The only people for me are the mad ones,
the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved,
desirous of everything at the same time,
the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing,
but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles
exploding like spiders across the stars...
- Jack Kerouac, from On the Road

Well, here's a link to someone who *refuses* to be called by a nickname. He's known elsewhere on my
page as Lord Vandal IV , but he's recently refused to accept any of my nicknames. So here's a link to
the page of "No" *shrug*

Finally! Donald the Code Guru has his own website! He's a definite Renaissance man. Poetry, academics,
programming, hiking, wine, God, and more. AND he likes sushi! So why is this guy still single?! Because he's
a picky mofo, that's why. But one day he'll meet the robot girl of his dreams, and it'll be all hearts and flowers. :)

Santiago, the Mad Vampire! (also known as my evil saner twin, separated at birth...~~wavelength~~!!)
Devin doesn't have a homepage right now, but if you click on the Little Freak (Devin), the link will take
you to the theatre group he's working with in Toronto called Upstart Crow (I think he got together with
them while studying theatre at U of T).

Bloodstone, the Dark Angel of the 'net, is master of his own domain, the Digital Darkness.
Rick is a "Goth Inside." Hmm...come to think of it, he's kinda Goth on the outside, too! He's
also a great artist, so when you're on his page, check out some of his work...

Shawn, just Shawn - that is, until I find him a nickname! (sometimes we call him "Wilson")

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