Field Of Pain Info

  • AIC Mondegreens - Place for mis-heard Alice In Chains lyrics. Submit your own contributions.
  • #AliceInChains - Homepage for the Undernet IRC channel. Contains info on the channel members, AIC, and Internet Relay Chat.

Giving credit where credit is due: Matt Helt for the inspiration, Mike Coleman for the images from his now defunct AIC site, Jules for shedding the Mondegreen light on AIC in the first place, Sony for the official lyrics, #AliceInChains members, past and present for helping mold the channel, everyone who's submitted to the site, Alice In Chains for sharing their talent with us, and finally to Geocities for the free webspace.

Field Of Pain was created by Carl Schulze using the following tools: HTML Notepad, Paintshop Pro, and Photoshop along with it's plugins. Designed to look best with a desktop area of 640 by 480 pixels.

*Note: No dogs were harmed in the creation of this site. A cat got sick and somebody shot a duck, but that's it.

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