And the race is on!
And speaking of RACE, read about The Boy's Star Wars Nascar...

Is the race back on??? (May 16, 2002)
When I saw Yoda fighting, I realized that it's not about the
size of your lightsaber - it's what you do with it that counts.

Due to the unexpected interference of
Tuskan raiders, the race has been cancelled.

* Missing: Weeks 9 & 10

~* Week Eight: The Saga Continues *~

It has been eight weeks, and The Phantom Menace has made a mammoth 385.2 million dollars, still running 14% ahead of Titanic at the same point. And Weird Al's song has been stuck in my head for weeks, now!(to the tune of "American Pie")

"My, my this here Anakin guy...may be Vader someday later, now he's just a small fry. Well, he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye, sayin' soon I'm gonna be a jedi...soon I'm gonna be a jedi..."

All box office totals are from Box Office Guru.

~* Week Seven: The Kids Are Still Lovin' It!*~

After seven weeks, The Phantom Menace has grossed over 371.6 million dollars, still running 20% ahead of Titanic's 308.1 million dollars at the same point.

All box office totals are from Box Office Guru.

~* Week Six: 65 Million Years in the Losing? *~

At 352.2 million dollars, The Phantom Menace is now ranked as the #5 movie of all time (it is expected to leave Jurassic Park in its dust later this week).

All box office totals are from Box Office Guru.

~* Week Five: Star Wars vs. Star Wars?*~

As of June 20, The Phantom Menace has grossed over 328.1 million dollars , which even surpasses the total gross of Star Wars: A New Hope, which earned 322.7 million dollars (not including 1997 re-release). Right now, it's running 39% better than Titanic at five weeks!

All box office totals are from Box Office Guru.

~* Week Four: Over Another Hump? *~

As of June 14, The Phantom Menace has grossed a whopping 296.7 million dollars , which even surpasses the total gross of The Empire Strikes Back, which earned 290.2 million dollars (and yes, that does include all re-releases). It is expected to inch over the 300 million dollar hump by Tuesday, its 28th day of release, which would beat Titanic's 44 days hands down.

All box office totals are from Box Office Guru.

<-- Is Yoda doing a Dr. Evil impression here???

~* Week Three: Kick A$$!!! *~

The records are in, and as of June 7, The Phantom Menace is still kicking ass (Titanic's) at the box office. So far, the film has grossed 255.8 million dollars, doing in only 19 days what Titanic took 36 to do.

All box office totals are from Box Office Guru.

~* Week Two: Another Hundred Million *~

Six weeks to beat Titanic? Well, since last Monday, The Phantom Menace has made yet another hundred million dollars. Records are shattering! As of Monday, May 31, 1999, The Phantom Menace, in less than two weeks, has grossed 204.8 million dollars. Only another four hundred million before it surpasses Titanic's $600,787,052, that is, from its release on December 19, 1997, to close.

All box office totals are from Box Office Guru.

~* The First Week: Lap One *~

As of Monday, May 24, 1999, The Phantom Menace, in only five days, has grossed 105.7 million dollars. Only another five hundred million before it surpasses Titanic's $600,787,052, that is, from its release on December 19, 1997 to close.

All box office totals are from Box Office Guru.

  • Check out this other Star Wars vs. Titanic page!!!

  • Take a look at this cool pic from a Star Wars newsgroup...

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