<~~ The way it was meant to be...
WARNING! White text on this page indicates ranting.

"Operation: Postcard II"

Operation: Postcard was my wild and crazy brainchild. I dreamed it up back in the summer of 1996.
Basically, how it worked was 'net Rÿchers would exchange postcards through snailmail. It was alot
of fun, and we even exchanged pictures. One person even sent me " SAUSAGE" (giggle) earrings!

I'd like to try it out again. There are alot of new faces, as well as some old acquaintances whom I'd
like to get back in touch with.

So, if you're interested in getting/sending an O:PC send me (RAVÿN) an E-mail.

Let's get "Operation: Postcard II" off the ground!!!
(aka sad, sorry old disillusioned Rÿche fans blubber and rant about
how much we miss what it was like "Back in the Day" via snailmail)

Go to our old Empire, Lady Jane's Royal Opposition!!!
That was back when we cared...

Parody is the sincerest form of flattery. (Or was that imitation?) Anyway, some of the stuff I write used to include Queensrÿche parody. It is not meant to be derisive in any way, shape, or form...it is merely one (slightly psychotic) person's re-arrangement of art.

Also take a look at my Rÿchaean Klingon character, Lt. qul puq Fitheach K.A.D. qul puq is Klingon for "Child of Fire" (her anthem). Someday, I am also going to have my "Rÿchaean Blade" made, as well (the tajrÿche a beTLeh shaped like a trirÿche).
Yeah, KAG became pretty old and tired, too. It died (well, mostly) and I got out of it. The tajrÿche is still a dream I have, though. Maybe someday my friend Chris (not the QR one - different guy altogether) will finish it, but it looks like he is all talk. :-(

Give me Sanctuarÿ!
Sanctuarÿ was the Queensrÿche message board
created by the fans, for the fans!
There's no longer a link here because,
like the Queensrÿche we came to know and love,
it doesn't exist anymore.

Rockonline's Queensrÿche internet message board was the first one
I encountered, and I met alot of great people there.
But by the end, none of us founders remained.
We didn't care for the bullsh*t.

One of my favourite Rÿche songs is "Chasing Blue Sky." Ironically, I tend to like the things that are hard to get (this is the B-side of a Sign of the Times import single). I also like "From the Darkside," but I haven't found that on CD yet (I only have it on cassette).

Unfortunately, Queensrÿche will never be the way it used to be: Chris Degarmo has already left the band, and those still in it pretty much do their own solo things, anyway; they only get together for the "Seattle XX" annual fan get-togethers. Yeah, and I think Geoff Tate just came out with some piece of SHYTE solo endeavour where he mostly massacres old Rÿche tunes and TOP 40 garbage. Their latest stunt is Geoff trying to insinuate the idea that Chris might be coming back. It's all crap, and just a publicity stunt to sell more of the garbage they're pedding lately that passes for Rÿche, and money-grubbing campaigns to re-release the the good stuff we already have. It's not like it used to be... *sigh*

Colour me surprised! When www.queensryche.com announced that Chris DeGarmo had returned to the band, I was very, very surprised. Sometimes, a person is GLAD to be wrong...

June, 2003 NOTE:
Colour me "shoulda known." *cynical look*
Looks like it was all some sort of stunt to get publicity for the new album. Though he helped record "Tribe," Chris Degarmo has not (contrary to initial reports) rejoined the band and will not be going on tour with them. He is (get this!!) now working as a Lear jet pilot. Two miles high. Who'da thunk it.

Go to my book of Poetrÿche (Rÿchaean Songbook)

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