you to pick up your dead....and from the pan under your bed

Have a wonderful 50th, Ian! The mind reels with things to say, but just two comments. Cut down on the touring....you deserve it after all these years and your leg deserves it! Secondly, thank you for all the music and work you've given the public over the years. Not only has it encouraged me to write song lyrics myself, but it also gave me direction and influenced some changes in my personal philosophies at a time when I needed to grow as a human being. Take care!

Daniel MacCallum - 07/31/97 22:05:04 GMT
My Email:danman@s-cwis.unomaha.edu
Favorite Tull Song: Cross-Eyed Mary
Favorite Tull Album: Songs From The Wood
Best Tull Concert: 9/15/96 at Omaha, NE (the only one I've seen)
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Ballatore
Best Tull Line: join your voices in a hellish chorus

Hello, Ian, it is a pleasure to be able to wish you a happy 50th. The last time you came through Omaha (9/15/96), we talked briefly after the concert. I called you the god of music. I still believe it's true! Keep up the excellent work, always remember that you've made many people very happy, and try to come back to Omaha!

Joe Cimmino - 07/31/97 21:45:08 GMT
My URL:http://www.sequoia.com
My Email:josephc@sequoia.com
Favorite Tull Song: Dun Ringill
Favorite Tull Album: Stand Up
Favorite Tull Web Site: St. Cleve
Best Tull Concert: Passion Play, Boston Garden, 1973
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Cotes du Rhone or a Dark Porter (Beeer)
Best Tull Line: Where the hell was Biggles when you needed him last Saturday??

Nice to see you've made it this far with your sanity and creative powers in tact. Sorry for all the smoke at the Boston Tea Party 1970 gig. What did you do with that bath robe? Happy 50th Ian. Thank you for many years as the "Minstrel". Many a music trend has come and gone but the timeless nature of your tunes remains true like an old friend. How about an all acoustic tour, with a female backup/singer. You wouldn't know a gal named Kate Bush... ;)

Per Ekstrom, Lund, Sweden - 07/31/97 20:29:04 GMT
My Email:Per.Ekstrom@zoofys.lu.se
Favorite Tull Song: Inside, Life is a Long Song, Valley, and all the rest!
Favorite Tull Album: Thick as a Brick, and all the rest!
Favorite Tull Web Site: SCC
Best Tull Concert: All of them, from Lund, Sweden, January 1972 to Bergen, Germany, July 1997
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: A heavy Rioja
Best Tull Line: Well, do you ever get the feeling that the story's to damn real and in the present tense? Or that everybody's on the stage, and it seems like you're the only person sitting in the audience?

Hello Ian! Many Happy Returns and Best Birthday Wishes on your 50th! PS Don't you dare to give it up in many years yet!

Marty Boone - 07/31/97 19:50:54 GMT
My Email:bbp@bellatlantic.com
Favorite Tull Song: Aqualung
Favorite Tull Album: Aqualung
Favorite Tull Web Site: ST.Cleve
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Clos Du Bois 94 Cab.
Best Tull Line: As he bends to pick a dog end

Happy Birthday you old fart

Doug & Mo Eason - 07/31/97 15:42:33 GMT
My Email:doug.j.eason@lmco.com
Favorite Tull Song: Thick as a Brick
Favorite Tull Album: Thick as a brick
Best Tull Concert: Wherever Jethro Tull played their stuff
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Any libation is improved by JT
Best Tull Line: It's for you!!

50, my ass!!! You're still 24 to me!!!!!

Claudio Salvo - 07/31/97 01:34:11 GMT
My URL:http://www.internet.com.uy/dataspot/tuerto
My Email:salvo@adinet.com.uy
Favorite Tull Song: Bouree
Favorite Tull Album: Aqualung
Best Tull Concert: BS. AS. 1995

Guillermo and Judith Ponce De León, from Uruguay, wishes a Happy Birthday to Ian Anderson, thanking for all these years of music, the best still to come.Cheers !

Ruth Parsons - 08/04/97 02:58:29 GMT
My Email:rabajam@vision.net.au
Favorite Tull Song: Life is a long song
Favorite Tull Album: A little light music
Favorite Tull Web Site: Bob's
Best Tull Concert: Any!
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Anything bubbly
Best Tull Line: Hurrah!

Happy Birthday, Ian, I have the greatest pleasure in sharing your birthday, I'm just not quite as mature as you! When are you coming to Australia again? Soon I hope.

Aaron Mitchell - 08/03/97 16:26:41 GMT
Favorite Tull Song: Slow Marching Band
Favorite Tull Album: Minstral in the Gallery
Best Tull Concert: '96 Riverbend, Cincinnatti

Ian Anderson has brought me a new appriciation of music. I have taken up the flute and bought all Tull albums and any memerabelia I can come by (which tends to be difficult)!

colleen dunham - 08/03/97 06:34:52 GMT
Favorite Tull Song: Thick As Brick
Favorite Tull Album: same

Ian, I admire you tremendously! Please come to Chicago more often! I'm sooooo in love with you! REALLY! Happy Birthday.

colleen dunham - 08/03/97 06:29:29 GMT


Jeff Gons - 08/03/97 01:26:39 GMT
My URL:http://home.fuse.net/dwarven_tavern
My Email:dwarven_tavern@fuse.net
Favorite Tull Song: My God
Favorite Tull Album: Songs from the wood
Favorite Tull Web Site: many
Best Tull Concert: Rock Island
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: Port
Best Tull Line: Deep red are the sunsets in mystical places, black are the nights on summer-day sands.

