my bootleg list

Group/Albums                 Date    Leng.  Qual.  Gen.     Notes
xx.xx.89                   xx.xx.89   50     B      0    Berkeley
Master Of Puppies          xx.xx.90   50     A      1
Paradiso Amsterdam         11.20.90   90     A      1
Live On Vacation           xx.xx.91   45     B      2
7.20.91                    07.20.91   90     A      2    New Orleans
Resident Weirdos           11.xx.91   45     B      2    
Gone Fishin'               03.20.92   90     A+     1
4.18.92                    04.18.92   35     A      2    London, England
6.6.92                     12.31.92   95     C      0    Berkley
Mr. Bungle/Primus          12.31.92   70     B+     2
Here Come The Bastards     xx.xx.92   70     B+     2
Madhouse                   xx.xx.93   80     A      1
Europe 1990/93             xx.xx.93   90     B      2
6.22.93                    06.22.93   60     A      2
You Can't Party Without Me 06.26.93   60     A+     1
8.7.93                     08.07.93   45     A      0    Oahu, Hawaii
Freak Out                  xx.xx.93   50     A      1    Madhouse as filler
Burning Up!                08.13.94   50     B      2    Woodstock
WHFStival                  06.04.95   45     A      2    DC
House Of Treats            08.xx.95   75     B      2
All Banjo Show             01.09.96   35     B+     0
The Holy Mackrel           10.04.96   51     B      0    Tempe, AZ
96 Freak Out               12.31.96   90     B+     2
HORDE Festival             07.11.97   60     C      2
HORDE Festival             07.18.97   45     C      2
OzzFest                    06.25.99   43     A      0    Detriot

A '0' for generation, means I have the actual CD, all others are the gen. 
of the tape.  The '*' means it was taped from the radio.  I'd rather trade 
them 1:1, so I can make my collection bigger.  I use maxell XLII 90 or 
100 minute tapes.  I have a CD burner and will trade a CD for 2 tapes, or 
1:1 with other CDs.  I'm interested in basically only 
Primus/Holy Mackrel/Sausage that I don't have.
later then...