Me with my baby Luna Hi....thanx for coming to my page!!  My name is Yissa Shaffer, I'm 18 and I live in this boring place called Delaware.  I really want to move to California,  actually moving anywhere else would be ok.  Anywayz,  I really love music, art,  and creative stuff.  I like to make strange things out of old cd's and I'm always trying to think of ways I can make my own furniture out weird stuff.  I'm not really sure what I want to go to school for yet.  Probably graphic design or something like that.  hmmm...... what else,  oh that's a picture of me with my kitty, Luna.  She's really cool cause she lets people hold her like a little baby and she's soooo sweet.  I have another cat named Spazz too but he's kinda hyperactive.  He's cute though,  he looks kinda like a buny rabbit cause he always twitches his nose.  It's funny.  I have two sisters also,  there names are Heather and Donna.  Heather is 16 and Donna is  8.  Heather is a turd that likes to skateboard all of the time and Donna is a pretty good little kid that likes to make things and make messes.  hehehe.  that's about it.... okie..  please email me cause  get really bored sometimes and i have no one to talk to around here.  Delaware SUX!!!!  hehe.  any way  my email is
okie buh bye....
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