I have been a fluatist for 24 years because of an inspiration from an album I got so many years ago. the album's name was "War child". Now I am in a group called "Dun Ringill" and my first born son's name is, you guessed it, Ian. Thanks for the music, and the inspiration to aspire. Jeff Goins 429 North 7th St Hamilton, Ohio 45011

Dennis Wadkins - 08/03/97 01:15:14 GMT
My URL:http://www.usmo.com
My Email:dwadkins@mail.usmo.com

A happy birthday to a very fine musician and wishes for a very long and successful music career. sincerly, Justin & Dennis Wadkins

James Karolefski - 08/02/97 21:42:11 GMT
My Email:clairvoyant@webtv.net
Favorite Tull Song: Flying Dutchman
Favorite Tull Album: Stormwatch
Favorite Tull Web Site: Jethro Tull Archive
Best Tull Concert: Montage Mt. PA 1996
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: No wine - a cup of silver coffee
Best Tull Line: It's the Dutchman you will be - floating slowly out to sea - in a misty misery

I have never come across one single musician that is so talented musically, and especially lyrically, as Ian Anderson. Your music has had a profound effect on me and has helped me through some tough times. I raise a glass to you my friend. - Jim

Thad Scott - 08/02/97 18:19:01 GMT
My Email:thad@velocity.net
Favorite Tull Song: Heavy Horses
Favorite Tull Album: Too difficult to decide
Favorite Tull Web Site: This one
Best Tull Concert: Blossom Amphitheatre in Cleveland
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: home made...
Best Tull Line: ...and they balance the world on the tips of their noses, like a sealion with a ball at the carnival.

Happy Birthday, Ian! I've been a fan for 25 years....Here's to 50 more!! Your music has continually captured images and evoked emotions no matter where I've been in my life. Keep on writing and performing. We'll keep listening and enjoying...

Thad Scott - 08/02/97 18:14:23 GMT
My Email:thad@velocity.net
Favorite Tull Song: Heavy Horses
Favorite Tull Album: Too difficult to decide
Favorite Tull Web Site: This one
Best Tull Concert: Blossom Amphitheatre in Cleveland


Andy Bowyer - 08/02/97 12:13:30 GMT
My URL:http://www.rev.net/~abowyer
My Email:abowyer@rev.net
Favorite Tull Song: Nursie
Favorite Tull Album: Heavy Horses- no- Crest Of A Knave- no- Songs AAAARRRGGHH! ; )
Favorite Tull Web Site: Dave's (but, my Martin Barre site's not bad, either...)
Best Tull Concert: Richmond, VA, March 1996 (The Wheelchair Show)
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: ...hmmm...I prefer Rum...
Best Tull Line: Somewhere in her history is a lock without a key....She circles 'round her freedom while I circle 'round her heart.

Happy Birthday, Ian...please take care of yourself, and enjoy. Thanks for the music...Andy

W. L. Berns - 08/02/97 04:26:24 GMT
My Email:TheWB11@aol.com
Favorite Tull Song: My God
Favorite Tull Album: Thick as a Brick
Best Tull Concert: Warchild Tour
Best Tull Line: i'll judge you all and make damn sure that no one judges me

Hello Ian, Wishing you a happy 50th birthday. Hope you are never too old to rock and roll. See you at Jones Beach. W.L.B.

Michael Martin - 08/02/97 02:35:43 GMT

Thanks for the years of great music. 50 more to come? Happy birthday!!

Thos C Weatherby - 08/02/97 02:16:34 GMT
My URL:http://Onthebus@aol
My Email:EBEAlt3
Favorite Tull Song: Wow!!! Is that possible
Favorite Tull Album: It would be easier to solve for pi
Favorite Tull Web Site: remus.rutgers.edu/JethroTull
Best Tull Concert: Reno 96 Hey did you see the UFO's
Best Wine Served with Jethro Tull: 91 Robert Pepe San Geovase
Best Tull Line: "Really don't mind if you sit this one out"

Happy birthday!!! Thanks for the years (and future years) of your music. "From the shallow seas, the salmon come Their journeys end, then it will be done To beckon new life for start of a new day It will give us many years of this natural way" Tom

- 08/02/97 01:44:43 GMT

Thanks Ian, for getting me through some very bad times, and for making the good times even better. You have no idea of the impact you have in so many lives. Happy Birthday!

Martin Kyte - 08/02/97 00:49:13 GMT
My Email:kyte@scs.unr.edu
Favorite Tull Song: Baker St. Muse
Favorite Tull Album: Roots to Branches
Favorite Tull Web Site: http://www.oocities.org/SunsetStrip/8302/index.html
Best Tull Concert: Passion Play
Best Tull Line: Let me help you to pick up your dead as the sins of the father are fed with the blood of the fools and the thoughts of the wise and from the pan under your bed.

Happy Birthday Ian! Your music has been a warm friend and a kick to listen to throughout the years. Jethro Tull is at the center of my musical taste. Wherever your musical style takes you, I am sure I will enjoy it. I totally enjoyed the Fish, Sheep and Rock and Roll video documentary. You have worked hard over the years and handled success well. You have many fans who appreciate your art. Like myself, they find your live performances to be the ultimate in entertainment. I hope you remain dedicated to sharing your creativity and talent with your fans. When you become the Lee Marvin of rock in roll, I'll be there in the audience aging gracefully with you.

Karthi Krishnaswami - 08/02/97 00:40:33 GMT
My Email:kkrishnaswami@proxim.com

I hope your next 50 years will be as exciting, meaningful and full of pleasant surprises like the Music of Jethro Tull. Have a great 50th Birthday.