A tear drop rolls down your face
Never knew you loved me so
Im the one with all this pain
My skin now has to drain
Im the one who has to hide
Things could never be the same
Sorrow is the one to blame
I should just let it go
Stop trying to relive the past
Things have only gotten worse
After I break myself, trying to protect myself
I dont want to fall again
I dont want to hurt again
You scare me to death
Playing your little games
That mistake caused all your pain
Now I am still the one you come to
I risk so much to be with you
What thanks do I get
Supoorting my worse fear of you
Acting on the one moment,
When I felt your hands across my back
It soon all came back
Why do we have to be like this
You knew what you were doing
Fucking with my heart again
I try to change my mind
Pretend I dont long for you
Promise not to write anymore
Hide this all from your eyes
