Black & White

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The thought Type Sender Date
I haven't failed, I have found 10.000 ways that don't work! White Gluck 01.06.97
Only in the darkness you can see the stars Black Gluck 02.06.97
You have not to be black... or white.... sun is nice as moon... stars are wonderful as rainbows.... you'd better live in Your world... that must be... sometimes black... someothers white... more often... grey... B&W Thunder 03.06.97
As the sunlight covers the light of the stars, as the think of you covers all other thinks in my mind White Simplo 05.06.97
Life is the BETA version of our existence White Adora 18.09.97
Sometimes life smiles you... often you are looking away Black Gluck 20.09.97
A live without friends is like a desert B&W Manu 28.08.98
Paradise is on the exit of the hell (S.Francesco) Black Giannina 28.08.98
If i can stop one heart from breaking i shall not live in vain White Emily 06.09.99
Ubi maior minor cessat Black JaneBull 16.02.00
All of humanity is inconsequential Black Greg 07.07.01
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