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Four words:
"He fits. It's time."
But of course... (It's IAN!!!)

"All the children are insane
Waiting for the summer rain...

"And I realized my heart
had abducted my mind..."

Oz has become a worm chick, especially since I want to kill the dog next
door (barks WAAAY too much!). Three hundred isn't much to pay...

Did you know that everybody in the world is connected by only
six degrees of separation? For instance, you might only be six
degrees away from the Queen of England (like you care anyway).
One example of this is Kevin Bacon. In some way or another,
everyone in Hollywood seems to have either worked with Kevin
Bacon, or with someone who did. Do you think you know anyone
who is six degrees of separation or more away from Kevin Bacon?
Well, then try your luck at the game...
The Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon !

"Keep your stick on the ice!"

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